Tʜɛ Aяɑცɪc Dɛϻoɲ

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What if Jasmine died before Aladdin even met her? It was a hot day and Jasmine had just run away from the castle, dressed like a theif. Unfortunately, the guards didn't recognize her before it was too late and killed her instantly. Later, Raja, found her in the desert and resuscitated her. Jasmine now possesses other peoples bodies for her own fun, she tortures their minds until they end their lives painfully. Due to this curse, everybody fleed the city, and hoped no one would ever step foot into the Acraba again. Now, the Arabic city stands empty . . .

60 Years Later
"Holy crap!" You said to yourself as you finally found the lost Arabic city.

You were travelling to find treasures and artifacts for so long now, and this was you're chance to lead yourself to victory.

As you approached the entrance, a very old man in a dark hooded gown was sitting there humming to himself. As you approached he noticed you and looked up, but stayed silent until you got to the broken gate.

"I wouldn't go in there . . ." He said, his voice cracking as he spoke.

You soun around to examine him and it was clear that he was facing you, but you could see his face you couldn't tell if his hood was in the way or if it was too dark to see, so you turned around and continued to go through the gates.

The first thought you had, It's huge! The only sounds you heard was the wind blowing through the sand, and some pits banging together.

You continued walking through the city, looking for things almost never seen before. You looked through shops, dug in the sand, nothing.

You finally got to the castle, it was creepy, and most of the outside was covered with sand, the only entrance to the place was a hollow window that looked like nothing was inside.

You slowly stalked to the window, making sure not to make any sudden noises, you knew anything could be lurking around in that darkness. You climbed inside, and landed roughly on the ground. You're hands fumbled around in your bag, looking for your flashlight.

You breathed a sigh of relief as your fingers grasped the cylinder. Your fingers quickly pressed the button, immediately lighting up the room.

You took a hesitant step forward into the room, in the light you saw gold, and somewhere in the darkest corner of the room, you saw . . . a skull? You broke a sweat when you saw a rotting corpse, sitting against the wall.

Your gut instinct was telling you to run back to your house and never come back, but you ingnored it, it was always wrong anyway.

You continued to explore until you got to the abandoned kings room, you moved the flash light around the wall inspecting every speck of sand, until something caught the light. You stepped forward, and pried off the fingers that were holding it in a death grip and gasped when you realized what it was.

You're eyes widened in disbelief, and you managed to choke out. "No way, it's the magic lamp, I can't believe I actually found it."

You turned back the way you came when suddenly, you heard a large menacing growl sound from behind you. You slowly turn around and saw something shrink back into the shadows. and you started to back away slowly.

"H-Hello?" You hesitantly called out.

There was no answer.

You took the silence as you're chance to escape, and whipped around bolting towards the door, when they suddenly closed, and you heard the loud click of the lock. You skidded to a halt, and backed away from the door, dropping the lamp.

In you're peripheral vision you saw the lamp slowly roll towards two dark figures. You slowly turned to face them, and saw a woman, she had a dangerously seductive face, with blood red lips, and dangerous dark brown eyes.

She flashed an icy smile and said, "thank you for releasing me," she laughed evily. "Now, you can you're reward, Rajah." She called softly.

Without hesitation the tiger swooped down, and you could feel it going into you're body. It was a painful process, you're eyes felt like they were getting ripped from there sockets, you're brain about to explode, you're lungs were being air deprived. And then it was over.

Immediately you knew who she was. It was Jasmine, the Arabian princess. You slowly saw her raise her hand, and you felt something slip around your neck, you barely registered it was a chain before you were being pulled towards the throne which was now on fire.

You dug you're heels into the ground, in a pitiful attempt to stay put, but you were roughly dragged along. You felt like you were being carried until you felt the heat of the throne under you.

You quickly feel the burn of the flames on your skin, you could feel you're skin pealing, and you vaguely heard the sound of her beautiful but crazy laughter. You realized with horror that you're hair was falling off, as a lock fell onto you're lap.

You felt something slide across you're throat, you saw the blood spilling making a shape of some symbol from hell, soon everything went black, and you never saw the light again . . .

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