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You never thought a week could go by so slow. You had to go away for work which meant you had to spend a week away from Demi. That meant a week of not being able to repair her memories. You had left some photo albums with her for her to go through which would hopefully be able to jog her memories. You had been messaging back and forth all week. The conversations were like you had just met. You were falling in love with her all over again, and you hoped it was the same for Demi.

The day you flew home, was a day you wished that you hadn't gone onto social media. Demi was spotted out, on what TMZ called a date. Now, you wouldn't normally believe TMZ but the pair did look a little too close for your liking. It made your heart ache and suddenly the thought of going home, made you nauseous. You no longer wanted to face this reality. You wanted to go back in time to when everything was perfect, and you and Demi were happy and in love.

You practically barricaded yourself in your apartment once you got home, the memories of Demi though were everywhere. Your phone was being blown up with messages but all you could stare at was the way Demi's arm was wrapped around this other girls. You are madly in love with her but she can't remember anything, and as much as you want to say it's not her fault, you can't help but to think that it is. Maybe that's selfish. Maybe that's just you being a bitch but the thought is still there.

"Y/N?" a knock on the door pulled you from your thoughts. Your eyebrows furrowed at the voice. You didn't know whether you wanted to see her but you found yourself walking towards the front door anyway.

"How did you know where I lived?" your voice was monotone.

"I-I don't know, I just wanted to see you and I ended up here. It's kind of familiar" you numbly nodded. "Why didn't you tell me that you were home?" you shrugged your shoulders.

"My plane only landed like 3 hours ago."

"Why haven't you been replying to my messages?"

"I've been busy."

"Doing what?"

"What is this? 20 questions" you snapped, a pang of guilt shooting through your heart as her face dropped.

"I'm sorry" you shook your head and turned away from her. You headed back into the living room and dropped down onto the couch. You curled into yourself, already able to feel the tears burning at the backs of your eyes. You heard the gentle sound of the front door closing and then light footsteps. You could hear her gentle breathing as she stood in the doorway.

"Who was the girl?" you couldn't stop yourself from asking as you stared off at the wall.

"What girl?"

"The girl you went on a date with yesterday."

"It wasn't a date" you nodded, sucking in your lower lip as you stared down at your hands. "Y/N, I swear, it wasn't a date."

"You know what hurts the most..." you glanced up at her, swallowing over the lump in your throat. "I am so hopelessly in love with you, but you don't feel the same and I know that it isn't your fault but..." you pulled your eyes away from hers as they flooded with tears. "We used to be so happy and then the stupid accident happened and..." you dropped your head into your hands as you started to sob. It was an emotion you hadn't released in a while. You hadn't sobbed so hard since you found out that she couldn't remember you.

"I'm sorry" you stifled your sobs the best you could. "But I am trying so hard to remember you" you could hear the emotion in her voice, the honesty. "I want to remember you so bad" you ran your hands down your face and sniffled.

"Maybe-Maybe we should just cut our ties now because all of this hurts too much, Demi."

"I don't want to do that. I want to remember you" she dropped down onto the floor in front of you, her teary eyes staring into yours. "Please. Please, don't cut me off" you sniffled, pulling your eyes from hers. "I know that I don't remember everything, but everything that I do remember makes me feel something for you. I feel this pull between us and I don't want to lose that. Please, don't give up on me" her voice cracked and your heart broke. "I swear that it wasn't a date. It was never going to be a date. I want to remember you. Please, Y/N" she lightly began to play with your fingers, the touch making you shiver. "I spent all week going through the photo albums you gave me. You said that you've given me all of our photos but I don't think you have."

"You don't need to see them."

"Maybe, I do."

"They're not important, Demi" she sucked in her lower lip and stared down at her hand that lay in yours. "I won't give up on you, I promise" her lips twitched into a smile.

"Thank you" she leant up on her knees and then manoeuvred her way between your thighs. You didn't know where to put your hands so you gripped the edge of the couch. Her eyes searched yours as she leant in. Your heart raced in your chest and your palms began to sweat. Her tongue came out to lick along her lower lip and you swallowed. "I'm going to kiss you."

"I kind of got that impression" you lightly laughed, smiling wider as her giggle filled the otherwise silent living room. You released the couch with your right hand and lifted it to tangle your fingers in her hair. Your stomach did a flip as she pressed her forehead to yours, your heart skipping a beat as her lips ever so gently brushed against yours. You haven't kissed her in months.


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