All Things Come To An End

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Obi-Wan's PoV
Maul, as much as I hated to admit it, was right. It took me a while to realise that. It was Luminara who had calmed me down. She knew just how to put me at ease. I walked into the cockpit of the ship to find both Gill and Thaz sat beside one another.

I also took a seat. "How is that Zabrak your brother?" I questioned with a huff.

Thaz smirked and rolled her eyes. "It's in a Dathomirian's blood to boil the others." she spoke, clearly joking. "He wasn't always like this. When we were children, he was the kindest of all of his brothers and sisters, blood bonded or not. In fact, he'd quite often get bullied for it."

I smiled at that, not that he was kind, but rather he got bullied. He deserved it, still now. I never enjoyed the thought of ending someone but when I remember what that- thing did to my master, my mind would race to the cruelest way to bring him to his knees. Make him beg for forgiveness and mercy. To see him cry out, listen to him scream. Prehaps it was the lack of control that I had developed that made me feel this way, leaving the Jedi Order had made me lenient. Or maybe it was a genuine urge for revenge.

I sat back in my seat, folding my arms across my chest. I closed my eyes for a moment, just intending for a second or two of peace. But when my eyes opened, everyone was gone. I wasn't sat on the ships, rough, worn Gorraslug leather seats. On my left was a dark chasm and on my right, a bright white abyss. I felt like I had found the peace I was looking for, even in my angered state.

"You know if you carry on like this, you'll become a miserable old hobit." an echoing voice spoke, yet there was no body. But I didn't need to see the figure to know who it was.

I smiled to myself as I walked deeper into the neutral void that surrounded me. "Master Qui-Gon, what do I owe the honour?" I ask.

"A short lesson, Obi-Wan. Shouldn't take any longer than a moment." he answered.

"A lesson? What could you possibly teach me here?" I questioned, looking around the blank void that surrounded me.

He laughed and I could just sense him shaking his head. "There is much to learn." he answered once more.

Ahsoka's PoV

I fell to the ground, landing on my back as I tried to catch my breath. I didn't know what happened. The pain was and still was unbearable. My arms throbbed in synch with the pounding in my head. One moment I was being tortured, the next there was a bloodied body phased into the wall outside my cell.

I watched as Anakin knealt down beside me, running a finger along side the fresh cuts. "Snips?" he whispered quietly, or at least I think he whispered it, I could only really hear a harsh ringing.

My head turned to look at him. "Mm?" I ask, not having the energy to form any real words. I truly had no notion on what happened and how I broke out of my restraints but I'm thankful for what ever happened

I watch as his eyes travel down my body, from head to shoulders, to arms.
"Shit..." he breathed under his breath. I looked into his eyes. So filled with pain and worry.

"Is it bad?" I ask. He simply nods his head. "Geez, thanks for the comfort." I joke half-heartedly. I feel my head grow heavier as my eyelids drew closer. The last thing I remembered was Anakin's arms. One slipped around my waist while the other in the crease of my knees. Then everything went dark.

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