Chapter 10

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Back to Hawkins

Jonathan took in a deep breath as he passed the Welcome to Hawkins signed. He didn't feel welcomed every time he came to town after he left for college. Sure, he loved visiting his family and Nancy, but at the same time he hated coming back to all the bad memories. The same memories that keep him awake at night asking himself the what if's.

Now, coming back here for the first time since summer vacation, it felt weird. He knew he had to come at some time, he was lucky enough to stay out this long. He managed to stay at school for fall and winter break but he promised his mom he would visit during the new year. Well, it's a little while after the new year and Hawkins here he is.

He watched the familiar buildings pass by him outside the car windows. It felt weird seeing this stuff after all these months. As the buildings he passed so did the memories. One of the many reasons he tried to get out of town were the memories. Memories of El and what happened to her, he tried to run from them.

But now he's back and he's kinda happy about it. He gets to see his family for a week because after that he would need to go back to school. A week is all he needed here and then he'll leave until summer time comes back around. Easy trip, right?

He turned onto his street and drove up the driveway that led to his house. The moment he got out of the car it was like a memory cloud blew up in his face. El telling him and his mom about her powers. The relieving moments after Hopper said they were safe. Running into the woods to get away from Brenner. Looking for El. Seeing his mom and Hopper sobbing on the living room floor.

"Jonathan!" His mom's voice got him out of his head. Looked over to the door and saw her running towards him with a bright smile on her face. She ran up to him and gave him a hug only a mother could give as he wrapped his arms around her. She stepped out of his embrace and that's when he saw the small dark circles under her eyes. They were from staying up all last night thinking about the voice in her head she had just a few hours prior.

She smiled at him lovingly. "How was the drive in?" She asked walking to the back of the car helping him grab his bags.

"Good." He said thinking there wasn't really much more he could say. He looked around at the cars parked in the driveway and the garage, and noticed Hopper's truck wasn't here. "Hopper's still working late?"

"Yes, but today he should be earlier coming home." She said not looking at him.

Jonathan's brows scrunched together. "How come?"

"He just needs to clean out his office today." She chuckled awkwardly, fully knowing where this conversation was headed.

Jonathan eyes grew wide with shock. "What? Did he get fired or-"

"No no, no." Joyce raised her hands to try to calm him down. She sighed hating that she was the one telling him this. "Hopper's cleaning out the files on El's case."

Her heart started beating quickly. She didn't know if it was out of nervousness or sadness or something else. She did know that she hated the feeling though.

Jonathan stared at her in shock and disbelief. "What-what does that mean?"

"It means, he can't do anything else." Joyce shrugged.

Jonathan looked over to the Wheeler residents and ran towards their door, leaving Joyce to carry his bags in by herself. He didn't care though, he needed to talk to Nancy.

He got up to the door and knocked on it quickly as if hitting it quicker would make the other person open the door faster. A few seconds went by and the door swung open to reveal Nancy with Holly on her hip. She smiled at the sight of him and set Holly down to go run along. She wrapped her arms around him as he did the same to her.

"Welcome home." She said quietly in his ear.

Jonathan didn't want to let her go, not just yet. For him, he felt like she was his shield. With her being this close to him, he felt like they were the only people in the world and she was there to help him forget everything.

"Did you hear about Hopper?" He said and his voice cracked a little. She released him from her embrace but did not let go of his arms, he did the same.

She nodded before she added quietly, "Mike told me yesterday, I'm so sorry."

Jonathan shook his head. He wanted to say something but he couldn't find the right words to say. Nancy must have known what he was thinking because she pulled him inside without another word and closed the door behind her.

Once the door was closed tight she turned to him and looked around the room to see if Holly was anywhere near. After she knew the coast was clear she looked at him and said, "Do you want to talk in my room? I need to tell you something about her case."

Jonathan nodded with his brain now not making any words. Like, now his brain decided to shut down. Nancy led the way to her room and shut the door behind her for privacy.

"Okay," she said turning to him as he sat on her bed, "you know those files that Hopper has for her case?"

"The ones he's packing up today?" Jonathan said finally finding words to say. He watched Nancy's eyes light up as she practically ran over to the spot next to him.

"Yes! Those, we need those!" She smiled at him which only got him more confused.

"Why? Why do we need them?" He said putting emphasis on the 'we'.

Nancy rolled her eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world as to why they need them. "Because, I think that maybe Hopper might be overlooking something's in those files. And who knows! It might be better to have someone else double check just to make sure. And someone," she pointed at herself and Jonathan over and over again as if she was making a point, "who thinks differently than he does. Maybe, he saw something but didn't see it."

Jonathan nodded finally understanding what she was saying. A small smile made its way on his face.

Maybe we will solve the mystery after all. He thought.

Authors note

This chapter took a little longer to right but I'm so happy with how it turned out. I don't know about you guys but I'm so excited for the story. It just getting started.

Love ya ❤️❤️❤️

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