Take Offs And Landings

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Aasha's PoV

Master Obi-Wan was becoming increasingly aware of the danger that Anakin and Ahsoka were in. You could see it in his features. The crease between his brows and on his forehead deepened vastly. He looked as though he'd aged twenty years in just twenty minutes. His brows were narrowly furrowed and his hands were balled into fists at his sides, gripping onto the coarse fabric of his cloak.

Anakin, Ahsoka and Barris had all talked about Master Kenobi and what he was like in the past. They told me how cool and calm he was, even in the most trying of times, how he could snap back with a smart, snarky remark even when there were blaster bolts being fired left, right and centre, aimed at him or not. They told me how kind he was, the kindest in all the Jedi Temple. I believed them and I had every reason to. What they told me seemed but all too good to be true, the perfect Jedi.

But prehaps things weren't so. He looked angry. No, angry was an understatement. But not at anyone other than himself.

I closed my eyes and reached out. Not physically, not with my hands but rather through the force. I felt it stem from the centre of my head, a buzz ran around my head, the sensation reverberated through my bones and down every miniature nerve. I strained a little before I felt the connection I was searching for.

My mind went dark before I could hear Master Kenobi's voice.


How could you be so foolish, what were you thinking? Leaving them all by themselves!

I should have just trusted what I felt and we would be in this- damned situation!

I frowned. This wasn't like him- or at least not how I knew him.

I was forced out of the trance by a hand being placed on my shoulder. I let my eyes flutter open as the connection broke off. I turned my head to see Thaz.

"Were about to Dock." she spoke in that heavy accent that many of us had grown used to. Thaz was the sort of character that confused me. When I was on Tatooine, the only Zabraks that I saw were other slaves. Even then, they were all vicious, feral even. They would attack on sight, even try and dismay their owners.

Thaz was different. Very different. She was warm and comforting to be around. She half a calming auora about her. I found it hard to believe she was that weirdo, Maul's sister. They were polar opposites in all ways but race and blood.

I didn't give my words a second thought before I spoke. "Do you think we'll make it?" I asked her, cocking my head as I analysed her pale markings.

"We have to, don't really have a choice. Do we?" she replied. She founded just as afraid as I felt.

"No... It appears not." I answered with a small sigh. "Wait, were docking? How?"

"This old Forge doesn't have powerful enough rayshields to keep this ship out." she explains with almost a proud smile on her features. "Although, we don't really have a plan after landing."

Before I could get off another word, the ship shook before taking a sharp turn. "We're being pulled in by the tractor beam!" Gill shouted from the pilots seat. The ship seemed to slow down. "There's no way out of it, I thought this stupid thing was too old to have this sort of tech!"

My face twisted with fear. Everything seemed to be going downhill and fast. Too fast. So fast it felt unnatural. I could only assume my face was as green as Barris' skin as my stomach churned and my heart pounded in my throat. I closed my eyes and let my head drop back against the hard, cold metal wall behind me.

"Let it take us in." Master Kenobi spoke.

"Are you insane? It's a bad enough idea going in there willingly, never mind being forced in!" Gill retorted, looking back from his piloting duties to glair at the figure.

"We wouldn't be being forced if we let it happen." Obi-Wan spoke back, walking to Gill's side, setting a hand down on his shaking shoulder. "It will be okay."

The shaking man seemed to cease his shivers. His shallowed eyes relaxed as a feeling of relief seemed to roll over. However, the fear was still there. I could feel it. "How do you know that?"

"I trust in the force my friend," he began softly. His eyes closed. "It surrounds us and penetrates us now more than ever. It is binding us together for a reason. We just need to trust."

Ahsoka PoV
Things were dark. Painful and dull. I couldn't see. I couldn't hear. I couldn't feel.

That was until a glowing orb appeared in the distance of my conscience. It seemed to appear from the bleak void. And it continued to grow in both mass and light.

The larger the sphere grew, the harder it seemed to pull me closer. I had been here before. I remembered. The feeling of inexistance and ballance. I remembered the distant period of blankness that once brought me here. Limbo. I remembered.

I turned and tried to run from the orb as I had the last time I was in this dark place. But my feet refused to find any grip to evade the orb's strong pull. I was scared. Affaid. Mortified of what would happen to me if I should be dragged through. Would I die? Was I already dead?

My questions wouldn't be answered but all the same, I wouldn't have anymore time to consider as my feet left the ground. I threw my arms out in the hopes that someone or something was catch me and pull me out, but no help arrived, like it did last time and I was forced through against my struggling efforts.

I fell from what felt as though it were a thousand metres all in just a second. I made quite the loud thump as my made contact to the ground below. I groan as watched an ugly, large airborne creatures fly overhead, each one seemingly singing a harmonic call. Then I heard his voice, along with a pair of small, hyper giggles.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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