It's Been A Long Time Coming

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Anakin's PoV
The years had passed and there was still no progress. It was all we could think about. We no longer said good morning or good night. It was just 'Has there been any news? ' or 'have we found it yet?' but the answer is always no.

But all that was about to change. The ground rumbled as the temple shook. We rushed outside to see what was going on, only to see what we had been hoping wouldn't find us. The Star Forge must have been activated, which means that is one planet that had been destroyed. Thousands of ships flew over head, all motioning towards us. This was it. It had been a long time coming, but we had a lead.

"This is it, we take down these things, we might have a chance at tracing them back to the source!" Obi-Wan called out.

I looked at him and nodded. A looked beside me and saw Ahsoka and Aasha. The two of them had grown close. Barris did too. It was surprising how much Aasha had progressed.

Ahsoka PoV
The battle was long, too long. I don't know how these things found us but they did. What was more surprising than anything, Maul helped us. Actually helped us. He was the best of any of us. He didn't fight like a prisoner, he fought like one of us. Granted, he was far more... Aggressive but it seemed he was on our side.

Everyone collapsed as the onslaught of android ships and robots ceased. Maul hauled over one of the android robots by the mechanical neck. He stopped before placing a hand on the shoulder, tearing the neck away from its socket, causing the android to give an electronic groan.

I watch as he reaches into the cavity under the jaw, feeling around until his face seemingly lit up. He pulled one of the robots eyes, letting the head drop to the floor.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask, sitting down next to Anakin on a wing from one of the ships.

Maul's head lifts up as his face hardens once more. "This, little girl..." he began, lifting up the eye, presenting it between his forefinger and thumb. "...Is our way into the Star Forge." he announced, a decrepid smile creeping on his face.

Everyone gave a confused look towards Maul. He scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "This eye will have recorded everything, Star Forge all the way to Dantooine." he explained. "And I bet if we repair some of these ships, we'll have a disclosed way inside."

"Why would we even want to get inside? We need to destroy it." Master Plo spoke up, getting to his feet as he moved closer to Maul, attempting to analyse the eye.

Maul shook his head. "Do you realise how much power we would have with that thing? An endless supply of disposable fighters right at our finger tips."

"Where's the catch? There must be something... Powering the Star Forge, it can't just run on air." Anakin asked.

"Yes, you'd be right." Maul nodded. "Sacrifice of a star and the overseeing of a force sensitive."

I looked over at a Anakin, who appeared to be considering the whole thing. "What type of overseeing?"

"The permanent type." Maul replied bluntly.

"We can't do that, this thing was built by Sith, was it not? We can't just use it for ourselves! It uses dark powers to construct these machines." Master Obi-Wan.

"It's never stopped the Jedi before." Maul retorted.

"We aren't Jedi." Obi-Wan spoke back.

"Master, it just gives us more reason to use the Forge." Anakin spoke, keeping his gaze down.

I was disgusted by the thought. "Ani... You can't be serious..." I spoke quietly, moving my hand to his own.

He slowly looked at me and shook his head. "We don't have enough fire power to make a difference as it is." he told me. "We could overpowerer Palpatine." he spoke, a small smile appearing on his lips as he thought. "Just think about it, with the power of the Star Forge, we would be unstoppable."

I simply looked at him in disbelief as he moved my hand away from his. This brought him back down from his fantasy, making him frown.

I stood up and turned away from him. It felt like it was a long time coming. It was clear his ambitions were different to mine and that was okay... Just not good for us.

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