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I don't know how often updates will be on this but I'm excited!! This is going to be a rollercoaster of emotions for sure...I've never done a book like this before so I hope you all enjoy ❤️❤️

Demi Lovato RUSHED to hospital after horrific accident.

The 24-year-old Confident singer was rushed to hospital earlier today after a car accident involving another motorist. The accident happened at around 6 this morning, emergency services arriving at the scene soon after.

We are yet to hear an update on Lovato's condition but we wish her a speedy recovery.

You paced along the laminate floor of the waiting room, your fingers running through your hair as you brought it up into a messy ponytail. You had tears pouring down your cheeks, tears of fear, tears of heartbreak, tears of anger. You continued to pace, probably burning a hole in the floor but you couldn't think of anything else to do. You needed to do something, anything.

"Y/N?" you jumped at your name and finally stopped pacing as you glanced to Matthew who looked just as broken as you felt. You struggled to hold back your sob as you headed straight for him, your arms locking around him in a tight embrace. You nuzzled your face into his neck and broke into a fit of sobs. Matthew locked his arms around your waist and held onto you tightly as he also cried into your neck.

It wasn't until you had both calmed your tears that you silently took a seat in the uncomfortable plastic chairs lining the walls of the waiting room. The room was plain white, a colour that just made your headache worse. It was making you feel sick.

"Is there no news at all?" Matthew's voice was a whisper as if he was afraid he would break something if he spoke too loud.


"Does her..." you turned to him as he stopped himself. "Has her mom contacted you at all?" you answered with just a shake of your head. "She's going to know that she's here, right? I mean, it's all over the news."

"I don't know."

"Is she still not over it?"

"Nope. She still hates that we're dating. Demi says that it doesn't bother her but I know that it does" Matthew just glanced down at his hands. "Do you want a coffee or anything?" he just shook his head, glancing up at the sound of the door.

"Demi Lovato?" you nodded up at the doctor who stepped into the room. He closed the door behind himself and then turned to you both. There was no one else in the room which gave you some privacy. He pulled a chair up and then took a seat. He clasped his hands together as he leant forward on his knees. "As you know we rushed Demi into emergency surgery as soon as she got here" you nodded, glancing briefly to Matthew who took a hold of your hand and gave it a tight squeeze. "She had a collapsed lung from her fractured ribs and that caused some internal bleeding. She crashed on the table" you covered your mouth with your hand, having watched plenty of Grey's Anatomy to know what he meant. She died. "We managed to get her back but her condition is critical. We can't promise she will make a full recovery."

"Can we see her?" he nodded with a sympathetic smile.

"Of course you can. Do you have any questions?" you shook your head, glancing to Matthew in case he had one but he also shook his head. "She's in room 4 and she will stay there until she's stable. We've given her a private room because of the circumstances of her career" you nodded, wiping at your cheeks. "I can take you to her room" you and Matthew followed the doctor from the waiting room and headed down the long and white corridor. Matthew's hand was still tight around yours and you found it a comfort as you headed to Demi's room. Your heart was heavy and breaking in your chest, your stomach full of butterflies. You felt sick. Your heart began to hammer against your chest as the doctor stopped in front of a door that had a '4' stuck to it. This is Demi's room. This is where the love of your life is fighting for her life. "There will be a nurse just assigned to Demi's care. She's in the room at present but she can leave while you're in there" you silently nodded, inpatient for him to open the door. You just want to see your Demi. You held your breath as the doctor pushed open the door and stepped inside. He spoke to the nurse also in the room but all you could stare at was Demi who lay unconscious on the hospital bed, her body bruised and battered. She had a tube down her throat which was attached to a machine. Every time the machine made a noise, Demi's chest rose and then fell again. There was also a gentle beeping in the room from the monitor that was tracking her heart-rate. You glanced up at Matthew as he gave your hand a squeeze and your heart ached at the tears that had welled up in his eyes at the sight of his best friend. "This is Anna. She's the nurse who will be looking after Demi today" you turned to the blonde nurse with a warm smile.

"I'm going to leave you both alone with her, if that's okay? I'll just be outside if you need me" she gave your arm a gentle squeeze and gave you a light smile before she followed the doctor from the room. You swallowed down the lump in your throat as you headed to the hospital bed which held the love of your life.

"Hi B-Baby" your throat caught slightly on the nickname. "I love you so much and I'm not leaving you. Never" you lightly ran your finger down her arm, wrapping your hand around hers, your tears just fell harder at the feel of her cold skin against yours. "You need to fight, Demi. Please" you covered your mouth as you broke down, Matthew wrapping his arms around you as you both cried together, mourning the momentary loss of your Demi.


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