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The sun fell gently on his shoulders, the smell of the salty ocean filled his nostrils. The sound of the distant waves crashing was like music to Turtle's ears. But the tender touch of Kinkajou's wings against his made Turtle want to jump around like a dragonet. Turtle didn't know how to describe this feeling. It was as if his heart was in his throat and he couldn't breathe every time he was around her. Turtle felt like his stomach suddenly disappeared and was replaced with the feeling of love. 

Turtle felt Kinkajou stir near him. He lifted his head curiously and looked around. The sun was just rising, the tide was near, and the trees swayed swiftly with the wind. But Kinkajou She was never green. "Kinkajou?" Turtle wondered, yawning. "What's wrong?" 

"T-Turtle," she stuttered. Kinkajou's eyes never met his and they were filled with fear. "Something is watching us..." she whispered. Turtle stood up defensively and searched the beach. Turtle learned that knowing your surroundings is a REALLY good strategy to stop your opponent. He learned that from fact, the two dragons have been spending a lot of time together since their girlfriends were RainWings and all. But as Turtle kept scanning the forest and the ocean, he could feel a petrifying stare on his back.  

"Kinkajou, stay behind me," Turtle hissed. Kinkajou changed her scales to match her surroundings and followed Turtle's instructions. Oh please, be nothing, Turtle thought. I'm better at fighting since the whole Darkstalker situation but still...I don't know if I'll make it out alive if I have to fight an adult. And I don't know if Kinkajou will be able to make it out. 

"What is it?" she questioned, Turtle could hear the fear rising in her voice. 

"I don't know," Turtle muttered. "'s something bad..." He could tell that Kinkajou was scared. He could feel her shaking behind him but once he placed his wings around her, she started to calm down. "I think it's gone," he whispered, pulling Kinkajou closer to him. 

"Are you sure?" she wondered. "I mean, I'm not doubting your eyesight. Because SeaWing eyesight is SO much better than RainWing eyesight...but you get what I mean, right?" Kinkajou rambled. Turtle smiled twined his tail with hers. 

"Yes, Kinkajou," Turtle chuckled. "I know what you mean." 

"Good," Kinkajou beamed. "Because you should know that your vision is AMAZING!" Turtle nuzzled his snout against her neck, a low pleasing hum came out of Turtle's throat. Kinkajou raised her eye ridge. 

"Wow, that's new," Kinkajou mentioned. "But it was SO cute!" she squealed, leaning her snout into Turtle's neck. She suddenly made the same sound. 

"Ahem," a voice said from behind them. Turtle pulled away immediately, blush starting to creep on his snout. Kinkajou pulled away, but she did it with a disappointed frown on her snout. Turtle looked at the dragon before them. He had light blue scales and he had a little scratch mark on his snout. 

"R-Riptide," Turtle beamed. "W-what are you doing here?" he wondered. Oh, moons, he saw me and Kinkajou, Turtle blushed. 

"I heard some weird humming noises and a few voices by the camp so I came to check what it was," Riptide said, grinning. Riptide looked at Kinkajou then at Turtle. You didn't tell Tsunami that you had a girlfriend, Riptide flashed, using his bioluminescence scales. 

For this exact reason, Turtle flashed. If I told her then she would tell her friends, you, and mother. Do you really think that my mother, Queen Coral, -- the Queen who hated YOU -- like my decision to date a RainWing? 

Riptide paused. You're right, he flashed. "So...what are you two doing here?" Riptide questioned. 

"Well...I had to see the ocean once more and Kinkajou followed me..." Turtle explained. 

"Okay," Riptide said, unsure. 

"Well, it was nice to see you, Riptide," Kinkajou smiled. 

"It was nice to see you too, Kinkajou," Riptide greeted. "Well...if you need anything...just fly on over to that cliff," he said, pointing at a large cliff -- which was behind them. Turtle and Kinkajou nodded. 

"Hey, do you know where the Summer Palace is?" Turtle wondered. 

"Just keep going north, you'll soon reach the Kingdom of the Sea," Riptide instructed. Turtle nodded. "Your mother knows your name...right?" 

"Yeah," Turtle said. "After defeating Darkstalker with my friends, Mother can't forget my name," he smiled. Riptide smiled to then looked at the sky. 

"I have to go...but, um,...Turtle?" Riptide said. 


"Will you tell Tsunami that I miss a lot?" Riptide wondered. Turtle nodded. "Thanks..." he sighed then started to take flight. "Bye Turtle! Bye Kinkajou!" 

"Bye Riptide!" Kinkajou called as he took off into the sky. "Aw, Tsunami and Riptide are SOOO cute!" she sighed. 

"Do you want to go on an adventure?" Turtle questioned. 

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