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"You remember that?"

"We spent the night watching the sunset. We had a picnic, right?" you nodded, tears burning at the backs of your eyes.

"Yeah. We had your favourite..." you flashed her a smirk.

"Strawberries dipped in chocolate" her signature smile spread across her face and then she moaned, her eyes closing and her tongue coming out to wet her lips. The sound had your stomach clenching. "Oh my god they sound so good right now. Are we having some?" she skipped to you, her hands taking a hold of yours as her brown irises burnt into yours.

"Why don't we keep walking and you'll find out?" she nodded, sliding her fingers between yours, allowing you to guide her down the rest of the path. You came to a clearing a moment later and you glanced back at Demi as a wide smile spread across her face.

"You're even using the same picnic blanket" you loudly laughed as a smirk formed on her gorgeous face but you were elated that she remembered so many little details.

"It isn't the same one but it's the same design" you tugged her towards it, releasing her hand as you lowered yourself down onto the blanket, turning to stare out at the view. Demi lowered herself down onto the blanket beside you. You reached out for the picnic basket and pulled it so that it was on the blanket between you. "Did you say you wanted chocolate covered strawberries?" she nodded, her teeth biting into her lower lip. You opened up the picnic basket and sat on top was a plate of chocolate covered strawberries. "Chocolate covered strawberries is what you're going to get" her smile widened even though you didn't think it was entirely possible. She squealed and then threw herself at you, her arms tight around your neck. When she pulled away, she pressed her lips against yours. Her fingers tangled into your hair as her lips moved against yours. Your hand ran down her back and settled on her ass which caused her to giggle against your lips.

"I'm glad you did this" she spoke as she settled back down but her hands remained on your face. She giggled as you leant to press a quick peck to her lips.

"You want a strawberry?" she nodded with a wide smile. She pulled away from you as you leant to grab a strawberry from the basket. You held it out towards her, her eyes remaining locked with yours as she leant to take a bite. A moan slipped from her lips and her eyes closed as she chewed. "Do you have to moan?" her eyes opened and met with yours, a smirk forming on her face. She leant into you, her lips brushing ever so delicately against yours. The simple touch had your body shivering. She ran her hand along your neck, brushing your hair out of the way. Her fingers tangled in your hair as her lips continued to dance with yours. "Dem..." she pulled her lips from yours and then she moved to straddle you. Her arms wrapped around your neck, her fingers still playing with your hair. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah" she stared down into your eyes and then her lips twitched into a smile. "Thank you for not giving up on me" your heart ached slightly because there were moments that you nearly did.

"I nearly did, Demi" your eyes welled up with tears at the guilt that suddenly hit you. "There were so many moments when I thought that the easiest thing to do would be to give up. The only reason I didn't was because of how much I love you. I can't even believe I thought I'd ever let you down" the smile remained on her face as she gently wiped the fallen tears from your cheeks. "I am so sorry, Demi. I-I am the world's worst girlfriend" Demi shook her head and cupped your face in her hands.

"No you're not. I'd probably have thought the same if roles were reversed. You don't need to feel guilty, Y/N."

"But I nearly gave up on you. I nearly gave up on the woman I love. I nearly..." she placed her finger over your lips.

"But you didn't and my memory may still be very fuzzy but I know that I love you" your lips twitched into a wide smile. You felt so elated, you were on cloud 9. "And we may still have a way to go in relation to getting my memories back, but I do love you. Y\N, I love you" she pressed her forehead to yours, your tears pouring faster down your cheeks. They weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of happiness, tears of complete joy. "I love you" you cupped her face in your hands and crashed your lips together. Your tears blended into the kiss, that caused your entire body to shiver. "I love you. I love you" you giggled against her lips as she kept repeating herself. "I love you."

"I love you too, Demi."

"Do you want a chocolate covered strawberry?" you lightly laughed as she shuffled off your lap and focused back on the picnic basket. She grabbed a strawberry off the plate and held it out to you. You took it into your mouth, keeping your eyes locked on Demi the entire time. Her tongue came out to lick along her lower lip as she watched you. She took the rest of the strawberry and dropped it into her mouth with a giggle.

You both turned to watch the sun as it slowly began to set. There was a silence around you, but it was comfortable. Demi shuffled closer to you and you wrapped your arm around her as she cuddled herself into your side. You pressed your lips delicately to the top of her head and smiled as you inhaled her scent.

"I love you" you quietly spoke, not wanting to interrupt the silence too much.

"I love you too" you haven't felt so happy in a while.


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