Bʟuɛ Fɑɪяʏ's puppɛт

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What if the nice beautiful Blue Fairy we all know wasn't all that . . . Pretty? She's not . . . It was a peaceful yet last night for old man, Gepetto. He was a unique kind of toy maker, who had no wife or children. He recently made a puppet that he loved dearly, so he named him Pinocchio because of the special pine wood he was made of. Gepetto, on his last night, made the biggest mistake of his life. He made a wish that his puppet would come to life and have no strings, of course it came true . . . But little  did he know that the Blue Fairy was cursed with the ugliness of an old woman, and in order to stay beautiful she had to steal the souls out of unsuspecting people. As promised, she made Pinocchio come to life and Gepetto was over-joyed. He and Pinocchio both hugged and cherished their one moment of affection, when suddenly, Pinocchio's happy eyes turned dark and before Gepetto could ask if he was okay, Pinocchio's sharp fingernails shot out and effectively slit Gepetto's throat. And Jimney Cricket who saw this whole thing happen tried to run away only to be squashed by pinocchio's wooden feet. Pinocchio is now the Blue Fairy's puppet, which means she will never be the ugly hag that she was, on the outside, of course.

60 Years Later

You stared at the old wooden door that had a piece of chipped wood, by the handle, spider webs were everywhere and there was little to no light with the exception of where you were standing. You knew something wasn't right about this house, especially for a person of your age. But this had to do . . . For now.

You threw your suitcase on the old bed, that creaked under the extra weight and opened it. You started to unpack your things which affectively took a few hours of your time and when you finally looked at the clock your realized it was a quarter to lunch.

When you got up from the bed, you caught a glimpse of something in the corner of your eye, and you turned to see what it was.

You took a few steps closer until you could see it clearly. A puppet; It sat there lifeless, with a crack running down its left cheek, and missing his right eye. It was a disaster. You took a few steps closer, and picked him up.

He wore a yellow hat with a red feather hanging off the end, his hair was black as night, and his skin had an olive tone to it. Like you said his face had a crack and his right icy blue eye was missing. A worm slithered out of the socket making you drop the puppet with a loud crash.

"Ugly piece of shit," you muttered before kicking it away making it disappear back into the shadows. You walked out of your bedroom door only to find a strange man lurking in your living room.

His hair was white like an old man's, and he was short, yet so young. "Um, hi?" You said a bit creeped out that he was in your house. How did he get there?

"Hello, I'm Lennon." He spoke warily.

You narrowed your eyes in suspicion, but let it go, you probably left the door the open.

"Ah," Lennon said. "Haven't been in this house in ages."

And your eyebrows furrowed in confusion he'd been in here before?

"What do you mean?" You asked and Lennon's eyes widened.

"You don't know the story of . . . The Blue Fairy?" Lennon squeaked in horror, and you shook your head, urging him to continue.

"One terrible night sixty years ago a kind man named Gepetto was killed by The Blue Fairy." Lennon continued on telling you about how a wooden puppet came to life and slit his throat. Rumor has it that it was the legendary Blue Fairy, who now grew old and ugly did this did this to make herself young and beautiful again, using Pinocchio as her puppet. "People say that if you wish upon a star at night, she will come, and instead of making your wish come true . . . She will send Pinocchio to kill you." Lennon said in a sheer voice.

Everything stayed quiet for a moment until Lennon finally spoke. "I-I'm sorry . . . I have- I have to go." What was going on? Before you could ask, Lennon ran out, slamming the door behind him.

you stood shocked about how Lennon had just run out so abruptly. To get your mind off of the creepy story and Lennon's weird behaviour you decided to read a book.

Later That Day

It was near evening and you had just finished showering. You blew out the candle and was just about to lay on the bed when you saw the same creepy puppet sitting on your bed, lifeless like it should be.

"The hell . . ." You were actually more pissed than scared, you picked up the trashy thing by his hand and stared at his cracked face once more before throwing him into the fireplace. You were going to burn him tomorrow.

You layed down on the bed, facing the dark ceiling. "People say that if you wish upon a star at night, she will come, and instead of making your wish come true . . . She will send Pinocchio to kill you." You heard Lennon's words repeat over and over in your head until you couldn't take it anymore.

You crawled to the window and looked outside. The sky looked so empty yet peacful, and the stars shined brightly, making the small village a bit brighter.

You looked up to the brightest star and clasped your hands together and began to pray to the star.

After praying, you fell back first onto your bed and brought your knees to your chest. You stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before slowly falling asleep.

You woke to the sound of footsteps and a scurrying noise, and sat up slowly glancing around your room. Nothing. You slowly layed back down not taking your eyes off of the floor by your feet. After you felt confident that nothing was there you slowly brought your gaze towards the ceiling and saw the most disturbing thing that you'd ever layed eyes on.

She had grayish-white hair, and wrinkles all over her face. Her eyes were a deep blue blazing with mischeif. and she was standing a few feet away from you, by the window.

"So . . . You called me to grant a wish, am I correct?" She said in a hoarse voice.

You were paralyzed in fear and couldn't get a word out and she pointed to something on the floor.

"Pinocchio is getting hungry." She smirked as something was climbing onto the bed. After a few agonizing seconds, it revealed to be the ugly puppet that you threw in the fireplace. Your eyes widened in terror as you caught sight of his razor sharp finger nails. You slowly raised your eyes to meet the puppets, and saw a hint of sadness in his icy blue eyes before his hand shot out, aiming for your throat.

His hand was lodged in your voice box for a few seconds before slowly bringing his hand upwards, making the flesh slowly start to tear and blood cam gushing out of the new wound. You could see black spots coming from your peripheral vision, and you were on the brink of unconciousness.

You could hear the blue fairy cackling madly before you finally took your last breath.

A couple and their children moved into a large mansion and were having the time of their lives. One night, everything was ruined as one of the children wished upon a star . . .

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