Muʟɑɲ's Rɛfʟɛcтɪoɲ

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What if Mulan was killed by the hun leader? Well . . . It happened. Chang was in danger and was about to get killed by the hun leader when Mulan intercepted the attack, and was stabbed through the stomach and everywhere by arrows. After the battle, Chang burried Mulan in the snow and never saw her again. One day, Mushu, the dragon found her body and awoke her from the dead., encouraging her to kill the Hun's civilians . . .

60 Years Later

You stared out the window, which showed a dark world pouring with rain. You frowned, you were invited to the biggest birthday party of the year, but no, you just Had to babysit you're little brother while you're parents just HAD to go out for dinner.

You sat and watched T.V. while you're brother was asleep. You started to feel a little bit hungry and decided to make some T.V. dinner for yourself, as you were walking you noticed your really old mirror that you're mom had bought you a long time ago.

You looked at you're reflection to fix you're hair when you suddenly saw the hideous face of a woman in the top right corner of the mirror. You nearly screamed, and closed you're eyes, when you opened them she was still there, but grinning this time.

She would have looked prettier if she didn't have those solid white eyes, but there was also the fact that she was all bloody. She finally vanished and you walked quickly to the kitchen, trying to forget about the creepy lady.

After you made you're dinner, you went to the couch and sat down, when the phone rang.

"Hello?" You asked.

"Hey, its me." Said a voice you didn't recognize.

You twirled the phone cord. "Shantung?" You asked slowly.

"Yeah," He replied. "Zukor, why aren't you at the party? You said you'd come." He complained.

"Well, I'm sorry, I had to babysit because my stupid parents just HAD to go out for dinner." You tried to reason.

"Whatever." He grumbled before hanging up.

You sighed, when you're brother started crying. Feeding time . . . You remembered, you walked to the kitchen to get his favourite food, on your way back, you looked in the mirror for the second time that night, and sighed in relief when no one was there.

After that you forgot all about her for the night, and fed your brother. After you fed him, you took him out of the crib to start playing. A few hours passed and you started to get really tired, so you put him down in the crib and crashed on the couch.

The next morning you woke up and immediately checked to see if your brother was still there, when you got there you slowly cracked open the door to see he was sound asleep, you closed the door and went back to the living room.

You looked out the window to see if you're parents came home, you saw their cars and a thought popped into you're head.

This is my chance to bring Shantung his present!

You grabbed the present and ran outside, after all he only lived a block away. When you got to his yard, no one was there and the door was wide open, and you hesitantly stepped inside.

"Hello?" You called out as you checked the front room, he wasn't there.

You checked the kitchen, nothing. You searched the whole house frantically, before you finally came to the living room, the sight before you made your eyes widen in horror.

The living room was covered in blood, body parts were scattered everywhere, his dog was skinned and hanging from the ceiling fan. Finally, you're eyes rested on the heads lined up on the wall.

Shantung . . . You thought dreadfully.

After staring in denial for a moment, you screamed in agony as you threw up all over the floor. You turned to see a full body mirror hanging on the wall, and inside you saw the lady's hideous face, her lips curled into an evil smile, as she giggled, and you could've sworn you heard her whisper.

"Huns deserve to die . . ."

This made chills chase eachother up and down you're spine, Shantung once told you his ancestors were Huns, so that made him one of them. You turned around, to the mess infront of you, and called the police. They arrived in a matter of minutes.

They thought you were the killer, and after hours of questioning, they threw you in jail. That was were you spent you're last days alive, having terrible nightmares and bloody visions of Shantung in the mirror whispering.

"Why weren't you there?"

You couldn't get away, so eventually you became mentally insane, and killed yourself.

It was years after the huge killing and a little girl was admiring her beauty in the mirror when suddenly, she saw the face of the hideous woman in the mirror . . .

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