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It was a sunlit day of late winter, and the sky held a soft blue glow. The weather is the kind that feels like a kiss of summer, the sunshine is a boon in these cold & dry days.

The white-blues and silvers of wintry dreams swirled in the sky above. The clouds were as puffs of radiant joy, as if the heavens were using them to express Jimin's happiness.

He watched them with his soft eyes ,the sky reminded him of the baby-blue blanket his Haru was wrapped in. Today was a perfect day to bring their little miracle home.

Holding Haru in his arms Jimin feels weird entering his house, it's a whole different feeling now that he was here with his baby.

" Baby we're home." He whispers lightly once Yoongi opens the door for them.
Even though he wasn't home for the last 5 days the house is still crystal clear with no sign of dust or anything. He knows it's all Yoongi's doing.

They walk inside together, it's not their first time coming there but with Haru in their arm everything feels new to them
The baby was already fast asleep on the way back home and still continues to be in his dreamland.

" Let's go to your room."
Yoongi says, making Jimin feel anxious about it. Did Yoongi have something planned ? But he was with him the whole time in the hospital , when did he even get the time to prepare anything ?

Just like he speculated, Yoongi indeed has something planned. His room looks totally unrecognizable to him. From the fairy lights to the new bedsheets, from the little potted plants to fresh flower vases everything about his room screams warmth to him.

But the real surprise lies in the right corner of the room. An elegant wooden crib adorned with a fluffy woolen blanket and with all the plushies gifted to Haru by his uncles.
The moon and stars hang upon the crib giving it such a beautiful and delicate look.

Jimin is speechless. He doesn't know what to say or how to thank Yoongi for all this.
" You didn't have to."
He can't take his eyes off the crib. It's just so perfect for their Haru.

" I wanted to. For our Haru."
Yoongi's hand travels to Jimin's back, securing its hold there. If it's for their baby nothing is impossible for him.

He helps Jimin lay Haru down in his crib. The baby stirs after getting away from Jimin's warmth but eventually calms down at the soft touch of the pallet. Yoongi tucks him in under the blanket, carefully placing the bunny soft toy next to him.

From afar they both watch their little boy sleeping undisturbed. His little fingers are curled to form fists, legs held close to the front of his body. He lets out soft snores from his puckered up lips.

Yoongi looks away from Haru to steal a glance at Jimin, the way Jimin's eyes are shining from love he could see a whole galaxy residing inside them. The moment felt so intimate to him.

" You should rest too. I'll be outside if you need me."
Jimin instantly grips Yoongi's wrist, afraid the older will leave him if he doesn't hold him.
" Hyung."
He whispers, staring into Yoongi's eyes. His close proximity sent Yoongi's heart racing.

" Can we chat for a while ? The past days have been hectic for us, I just want to let out my feelings."
Understanding how suppressed Jimin might have felt from all the overwhelming emotions he let the younger one open his heart to him.

Currently sitting on Jimin's bed they're huddled up together. It wasn't planned. Jimin just wanted to talk a little while keeping his safe distance but somehow he felt himself being pulled towards the older. Maybe it was because his omega wanted to be closer to his alpha after their baby was born or maybe it was just Jimin's personal feelings.

Laying down between Yoongi's arms is another kind of comfort, it's even better than sleeping on a king sized deluxe bed. Yoongi's hold is so soft that it sends him to utopia with every touch. Finally being able to rest in Yoongi's arms is what he calls being home.

He would trade the world's finest jewels and artifacts for Yoongi and his baby. They would be the first and last thing he would ever wish for.

" It all seems like a dream to me."
He speaks in a hushed tone not wanting to interrupt his precious boy's sleep.

Yoongi stops playing with Jimin's locks, he gazes at their little boy. Yeah, it all feels like a dream. It's like yesterday he proposed to be Jimin's sperm donor and today they're here, sleeping with their baby.

" It just feels like I heard his heartbeat for the first time yesterday."
That day was indeed special for them, hearing their Haru's heartbeat eventually made them tear up.

" Hmm, it's like yesterday you were screaming at me for forgetting your strawberry smoothie." Yoongi teases him in between, not being able to suppress his laughter after looking at Jimin's face.

" Hyung, you know it was the pregnancy hormones."
He takes his chance to hit Yoongi lightly in the chest. That really happened one time. He knows his mood swings were no joke back then.

" I can't wait to see him grow up."
" His first step, his first word, his first time going to school, his first crush, his first girlfriend or boyfriend, his -"
Before he could continue Yoongi takes his courtesy and shushes him with an index finger to his lips.

" Aren't you going a little bit too fast? Calm down."
He laughs at the way Jimin seemed to have Haru's whole life planned ahead of time. He thinks that the younger is cute.

" Let's try to live these moments okay, we don't need to think about the future right now."
Yeah, he doesn't want to think about the future where he'll probably be somewhere else, away from his heart, from his Haru and Jimin.

" I just want him to have a happy childhood. I just wanna give him everything that he deserves."
Jimin speaks out. Being a parent , he finally understands what his mom and dad must have experienced. He's grateful to them that he was able to have such a wonderful childhood. He just wishes the same for his Haru too.

" I know you'd give him everything."
Yoongi has complete faith in Jimin , he has seen the younger grow up in front of his eyes. He knows no one would be able to take better care of Haru than Jimin.

" Hyung.."
Jimin whispers, tilting his head a little so he can look directly into Yoongi's eyes.
" If you allow, then I'd like to tell Haru about you once he's old enough to understand."
Yoongi stops his movement at that time, his eyes fall down to stare into Jimin's.

" You're his other father and I won't take that right away from you. I want him to know that we don't have a normal relationship like other's and that it's totally okay."
Their relationship... well it's complicated he himself wouldn't be able to explain it to others.

They live and behave like an old married couple but the reality is they never even dated , they're just friends who are way too comfortable around each other to do such things. And even though he has feelings for Jimin he's sure the younger doesn't reciprocate them.

" I'd like that. One day when you'll be ready...." That day will come after many years, for many years Yoongi would have to pretend like Haru isn't his son. For many years he'd have to spend without his little boy.

" One day."
Jimin whispers against Yoongi. He'll gather all his courage for that one day. He doesn't know how Haru will react but he'll be hoping that it'll not be too harsh.

He knows Haru will ask him about his other father when he'll see other children of his age with both of their parents. He wants to give Haru a happy childhood, he just wishes his little boy will understand his decision too.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now