Chapter 29

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Battle with Brenner

"Wait, why are we going back? The whole point of going their in the first place is to get El and have her stay away from that shithole." Mike argued, very upset by what his friends were telling him. He and El had just gotten done with their conversation upstairs and came down to the party plotting different ways to sneak attack Brenner.

"We told you this, Mike!" Max rolled her eyes fed up with the five minute conversation they were having where Mike kept on repeating the question just with different wording. She sat next to El on the couch with Mike on the other side of El.

"It's better for us to do it this way." Dustin interjected.

"It's the only way we can make sure that El is going to be safe." Hopper tried to explain to him for the fifth time.

"And you think she's going to be safe bring her back ther-"

"We're not bringing her back there." Hopper interrupted Mike from his protests. "She is going to stay here with Steve and Robin, because they volunteered. And me, Joyce, Jonathan and Nancy are going to go back there."

"Let me guess. You're leaving us in the dust." Will crossed his arms looking at his mother.

"In other words," Lucas added, "you're leaving us with the babysitters."

"Uh, two totally awesome babysitters." Steve raised his hand to gain the attention of everyone.

"Keep telling yourself that, Steve." Robin sighed, patting his shoulder as if she was comforting him.

"You guys need to stay here with El and make sure she stays safe." Hopper announced.

"Fine." Mike reluctantly agreed, taking El's hand into his. "We'll stay here, but what am I supposed to tell mom?" He asked Nancy.

"Just say that I'm staying at a friends or something." Nancy responded, shaking her head in thought.

"Okay." He nodded thinking of the lie he's going to tell his mother.

Silence filled the room as Hopper and the group leaving with him started grabbing the things they needed for yet another road trip. Joyce left the room to make coffee, insuring that everyone would be able to stay awake for the journey, while everyone except Mike and El helped them.

As everyone got ready, El fiddled with her and Mike's hand out of nerves, making Mike watch as she spaced out thinking about everything that has happened. Mike didn't make an effort to move his hand. If it helped her with whatever she was thinking, he wouldn't care.

As time went on and the group came closer to leaving, El's hand began to tremble making Mike become worried. "Hey." He said softly making her snap out of her trance and whip her head toward him. "You okay?"

El smiled sadly and nodded her head. "I'm just a little worried." She replied with her voice barely there.

"They're going to be fine." Mike reassured.

"I know." She said sadly, looking at him tiredly. For the first time since she got back, Mike saw the years of abuse she endured with her time at the lab. He noticed the dark circles under her eyes that were puffy from all the crying she had done that day and the days before her rescue. Her now longer hair was unkempt and slightly oiling as if she hadn't showered in a while. Her face looked skinnier, in fact her entire body was skinnier from the lack of food she received. And yet, to Mike, she still looked as beautiful as the day he first met her.

He didn't care if she had pain in her past or had powers that made her nose bleed, that's not the person he ended up liking. He liked the shy, kind, adorably cute girl he'd met when he walked into the Byers kitchen the day after she moved in. With her, came a lot more danger and mystery and pain. Things he was willing to go through as long as he was by her at the end of the day.

He fell in love with Eleven Hopper.

"Alright, we're all packed." Hopper said grabbing his jacket from the coat hanger.

El stood up, walking to the entry way and gave Hopper a hug. "Stay safe." She whispered so only he could hear.

"I promise." He replied, kissing the top of her head. El gave everyone else who was leaving a hug and stood with the party and watched the front door close behind them group as they left the house.

The party stood in silence for a few moments, listening to the car engine come to life with the headlights shining into the window, illuminating the living room. Soon enough, they turned out of the driveway and drove away, leaving the room in a deafening silence.

El felt Mike's hand slip into her and his calm voice met her ears. "You okay."

She nodded, turning to face him and brought him in a hug, which he gladly returned.

After a minute the party, along with Steve and Robin, decided to sit in the living room and watch some television in peace. It wasn't until a few minutes later, when a car came speeding down the street, they left their spots on the chairs/couch. The all ran toward the window to see a familiar car pull up in the driveway with the people inside scrambling out in a hurry.

"That's not good." El shook her head at the sight before darting to the door and outside. "What's going on?" She asked throughout all the commotion.

Hopper looked over at her before saying quickly, "Get back inside the house! He's coming!"

Authors note
Would you look at that...I'm alive. Sorry I haven't been posting much-or at all-this past week. The holidays got me busy. I hope you guys had a good holiday! I hope you took that time to spend time with your family and friends (safely, of course).

Anyway thanks for reading and also thank you guys for almost 6k on neighbors! That's literally amazing and I can't thank you guys enough!!

Love ya!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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