The Beach

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Turtle's POV

It's been a few days since the group of dragonets first arrived at the Sky Kingdom. The whole time he was either talking to Peril and was trying to figure out a way to get her out of her prison or finding out who REaLLY killed all these innocent dragons. Queen Ruby said that it was Peril and the case was closed. But Turtle knew that wasn't the whole story. Someone else was out there. Watching everybody. Targeting people. 

Turtle was with Peril, asking her if she saw unusual things. "Not really, just moss, sun, stars, and the moon," Peril huffed. "Oh! There was a MudWing guard when Clay came to visit me...but I didn't get a good look at them." 

"Hey, we'll get you out," Turtle said, placing his talons on the bars. "Why don't you just escape? You could hide in the mountains-"

"Turtle," Peril sighed, her eyes full of sorrow. "I can't. I'll be a fugitive and I would like to be able to walk into my own tribe, thank you very much," Peril said. Turtle looked away, he could bear to see Peril in prison. Sure Peril made some mistakes when she was a dragonet...but now she's an adult. She doesn't deserve to be looked up in a cage. 

"I just don't want to see you in pain," Turtle whispered. 

"I'm...not," she said through gritted teeth. Turtle knew she was lying. Turtle knew that Peril was lying for his own good. "It's just a little chilly," Peril smiled. "It's a nice change..." 

"Hey!" a guard yelled. "Visiting hours are over!" he growled. Turtle sighed and reached his claws into the cell. Peril placed her talon on his gently, watching him nervously. Ever since Turtle enchanted his scales to be invincible, Peril was able to touch him. But...she was always so careful. 

"See ya around, Peril," Turtle frowned. 

"See ya," Peril sighed. Turtle felt her eyes on him as he walked out of the prison. When the door closed, Turtle turned to the guard. 

"When will she be able to get out?" Turtle asked. Of course, Peril told him how long but Turtle wanted to know if they changed it. 

"Eleven years," the guard said. "Same as the last time you asked." Turtle made an exasperated sigh then took off into the sky. I HATE it here, Turtle growled. Why can't they leave my friends alone?! Why can't we have a normal life? Why can't we be normal dragons?! 

As Turtle flew in the sky, he didn't bother to check where he was going. All he knew was that he needed to get away and be near water. He just needed to swim. As he flew, he heard flapping behind him. Turtle turned around and saw Kinkajou flying towards him with a smile on her face. Turtle stopped in midflight and waited for her to come. 

"Wait!" Kinkajou called. When she caught up to him, she was breathing heavily. "Let me come," she said. 

"But...I'm going to the don't like sand, remember?" Turtle said. 

"So?" Kinkajou shrugged. "Where you lead, I will follow," she said. Turtle chuckled and blushed. He spread out his wings and flew towards the ocean. They spent all day flying towards the beach that when they got there, the sun was starting to set. 

"Oh, my MOONS! LAND!" Kinkajou squealed with delight once she landed on the sand. Turtle flew past her and landed in the water. The water soaked into Turtle's dehydrated scales. He felt the comfort that the water brought when he spread his wings. After twenty minutes of being in the water, Turtle walked out looking as healthy as ever. "You look nice," Kinkajou said, smiling. 

"Thanks," Turtle smiled. Turtle shook out his wings and sat next to the beautiful Kinkajou. Her eyes looked towards the horizon happily. "You look beautiful," Turtle whispered. 

"Aw, thanks," Kinkajou blushed, her scales turning pink. They sat there in comfortable silence. "Do you think that there's another world out there?" Kinkajou wondered. 

"I don't know," Turtle mused. "Maybe." 

"If there is...I want to explore it together," Kinkajou sighed, laying her snout on Turtle's shoulder. 

"Me too," Turtle beamed. "I just don't know what to do about Peril's situation," he sighed. "She's my best and first friend. But now she'll be in prison for eleven years... Eleven years, Kinkajou," Turtle cried. 

Kinkajou placed her talon on Turtle's snout and wiped the tears that started to fall. "Hey," Kinkajou said firmly. "We will get Peril out of that prison...okay?" she said. Turtle nodded but his head was still bowed. Kinkajou smiled weakly then pressed her snout against Turtles. He was shocked...but glad. When they pulled away, the two dragons stayed on the beach for a few more hours, taking in the beautiful sight in front of them. 

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