Chapter 6

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The Help

After Mike made the phone call, he went around the school trying to find Will who was sitting on the bathroom floor with a dazed look. He walked over to him with caution, seeing Will's red eyes that had tears trying to leave. He sat by Will and didn't talk to him for a few minutes, he just waited for Will to start speaking.

"I'm guessing you already know." Will sniffed.

"Yeah." Mike sighed.

"They are talking about it, aren't they?" Will said looking over to Mike.


Will sighed and put his head in his hands. "I'm sorry." His voice was strained and weak, with that combined with his sniffling it sounded like he had a cold.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." Mike said making his voice firm so Will would doubt him. "You finally told them what was on your mind. That's a good thing."

Will didn't reply, nor did he moved from his sitting position.

Mike sighed. "I-uh, just got off the phone with Robin, she and Steve are coming to pick us up."

Will nodded.

"So, uh, you want to get off the floor and head down to the entrance? They should be here shortly."

Again, Will nodded. "I'll meet you there."

It was Mike's turn to nod and soon he got up from the floor to make his way to the bare hall.

Will got up and tried to dry his eyes to the best of his ability. He felt bad about snapping at Jennifer but at the same time it felt good to finally tell someone other than his friends and family that. He walked out of the bathroom and went to the entrance to see the party waiting for him with Robin laughing and Steve getting mad over who knows what.

"Will you stop laughing!" Steve said clearly annoyed with the girl.

"You-you are like a girl!" Robin said in between laughs.

"No, I'm not!"

"Whatever you say Mr. Farrah Fawcett."

"Oh my god!" Steve groaned fed up with the whole thing.

"Guys!" Will called making everyone turn to him.

"Hey Will." Steve said placing his hands on his hips. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah." He said fixing the straps on his back pack and following them to the car.

The car ride was mostly silent other Robin and Steve making fun of one another, but Steve decided that he want to hear the story from Will's perspective.

"So, Will, what exactly happened today?" He asked looking in his rear view mirror at the boy.

Will shook his head at the memory. "I don't know. I just felt the anger boiling inside me and this time I couldn't control it." He leaned back trying not to look at anyone around him. The party was interesting when it came to this stuff. They weren't like the other kids in school. They didn't give him sad eyes every time they saw him or try to make him talk about his feelings. He greatly appreciated this, but at the same time he could tell whenever they are mad or disappointed with him with just one look. The only one who has yet to have gotten mad or disappointed is Mike. Will knew that was because Mike blamed himself for everything.

He didn't dare to look up. He didn't want to know what they were feeling because he already yelled at Jennifer, he didn't need to yell at his friends too.

If he did look up, he wouldn't see mad or disappointed faces. Instead, he would see caring and understanding ones. Maybe, even one proud one (*cough* *cough* Max).

The car came to a stop in front of Will's house and Steve and Robin turned to look at everyone in the back.

"Alright," Steve sighed, "Will, your mother knows you're coming home and Mike, Nancy knows too."

"Okay." Mike and Will said in unison while grabbing their backpacks and heading out of the car.

Before the completely closed the door Robin started talking to the two boys. "Remember, don't be-"

"A dingus like Steve." The boys finished and closed the door.

Steve raised his hands in an "I give up" manner. "When did you teach them that?"

"I say it all the time when I'm dropping them off." Robin chuckled as Steve pulled the car away from the curb to go drop off the rest.

Will closed the door and leaned up against it just trying to wrap his mind around what happened today.

"Will?" His mother's voice call from the upstairs.

"Yeah?" He said setting down his backpack.

Joyce came down the stairs and pulled him into a hug. Steve told her what had happened at school and to say the least, she wasn't surprised.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He said leaning into her embrace. Tears started to boil in his eyes. Tears that were a mixture of anger, disappointment, and grief.

"No. No, no baby." Joyce whispered trying to calm him down. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

Will let some tears spill out. He couldn't help it, just like the other times he holds everything back until it explodes.

Joyce led them over to the couch where they sat in silence, just them in their own minds. Then came that feeling again. The feeling that someone was there with them, El.

I'm sorry I caused you guys so much pain. El's voice rang through Joyce's head. It made her heart speed up only to slow down. She shook her head try to get the voice out. She didn't need this right now, neither did Will. She couldn't let her mind think that El was there with them, no matter how much she wanted to.

She kissed the top of Will's head as El's presence started to fade away, making the women have tears of her own.

Authors note
Second day posting!! And I plan on working all day on this so hopefully there will be a chapter tomorrow too. Love ya ❤️❤️❤️

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