Wands and Spells

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Chapter 3
Ruby pulled me down the long street of Diagon Alley. It was pretty empty as most shops were scared to open. The only two shops that were open were The Weasley twins joke shop and Ollivanders wand shop. The Alley was completely empty. We had gone late in the day so I guessed that everyone came in the morning and went home in the afternoon.

Ruby pulled me in the wand shop and as the door opened the bell went off to notify the shop owner someone was coming in. There were boxes all over the walls and a small desk in the middle of the room with a bell sitting on it.

Ruby pressed down on the bell and and old man rushed over to us.

"Ah Ruby....Martin and who is this?" The old man said.

"Ivy Clarke sir." I introduced myself.

"The rumours are true, you do exist." He mumbled. "So you're here for a wand, I have just the one."

He handed me a beautiful black thin wand.

He handed me a beautiful black thin wand

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I held it in my hand and flicked it. I accidentally smashed a glass that was sitting on his front desk and then it started to glow. The man smiled and nodded. "That's the wand for you"

I looked at Ruby and she was smiling as well.

We walked out of the shop and back into the streets. Ruby grabbed my hand and apparated back to the cottage.

Ruby was letting me stay there for the whole summer as long as I came to a stupid Pureblood party that a family was throwing. She didn't have anyone to go with so she wanted me to come.

Once I got my wand Ruby taught me every second of the day. She told me her, Hermione and Draco were the top students at school although Draco's grades had slipped last year. I didn't really have a clue who she was going on about but sounded good. She told me everything about Hogwarts.

Like the friend groups and houses. So there was Slytherin the ambitions and cunning, Gryffindor brave, Ravenclaw wit and learning, last Hufflepuff kind and loyal. The golden trio Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Harry Potter is supposably the chosen one. Then there's Ruby's friend group Pansy Parkinson (She doesn't like her much and is apparently a slut and is all over Draco), Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Theodore Nott and Celia May (Every boy has a crush on her).

The lessons and quidditch. She doesn't play she always wanted to and people say she would be so good but Harry wouldn't let her join. She took the least amount of classes so she could focus on her Quidditch even though she isn't allowed to play. Professor Snape is now Headmaster. She said he's scary and has it out for Gryffindors but loves Slytherins.

I hadn't really thought much about what house I'll be in but I know my family was all in Slytherin. People say there isn't a witch or wizard that hasn't gone bad in Slytherin, I hope to change that if I get in there. I don't really know who I am. My parents always said I was different from my brothers, did that mean the know that I would be in a different house and ruin the Slytherin line, but we're the good Purebloods not the evil ones, they tried so hard to not get noticed by you know who so that must mean they're not bad.

What are my parent going to do when they find out that I have finally gone to Hogwarts and in war time.

I learnt the basic spells first like Expelliarmus, Lumos, Nox, Winggardium Leviosa, Stupefy, Reducto and Protego. I found most of them quite easy and had mastered them all on the first day. Ruby was so shocked she said some of the spells took her weeks and especially I had never done magic before.

Next she helped me do my Patronus Charm which was very difficult as I couldn't find my happiest memory. It took me weeks and July was coming to an end and I still hadn't got it right. Whilst Ruby was shopping for dresses for the Summer Masquerade Ball I was trying to master it. I finally got there. My Patronus was a Dolphin. I was thinking back years trying ever memory I had. The last memory I tried was playing the blindfold game with my brothers when we were young. That was the most fun I ever had. We stayed out until are mother made some of the staff of the castle come and find us. We played all day I won most of the games of tag as I was so good and as I was small I was great at hide and seek.

I showed Ruby my Patronus and she was proud of me that I had finally cracked it. She had brought back 5 dresses for us both to try. One dark blue, two green and one red and the last one white. I tried them all on Ruby decided on one of the green ones and a gold mask. I decided on the dark blue one with a silver mask.


I will include the photos in the next chapter when they go to the ball.

I hope you're enjoying the book. Xx

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