Kɪɗɑ: Tʜɛ Souʟ Sтɛɑʟɛя

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Imagine, if Milo betrayed Kida, (The princess of Atlantis) and it broke her heart? It happened . . . After Milo tried to conquer The Lost City of Atlantis, Kida, broken-hearted and angry killed Milo and released all the power that killed everyone including herself. Even though the bodies were gone forever, Kida, and the lonely souls were still alive and now wait in the depths of the oceans, if any humans came anywhere near them, she will brutaly kill them and steal their souls which is a curse for eternity . . .

60 Years Later
You sat in the bed at the back of the small room, staring down at the floor, you crossed your legs. You were in a submarine, for basically the entire summer. Apparently, you're crazy Grandpa, heard about this guy named Milo who was supposed to come back with proof that there really was The Lost City of Atlantis but he never came back.

Now, you're Grandpa wants to find the city, and bring back proof it exists. A sudden thought popped into you're head.

Why did he have to take me? Why couldn't he just leave me at home with my friends and not here surrounded by a bunch of drunk middle-aged men? What did you ever do for him to take me on this boring trip?

You were not an ocean person at all, in fact, you hated the ocean so much. And it was even worse since you were under-water. You grabbed the nearest bucket, puked, and dumped it in the garbage. You wiped your mouth with you're sleeve and walked to the main room where you're grandpa was steering the submarine.

"What da ya, Danny?" He asked as you walked in the room.

"Nothing, " You paused. "Just mad that you think you have the right to take me here."

He ignored you, and you scoffed in anger and stomped out of the room. You were storming in the hallway when suddenly you bumped in your only friend Lucas.

"Oh, hey," He said awkwardly. "Didn't expect to see you today."

You sighed. "I'm just ticked off about how my Grandpa brought me here for the whole summer." You explained.

He gave you a look. "Don't worry, Danny. It's not going to last forever, your over exaggerating." He said as he patted your head.

You clenched your eyes closed, and walked back to your room, and took out a picture of you and your friends. You sighed and whispered.

"Don't worry guys, I'll be back soon."

You put the picture back in its place and cuddled yourself in your bed. You stared at the picture, and slowly felt your eyes droop closed.

Your eyes flew open to the sound of something. water? You thought. You looked down, and saw there was a flood slowly covering your floor. You noticed at the edge of the bed there was something red.

You narrowed your eyes and looked closer. Your eyes widened in horror. His insides were spilled and his heart was laying next to the body, still beating. You puked at the wall finding out that it was Lucas's dead body that was laying with blood gushing everywhere.

You quickly got off the bed and grabbed the gun Lucas had. You slowly walked out into the hallway, there were more, bloody dead bodies scattered everywhere. It was like you were in a slaughter house.

You looked at the bodies and noticed they all died the same way, hearts took out, insides spilling.

why didn't the alarm go off? You thought.

You were finally out of the hallway, and went inside the control room. It looked deserted, and there was even more water than there was in the hallway. You took a hesitant step forward, shaking in fear, until, you felt something under the water.

You poked your head under, and realized it was your Grandpa's body. What was strange was he didn't die the same way the others did. You took more steps, and the water was up to your neck now, and you were forced to swim.

"What kind of monster would do this to them?" You mumbled to yourself.

A beautiful, yet terrifying voice rang out from behind you, "me."

You whipped around to face a woman with glowing eyes, and blood running down her teeth as she smirked. You tried to run but everywhere you went she seemed to be there within the second, she charged at you and you felt her sharp nails digging into your chest, as you felt her rip it off. You screamed in pain as she stabbed you over and over again where your chest was supposed to be. Tears were spilling over your eyelids, and you felt her teeth digging into your chest muscles. Before the water drowned you, you heard her say one last thing before the world went black.

"Your soul is mine now."

A man was on an enourmous boat and was exhausted, he decided to rest in his room. A few hours later, he woke up to the room filling with water . . .

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