Chapter 32

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Will sat in his science class along with the party. He couldn't focus on any work or anything Mr. Clarke was saying. He just wanted to go home and hang out with the party. As if God heard his prayers the vice principal came into the room with a happy, but hurried expression on his face.

"Sorry to interrupt." He stated somewhat calmly. "I can I see William, Micheal, Maxine, Dustin, and Lucas please? And bring your stuff guys."

The group did as they were told, they gathered their stuff and walked out to the hallway.

"Follow me." The vice principal started to walk down to the office with the party in tow.

They walked down the hallway silently until the the office came into view.

"Are we in trouble?" Will asked for everyone in the party.

"No. No, you guys aren't in trouble but you guys need to know something." He laughed a little at the question.

The party walked in the office and saw the principal waiting for them.

"Hello." He said kindly with a smile on his face. "I think you all should know of the news floating around before any of the other students tell you about it."

Everyone looked around at one another. "What news?" Max asked wondering if they knew about Brenner.

"They found El. She's alive." He waited for their responses at the party looked at each other not knowing how to respond to that.

"Oh my god!" Lucas finally broke the silent by badly acting surprised. "She's alive!"

"No way!" Max joined in.

"That's insane!" Dustin shook his head with wide eyes.

"Unbelievable!" Mike said.

"Dream come true!" Will finished off the horrible acting.

The two adults looked at each other confused. They shrugged it off thinking it was the initial shock that made them act that way.

"Anyways." The principal continued. "We called your families and they said you can go home for the rest of the day. Tell El we said hopefully we'll see her back in school soon."

"Okay." The party said in unison before leaving the office and headed toward the main doors.

"If we keep on getting out of school like this, we may as well not come." Dustin chuckled as they left the school and walked towards the bike rack.

"Are we going to your place?" Lucas asked Will as they all grabbed their bikes.

"If you guys want." Will shrugged. "I don't know how El's doing, but we can check up on her."

"I'll be there I just have to go home first." Mike said as they started riding towards Will's house.

"How come?" Max asked.

"I need to go tell Holly she's back. She's missed her for a long time." Mike explained.

"Okay." Will nodded.

"Mom!" Mike called in his house as he closed the door behind him.

"In here!" Karen called from the living room. Mike walked into the room to see his mom, dad, and Nancy sitting on the couch with the news turned on. Karen turned to Mike with a smile on her face. "Mike did you hear?" She stood up and hugged Mike.

"Yeah, El's alive." Mike stated.

Karen released Mike an held him at arms length. "Did you go over to visit her? How is she doing?"

"She's fine. Where's Holly?" Mike said looking around.

"She's in her room." Nancy informed.

"Okay, see you later." He said turning around and speed walking out of the room. He walked to Holly's closed door and knocked softly on the wood.

"Come in!" Holly's little muffled voice came through the door. Mike opened the door to see Holly on the floor playing with her dolls.

"Hey Holls." He smiled at her and sat down on the floor with her.

"Hi." She smiled back at him and give him one of her dolls. "Wanna play?"

"As much as would like to," Mike laughed looking at the doll, "I came here to tell you some really good news."

"What?" Holly said getting excited.

"There is a certain someone next door, who hasn't seen you in forever, and I'm sure they would like to see you." Mike said waiting for her reaction.

A blank look took place as Holly thought about it. Suddenly, a light bulb came on in her brain and her eyes lit up. "El?" Holly smiled.

"Yeah!" Mike nodded making her smile brighter. "You wanna go see her?"

"Yes please!" Holly jumped up dropping her dolls, grabbing Mike's outstretched hand and they both started walking down the stairs.

"Mike, what are you doing?" Nancy asked as the two came downstairs.

"Holly and I are going to visit El." Mike explained.

"Wanna come?" Holly asked bouncing with excitement.

"Sure, I have to go talk to Jonathan anyway." Nancy nodded and grabbed Holly's other hand.

The siblings left the house and made their way to the Byers' front door. Mike lightly nudged Holly. "You do it." He let go of her hand so Holly could knock on the door.

After a few seconds, Will opened the front door. He looked down at Holly and smiled kindly. "Hey!"

"Hi!" She smiled back.

"She wanted to come and visit her." Mike explained to Will. Will opened the door wider letting them in.

"Hey, El!" Will called in the house, closing the door. "There's someone here to see you!"

"Who is it?" She asked walking into the room and spotting Holly.

"El!" Holly yelled and let go of Mike's and Nancy's hands to run to her. El crouched down to her level as Holly ran into her arms. Holly hugged her with all her might as El hugged her gently. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." El responded as Holly let go of her.

"Where were you?" Holly asked sadly.

"I'm sorry, I went on a little trip." El whispered. "But I'm back now, and I'm not leaving anytime soon."

Holly smiled and hugged her again. Happy to have her friend back.

Authors note
Thank you guys so much for reading. I have about one more chapter to write and then the book will be done. So, I'll see you when I update next.

Love ya!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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