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Aasha's PoV
I watch as Ahsoka gets up and walks away, Anakin's eyes longing for her beside him again. I felt sorry for them, from what I had heard, they left the now demolished Jedi order to be together, only to be dragged back into a war that was shaping up to be worse than the infamous Clone war.

Over the few years we spent looking for these compasses for the Star Forge, they had grown apart, massively. It had an affect on the whole group. They were the ones who helped make decisions, brought hope and joy. They were decisive to our dynamics and everything they did to help everyone else only pulled them apart.

I feel myself frown as I look over to Barris across the battle ground, she also bared a solemn look. She stood up and followed behind Ahsoke into the dorms as I watched Anakin's expression change. He looked away from Ahsoka as she disappeared with Barris. His expression slipped away from hurt into an angered look. His mechanical hand balled up, crushing the water canister he hand been holding.

Everyones heads turn to look at him due to the surprising pop the canister made. I reach over to rest my hand on his knee. His head darts over at me, softening his face as he frowns. I give a small smile. He always took things on himself. If someone was hurt, it was his fault. If someone was upset, it was because of him. Even if someone felt a little ill, it was his doing. It annoyed Ahsoka, she had told me so. She wanted him to stop taking everyone's weight on his back and think about himself once in a while.  This was another reason why they hadn't been seeing eye to eye.

Surprisingly, him and Maul had grown... Close, despite Master Kenobi insisting on not doing so. It was clear the Zabrak had an impact on Anakin. He was usually so tender and gentle. Instead he was becoming irritable and easily annoyed. Although, I didn't know the whole story.

Anakin's PoV
I look down at Aasha as her hand rests on my knee. I try to smile but it doesn't appear. I watch as she gives me a reassuring smile before nodding to the Dorms. I catch onto what she was indicating and nod my head. She was a special girl. There was something about her. She wasn't normal, not like anyone I have ever met. It's like her emotions are on a tenfold, she's able to tell how someone feels just by a seconds glance at them.

I let the crumpled canister rest beside me as she moves her hand off my knee. Getting up to me feet, pushing myself off the deformed android ship as I walk into the dorm entrance. Just as I go in, Barris comes out of Ahsoka's- our room. She shoots a worried look in my direction before moving past me.

I approached the door to our room and reach a hand up to knock. Gently, my hand makes contact with the metal door. I hear a muffled voice and take that as Ahsoka's way of telling me to come in.

The metal door opens up as I step forward. I look down at her, seeing her lay in the bed. Her cheeks are stained with tears and her eyes burning up, the whites of her eyes red. I frown at the sight of her. She doesn't even attempt to look at me which hurts. The only time I remember it being like this is when we first met.

I slowly sit at the edge of the bed, letting my gaze travel to the small window in our room. To my surprise, I'm lunged at, a pair of orange arms tightly wrapped around my middle as a head nestles into the crook of my neck. Her lekku brushes up against my skin. They were warm, hot even. She tugs at me, motioning for me to lay down. I oblige and do so, only for her to burry her head further into the space she had grown so used too.

I slowly let my hand travel to the small of her back, letting my thumb rub gently. She relaxes as an onslaught of tears follow, almost as relentless as the androids that had been sent after us. She carried on for a good few minutes before calming down again. Her breathing was sharp as her hickups began.

"It's okay... We're okay..." I murmured quietly as I finally take a breath I never realised I was holding. I feel her nod. I pull her to lay on top of me, feeling her tiny frame against mine, forcing her head out of her burrow. I watch as a small smile appears, followed by a choked laugh. I smile back and place a small kiss on her soft lips, pulling away a second or two later.

She lifted up a hand to rest below my jaw, her small thumb caressing my cheek. I smiled up at her, scanning over her face. She let her eyes close as her lekku darkened. She leant against my hand as she let's her eyes close. It was nice to be with her without someone nagging or being at each others necks.

I had no idea what would become of us. One minute we were falling apart, the next we were inseparable. I could only hope we'd make it out alive.

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