Left Behind.

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Anakin's PoV
Everyone gathered around the small hologram that appeared on the large war table as Master Kenobi ran through the course of action for the coming months. Despite the recruitment missions we went on regularly, we were in no position to compete with the output of the Star Forge. This was very clear.

"Myself, Adi, Aasha, Plo, Rex and Maul will all be going to the apparent location of the Forge. We will land on Taxiode in the Lehon System. This will be nothing more than a scouting mission and should take no longer than a few days." he explained, the hologram changing images as he talked. Something felt off about the whole thing.

"How close to the Forge will you be?" I ask. I doubted that anyone could get close without being blown to stardust.

"We... Don't actually know." Obi-Wan replied, clearly nervous.

I shake my head. "Then you can't go. End of." I say. "There is no reason to place people in danger for a mission we have no information on."

"We do have information." A monotone voice spoke up, distinctively Mail's. "I have been to the base but it is constantly moving. It moves from system to system, feeding on the stars to power the Forge." he explained, his arms folded across his chest. "I know how close we can get, I will make sure that we don't get too... confident." he add, snarling the last words.

"Alright, what about the rest of us?" Ahsoka asked softly as she observed the plans that lay out ahead.

"The rest of you will go back off world and try to bolster our forces. Bring anyone you can." Obi-Wan answered.

I groaned internally. I hated these sorts of missions. They would drag and be so boring, unbearably so. "Fine, let's get going." he muttered as everyone started to leave the planning room.

Just as I turned my back, I heard a voice call out. "Hold on, you two." Obi-Wan spoke up. Myself and Ahsoka turned around in synch as he looked at him. "You're both staying here."

"What do you mean?" Ahsoka asked. I looked down at her and observed the expression on her face. The markings at her brows fere narrowed and furrowed, her deep eyes squinted down on Obi-Wan and her fists slightly balled up. One thing I gathered was that she was annoyed. So was I.

"You both have done a lot for us recently- more than we could ask for. So, I am deciding to give you both a break." Obi-Wan replied with a somewhat scared look. Ahsoka could be quiet intimidating despite her friendly appearance.

"That's madness! You need us out there." Ahsoka shouted, her finger pointed at the now Grand Master.

"Yes, well... We also need you alive and well. Do we not?" he asked, now more confident than before.

Snips opened her mouth to come back with another retort but no words came out, just an annoyed huff. She turned her back and walked away.

Obi-Wan gave a proud smirk before looking at me. "You know how much I value you both..." he spoke in a much more serious tone. He gave a small sigh as he put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't do anything stupid." he told me, patting his hand on my shoulder before also turning away, heading for the others who left not too long ago.

"I could ask for the same from you." I called to him. I watched as he just waved his hand, dismissing my comment.

I was beyond annoyed by his decision but I couldn't stay mad. He was my brother, there was not much I could do about that. I watched as his figure diminished into the hanger bay before turning around and heading in the opposite direction. I had no idea what I was going to do with my time off, for the last few years I had worked every day. I had no idea what to do with myself.

Ahsoka's PoV
I lay in my bed, gazing at the cracked, sandbricked ceiling. It was crumbling at the corners and loosing it's colour by the day. It wasn't a palace but it was home. I sighed as I turned to my side, curling up as I let my eye lids meet.

I hated being so arrogant but I knew for a fact that myself and Anakin were crucial to what our Order were trying to achieve. So, to hear Master Kenobi say that he didn't need us was like taking a lightsaber through the gut. On the plus side... Maybe it gave me and Anakin time to smooth some things over.

I hated how rocky things had grown between us. We were so close but it became hard to tell where our relationship was going. I guess that's what neglecting a romantic relationship resulted in.

As if on cue, I felt his presence as he walked in.

"Y'know, this isn't your room." I spoke, not bothering to open an eye.

I could tell he had that trademark Skywalker grin written all over his defined features. "Well if that's the case, I'll be on my way."

I scoffed as I let my eyes open. He really knew how to push my buttons. "Wait."

I watched as his brow raised and his arms fold across his broad chest. "Yes?"

My arm moved to the empty space next to me on the small bed, my hand patting to signal for him to join me. Much to my amusement, he did. It was a tight fit but after shifting my body into his arms, it wasn't too bad. I rested my head on his chest, being sure to not let my montrals prod his face. This was something that had gotten far harder than it was back at the Jedi temple. Since we left, my montrals and lekkus had grown quite a bit, though they weren't too big.

I could feel his lips press against one of my montrals which sent a wonderful sensation through my body, making my whole body tingle. I smile to myself.

"What are you smiling at?" I hear him ask.

"Can't a girl be happy?"

"Prehaps." he replied. "But still, what is it?"

"It's nothing important." I tell him, lifting my head so I could look up at him and let our eyes gaze. He really was handsome. Some might say godly but that wasn't in my belief. I reach a hand up to his cheek, caressing his smooth skin as I feel his face settle into my touch. His cheek was warm and it was clear to me that he was blushing a small bit.

"So.." he murmured.

"So?" I muttered back to him.

He pressed his lips into my palm before speaking again. "What are you going to do with your time off?"

I scoffed. "I'll be doing something to keep myself busy or trying to not let you agrivate me too much." I tell him.

"I'm that bad, huh?" he asked, putting on a hurt look at my words. "Oh well, I know you love it." he teased.

"Oh please, we both know I absolutely hate you." I say with a laugh and reach up to kiss his lips.

He kissed me back, his hands resting on my sides. It was a short tender kiss as I pulled away after a few seconds. He had a bit of a pout on, clearly wanting a little more.

I move my hand and squish his cheeks. "Don't worry Skyguy, we have plenty of time to catch up on that." I tell him before removing my hand.

He gave me a stern glare and a dismissive look before sighing. "Right..." he muttered. "What do you plan to do now that is clearly more important than me?"

"Eat. I'm starving." I tell him, pecking his cheek before climbing off of him.

Anakin smiled and also got up. "You make a good point."

We walk out of the dorm room and began waking out of the dorm building, heading for the cafetera.

That's when I heard a grunt. Followed by a thud.

I turned my head to see Anakin on the floor, a dart sat in his neck. He looked quite peaceful in his unconscious state but I didn't have the time to adore him.  I readied my stance as my head darted around, looking for anyone who fired the dart. I found nothing.

Before I knew it, my muscles tightened to the point where I collapsed to the floor, my head bouncing off the cold ground. The last thing I saw was Anakin's blank stare before everything faded to dark for a very long time.

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