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Snow White

Imagine what would have happened if the queen got away with killing Snow White with the apple? Maybe, she did. It was raining hard and the dwarves were after the queen. She was at the point where she had to climb the rocky cliffs. When she got to the top, she pushed a huge rock, but this time - it rolled over the dwarves. They stood there with fear and before they knew it they were crushed and after countless cries of pain, they died instantly. Mean while Snow White was slowly decaying in the cabin, waiting for her prince to come . . .

60 Years Later
You were hiking through the woods in the middle of the forest. It was dark and you could barely see the sun. You were beginning to get creeped out, you've never walked this far before. Your mother told you a tale of Snow White went missing and never came back. You never believed her though.

You continued to walk farther into the forest, but stopped in your tracks when you heard a terrifying hiss come from the bushes behind you. You slowly turned around and saw nothing, so you dismissed it as your mind playing tricks on you. You turned back around and started to walk faster. After a few minutes of walking, you got this strange feeling of being watched, but every time you turned your head there was nothing there.

After a while of walking you realized that the sun was already set and the moon was out. You stopped to rest your feet and nearly fell to the ground, after a while of doing nothing you noticed you were shaking like a terrified dog and decided to head home.

Soon after you started walking again, you noticed the clouds building up and then rained to started to fall. Flashes of lightning and roars of thunder rolled by, and the rain started to get heavier by the second. You ran as fast as you could before the rain could get any worse.

You ran and ran until you stumbled upon an old cabin. It was creepy with all the vines and dark marks. Also there was a river with an old bridge, that was covered in mold and looked like it could break at any moment. But despite your countless fears and paranoid scenarios, you decided to go into the cabin until the rain stopped.

Inside, it was dark and there was a lingering smell that filled your nostrils. Even though you couldn't see your hand in front of your face you could tell that dust and cobwebs were everywhere. You sat down on the decaying floor and let your eyes adjust to your surroundings. When they did you saw something that looked suspiciously like a body lying in the middle of the hardwood floor.

You crept closer until your faces were inches apart. From this distance away you could see all her terrifying but beautiful features. She looked old but young at the same time, her eyes were closed and there was missing skin surrounding one of the sockets, her chapped lips looked like they were blood red. You could tell that when she was alive she has been beautiful. What really scared you though was the nagging urge to be closer to her.

You slowly lowered your face to meet hers and quickly backed away when you felt your lips touch. You watched - terrified - as she opened her eyes. Her eyes - or where they should have been - we're hollow, and when she looked at you her red lips spread into a grin

You stared - paralyzed with fear as she slowly started to crawl towards you. You barely noticed as seven little dwarves appeared behind her, showing you their teeth. They were yellow and sharp as knives, and you couldn't help but notice the little specks of blood scattered across them. And just like the girl you could have sworn you heard snarling coming from the dwarves.

You felt excruciating pain spread like fire through your arms and legs as the dwarf's teeth sank into your limbs. A blood curdling scream escaped your parted lips as chunks of flesh were ripped from your body. You were slipping in and lit of consciousness and as you were succumbing into the deep persuasion of sleep you heard one last thing.

"You're not my prince."

A few days later, the police searched throughout the forest for a missing teen, But they found no trace and declared they were dead.

One day a little girl was walking in the forest and heard a terrifying hiss comeing from the bushes.

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