Old Enemies

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Ahsoka PoV

I wrapped my arm around Anakins's waist and helped him up to his feet, I could see the anger in his eyes. His glare was fixated on the two Zabraks in front of us.

"You! Your with them?" Maul hissed to his sister. "Do you know nothing of their kind? What they do, what they have done! Do you have no idea what they could have done to you sister?" he snapped.

I watched on as Thaz flinched but stood her ground. "Last time I checked, you were on the wrong side of the war Brother, you can speak nothing of them."

Maul made the attempt to argue back but only received a firm slap across the face. "What would mother say!?" Thaz added.

Maul held his cheek and raised his brows. "You mean she's still alive?" He asked, not believing the words he was hearing.

"Yes, You daft bimbo!" Thaz roared as she gave Maul another slap. "Now, appologise to my companions or I will summon mother right now!" she threatened.

Me and Anakin were just looking at each other, utterly confused. Maul was a war criminal and murderer... And he was being threatened by his... Little sister? Surely not.

Maul help up his hands in defeat. "Alright, alright!" he let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.

He turned to face us. "I'm sorry, yada, yada, yada.." he spoke coldly before Thaz gave him a hard punch in the arm.

Maul winced. "I'm terribly sorry for my actions, will you forgive me?"

His attempt was obviously sarcastic but it was a start.

"Who sent you?" Anakin Bellowed, clearly he hadn't taken the apology too well.

"Who do you think?" Mual snarled.

Just as Anakin was about to reply, my comlink went off. I pressed the bigger of the two buttons and a hologram of Mace Windu appeared.

"The Jedi Order has Fallen. This is a final call to all Jedi, do not return. We must go into hiding. The Sith are taking over. It is too late. Chancellor Palpatine is the Dark Lord we have been looking for. This will not be our end! We will rise again. For now, retreat, Jedi are being hunted down-" then the connection went static.

"There's our answer..." I muttered up to Anakin. Palpatine. I knew Anakin would be upset. The Chancellor was a father figure to him while at the Order. And it must have been him who had ordered Maul after us.

I looked over to Maul, I could see the conflict in his eyes, I could feel it.

"He has found the Starforge." he blurted out as he started to breathe a little heavily.

"What?" I scoffed. "No, not yet." I spoke. I knew this was bad news. This could be the end of us.

Anakin broke out of my hold and started striding towards Maul. "You!" he growled through gritted teeth. I grabbed hold of his wrist and pulled him back. "As much as I hate to say it, we need him Ani... He's the only one who has any idea of where this thing is...." I spoke softly.

He looked at me angrily but his face soon softened. He gave me a nod. "We need to get out of here and meet up with the others. And you," he spoke looking to Maul. "You are coming with us.

Thaz gave me a thankful look and we set off to meet with everyone at the ship.

Anakin PoV
The whole way to the ship I kept my saber in my hand, it pointed towards Mauls back, you can never be too careful. If it were up to me, he would be at my feet, in a million pieces. But Ahsoka was right, he's the only one other than the Chancellor who has any idea as to where the Starforge is. We needed him.

Aasha started bolting it towards me and hugged my leg. She was smiling and laughing until she noticed the Zabrak we had brought along. She grabbed hold of my hand and hid behind me.

Maul looked at her and... Frowned? No, that's not possible. He probably just didn't like kids. He turned away as Thaz took him on board.

Ahsoka ruffled Aasha's hair up and smiled. Aasha smiled back and moved away from behind me. We got onto the ship and we were away once more.

Me and Thaz got talking.

"I'm terribly sorry." she spoke.

My brow perked up as I lifted my head up. "Hmm?"

"Maul, he nearly...." she didn't finished the sentence.

I gritted my teeth and nodded. "It's not the first time he has done that."

"Oh." was that all she had to say? I let my head drop again. She walked past where I was sat and rested her hand on my back before waking away.

Gill was stood in the doorway of the cockpit. He was smiling. "You know, that's the most apologetic she has ever been. You should be proud for getting that out of her." he walked over to me and sat beside me.

I looked over to him. "Tough cookie, huh?" I asked.

He just smirked an nodded. "Not to mention as stubborn as hell."

"Snips is the exact same, you'll get there." I spoke with a smile.

He gave me a confused look. "Snips?" he thought for a moment. He soon realised I was taking about Ahsoka. "Thaz talked to me... About her brother and your situation, with the Starforge. She seems pretty set on staying with him..." he spoke quietly. "Um, so what I guess I'm trying to say is... Your stuck with us. Free of charge of course. Besides, you people are alright." he smirked.

I nodded and replied the smirk. "That's fine by me." I answered.

Myself and Gill talked for a while before the ships alarm system went off to tell us we were approaching Dantooine.

We soon touched ground at the temple. Everyone else was already back. Obi-Wan greeted us outside the ship.

"What on Yavins name is that? What happened to the other ship. Anakin did you crash it?" He asked bombarding me with his questions.

"No! Well... Yes but the engines cut out! It wasn't my fault!" I retorted.

I just heard Ahsoka laugh behind me. I turned to look at her and gave her a playful scowel.

"Oh god..." I heard Obi-Wan mutter. I noticed his gaze had moved to Maul. He seemed to be handling it better than I did.

Ahsoka cleared her throat as she spoke up. "So... Have you heard the news?" she questioned as Aasha reached up to hold her hand.

"Yes, I asume that's why that is here." he spoke calmly, nodding to Maul. His voice was almost laced with venom.

Maul snarled at Obi-Wan but made no attempt to attack him.

"Well. I suppose we will have to make do." Obi-Wan spoke with a sigh.

"Have you heard anything else from the Jedi?" I ask as he begin to walk back through the temple halls.

"No, nothing. I have to admit, I am rather worried." he replied.

I nodded my head slightly as Aasha skipped along side us.

"I feel bad Master." I spoke.

Master Kenobi's head turned into my direction. He nodded, as if to tell me to explain.

"We are being no better than the Jedi. We have taken children away from their parents. I know how it feels to be taken away like they have. They are old enough to have formed... Attachments to them. And we have torn them away." I explained.

"Anakin, may I mention this was all your idea." he replied.

My glare hardened as I stopped walking. "Don't turn this on me." he spoke, bluntly.

Obi-Wan also stopped, everyone else went on. "Anakin, we have greater things on our hands than to quarrel over this."

"I understand... But that doesn't change where I stand on this." I looked away from him and down to the ground. There are moments where I wish I had never left the Jedi. But then I remember Ahsoka. This was all for Ahsoka. All of it. And if it meant I wouldn't be with her, I wouldn't change a thing.

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