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Ahsoka PoV
I thanked Gill for flying us to Naboo and told him we wouldn't be here for any more than a day.

Barris volunteered to stay back with the kids while we went on to search.

Anakin told me this was the capital of Naboo. It was beautiful. The flowers were bright and blooming, trees were whispering in the wind. It was picturesque. The Palace could be seen behind the city, infront of the valley.

Anakin lead the way. It seemed like he had been here before. I followed him around. We could both feel something in the Force.

We knocked on every door we could but had no luck in finding any force sensitives. Or at least, none that would be able to help us.

But something felt off to me. Like there was this cloud above is, blocking off our sun. Like a set of eyes balling into the back of our skulls, burning holes through them.

Anakin didn't seem to notice it though. I guess I was just being paranoid. Ani always told me I was too stressed. But I had every reason to be. There was still a war raging on. I felt awful for not helping.

We got to the city centre which was surrounded by stalls and pop-up restaurants. There was a fountain that stuck out like a sore thumb, the marble statuette in the middle of it slicing through the sky.

I was in awe. I had never seen anything so beautiful. I didn't want to leave. My attention however was taken away from the scenery and drawn to a figure in the distance, he was hooded in dark robes that cover the majority of his face. I nudged Anakin and nod to the direction I was looking at.

As a crowd swept through, the figure disappeared with it, heading towards the Palace. I furrowed my markings and looked up at Anakin.

Almost as if he were reading my thoughts, we both followed the crowd. The figure split off from the crowd and headed towards the Palace.

Of course, we followed them inside. Being careful not to be caught.

"Follow me, I think I know where we're going..." Ani whispered to me. I nodded. I wanted to know how he knew. I'd never been in here with him.

After a good five minutes of man stalking, we found ourselves at the ship hanger. But we lost our target.

Anakin just had a smirk on his face as he looked around.

"This place hasn't changed..." he muttered.

I watched him. "You've been here?"

"Yes, before I became a Jedi. I was with Obi-Wan and Master Qui-Gon." he answered.

As he finished his sentence, the metal doors in front of us opened up.

"You." Anakin growled. He took his saber from his belt and ignited it.

I got a look at the once hooded figure. Black and red markings, yellow teeth, cracked horns, mechanical legs. I knew who this was.

I ignited my two blades and readied myself.

"Yes, you were here with Qui-Gon, weren't you." the Zabrak sith spat. "The old man was a fool to ever take you from Tatooinee. And look where you got him. It's because of you he is dead." Maul said the last part teasingly.

Anakin lunged at the worrior and engaged in combat with him. I followed behind, striking where I could but he was a little too fast for me to keep up. Our battle took us to a set of Rey shields. I got separated from Anakin, him a few shields away from me.

Maul scowled at Anakin. The shields opened up. As I caught up, not allowing myself to be left behind. I watched Anakin take a kick to the stomach, causing him to fly back. He was on his hands and knees, coughing out blood.

I gritted my teeth and thew one of my lightsabers at his head causing him to take his attention off of Anakin and on me. With a flick of his finger my saber came flying back towards me. It sliced through the skin of my leg, causing it to become slightly limp.

Maul's strikes became heaving, causing me to become more and more weak. Maul saw an opening. The hilt of his saber hit my chin, as I watched his blade approach my stomach. I closed my eyes. This was it...

"Maul. Stop!" I heard a voice call out. It wasn't Anakins's.

I opened my eyes to see the zabrak's lightsaber glow green. He couldn't move it. I looked at the figure who had called out. It was Thaz.

Maul slowly turned his head to look at Thaz. His shoulders dropped. I thought I could see a few tears as his eyes changed from a yellow to a blue. His saber deactivated and I rushed to Anakins's side.

Maul dragged himself to Thaz. He stood face to face with her. Looking her in the eyes. His hand slowly raised up to caress her cheek. Thaz started to tear up. They threw their arms around each other.

Anakin sat down beside the pudle of blood he had just created. His face was clearly confused at the sight of the two zabraks. As was mine.

The pair pulled away from one another.

"I was told you were dead... Sister." He choked out.

Thaz smiled and shook her head. "No brother. I am not dead." Thaz looked over to us. "Are you two okay?" she asked.

Maul's eyes widened when he looked at us. "Do you know them?!"

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