Chapter 15

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The Idea

Since the morning the two hadn't spoken to one another. Joyce was mad that Hopper didn't believe her and Hopper was mad at her for trying to give him false hope. The had spent hours moping in their own corner, meaning Joyce stayed downstairs while Hopper stayed upstairs.

During his time alone, Hopper thought about El and how he was sorry he couldn't do anything else. He really didn't want to give up on her, but when you spend a whole year looking for at least one clue and nothing shows up, you have to say that the case ran cold. After the boxes were moved to the Wheeler's, all he could do was look at the empty spot where they had been.

Joyce did a lot of thinking too, just in a different way. She was trying to come up with a way to prove to Hopper she was alive and that it wasn't just in her head. She was so into her head, she didn't even notice Jonathan or Nancy coming in and leaving with the boxes of files. All she wanted to do was think of a way to prove to Hopper, she was right and she wasn't going crazy. And then an idea finally came to her. And lucky for her, Hopper was coming downstairs to get something to eat.

"Hopper!" She jumped up to see him. He turned to her not knowing what was happening, until Joyce started to explain her plan to prove to him that El was alive.

Hopper tried listening to the silly plan that came out of her mouth, but the more she talked the less and less patient he became. So enough the two started fighting and all Hopper could think was thank god the kids aren't here to hear this. Because he knew that by what she was saying, she would be giving them false hope as well as herself.

"Really, Joyce?" Hopper yelled at her. "Are you serious right now?"

"Yes, I'm serious!" Joyce scoffed at him. "I want to go!"

"Joyce, do you realized how crazy you sound right now?"

"Yes, I do, but I also know I'm right about this!" Joyce tried to reason.

Hopper sighed getting tired of this nonsense and looked at her. "Okay, let me get this straight. You are wanting to go to El's burial site and see if her body is there?"

"Yes!" Joyce said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Joyce, are you hearing yourself right now?" Hopper laughed unamused.

"Yes, I am. Are you hearing me?"

"Yes, I am hearing you, but I don't understand where you're coming from with this." Hopper shrugged.

"I heard her!" Joyce yelled trying to have him listen to her.

"She's dead!" He yelled back.

"No, she's not! She's out there and she's alive, I know it!"

"I saw her body!" Hopper screamed in her face making them both of them go silent.

The two stared at each other and Hopper saw hurt flash in her eyes. It was a quick flash before it turned into determination.

"It wasn't her!" She growled.

"Wasn't her." Hopper said before sitting on the couch burying his face into his hands. He looked back up to her and made his voice go soft. "I saw her when they got her body at the lake and in the morgue. It was her. I'm sorry."

He watched Joyce get angrier and angrier until she groaned and stormed out of the room.

"Joyce, where are you going?" Hopper followed after her. He walked not far behind her as she walked out the back door towards the shed in their back yard. She threw open the door as Hopper stopped just outside of the shed.

"Joyce!" He called to her. "What are you doing?"

He stood there for a few seconds until she burst through the door again, holding a shovel.

"Joyce," he said following her back into the house. "What are you doing with that?"

"What do you think?" Joyce said putting on her shoes. "I'm going to El's grave to prove you wrong."

"Joyce that's illegal!" Hopper said closing his eyes.

"So what?" She said grabbing the shovel again. "You're the chief, I'll be fine."

"No, no!" Hopper took the shovel from her hands. "You are not doing this."

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Hopper."

"No, you are not going."

"I'm going!" Joyce raises her voice again.

"Know what?" Hopper rubbed his eyes. "How about this? How about I go, okay? I will dig it up and see if she's still there."

"Well then I'm coming with!" Joyce said walking out the door with Hopper behind her.

Hopper grabbed her hand and made her turn to face him. "You're not going because I would rather not have you doing something illegal."

"How will I know you actually went there, huh?" Joyce questioned. "For all I know, you could be just going to a bar for a little while."

"Fine!" Hopper said looking around until he sees Jonathan's camera. He picked it up and showed Joyce. "I'll take the camera and take a picture."

"You know, it would just be easier if I came." Joyce said.

"Not happening. This is the deal, take it or leave it." Hopper stood his ground.

Joyce shook her head annoyed. "Fine."

"Good." Hopper said walking up to his truck and put the shovel in the back. "I'll be back soon." He got in the car and Joyce watched as he drove off.

God, please tell me I'm right. Joyce thought as Hopper disappeared from view.

Authors note
I'm so happy! I wrote two chapters in one day!

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