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You and Dianna rushed up to Demi's room as soon as you had hung up. You had tears pouring down your cheeks that you had trouble controlling and your heart was shattered. Matthew was stood outside of the room, leant back against the wall. He looked up at the sound of footsteps and a sad smile formed on his face. He held his arms out for you and you instantly walked into them. You nuzzled your face into his neck and sobbed. He ran his fingers through your hair and held tightly onto you. He just allowed you to cry and only loosened his grip around you as you began to pull away from him. You quickly wiped at your cheeks, trying to compose yourself before you spoke.

"Is there someone in there with her?"

"The doctors are still in there. We tried to explain that it wasn't 2016 but she started to stress herself out, they've given her something to relax her" you nodded as your heart continued to break. "She saw your coat, asked who's it was. It was then when I realised that something was wrong and I asked her what the date was" you nodded, biting down on your lower lip.

"What does she remember?"

"She's knows that her and Wilmer are no longer together and that she's just been on tour but she doesn't remember anything after that. I'm so sorry, Y/N" your head shook as more tears began their journey down your cheeks. A hand settled on your back and you glanced to Dianna who looked heartbroken. She went to speak but before anything came out, the door to Demi's room opened and a team of doctors stepped out. "How is she?" Matthew asked before you could get the words out.

"She's medically stable, she has the normal aches and pains that are expected" you nodded, nibbling nervously on your finger nail. "I can't say at present whether her memories will return" that sentence alone shattered your heart. "All we can do is hope that they will. You need to approach this carefully, bombarding her with loads of information will just confuse her further and it may prolong her recovery" you quickly wiped at your cheeks.

"Is there anything we can do?"

"Just slow trips down memory lane may help. Just don't overload her with too many memories at once. I'll be back to review her again tomorrow."

"Thank you, Doctor" he gave you all a brief smile before he turned and headed down the corridor.

"You two can go in, I-I'll stay out here."

"Honey..." you shook your head as you turned to Dianna.

"She doesn't re-doesn't remember me" you choked on the words. "I'm just a stranger to her" Matthew ran his hand along your back as you covered your mouth and choked on a sob. "It'll be useless me going in there. Just let me know how she is" Matthew locked his arms around you as Dianna gave you a heartbroken smile. "Go and see her" Dianna gave your hand a squeeze before she turned and headed into the hospital room.

"Mom..." you turned into Matthew, sobbing into his chest as Demi's raspy voice rang through your ears.

Oh, how her raspy voice did things to you.

"Morning Baby" your lips twitched at the corners as you woke, Demi's lips lightly pressed against your ear. "I love waking up to your beautiful face" you moaned lightly at the raspiness to her voice. You loved waking up to her too, for many different reasons. "You going to open those beautiful eyes" she nibbled gently on your ear lobe, biting down on it gently causing you to squeal and your eyes opened at the contact.


"Hmm?" a playful smirk settled on her face as you glanced to her.

"You don't bite people, that's naughty" her smirk widened as she moved to straddle you. Her hands settled either side of your head. She leant into you, her lips once again pressing against your ear.

"Bite me" you grabbed her hips and flipped you both over as she spoke, in her sexy rasp. You began to attack her neck in kisses, her body arching into you as she gently moaned. "Baby..." lifting her shirt up, you began to kiss along her belly and along the hem of her panties. Her fingers tangled in your hair as your fingers hooked into the waistband of her panties. You gently tugged them down her legs, showering her luscious thighs in kisses. You discarded of her panties as you kissed your way back up to her pussy. Her legs fell open and you smiled at the view you had.

"Where would you like me to bite you, Baby?"

"Fuck" she clutched at the sheet beneath her as you gently blew against her hotbox. "Y/N, please" her raspy moan turned you on immensely. "Baby" she ran her fingers into your hair and lightly tugged on it.

"Do you promise never to bite me again, Baby?" she nodded, her eyes locking with yours as you moved yourself closer to her pussy, your fingers lightly fondly her lower lips. She whimpered as you lightly flicked your tongue along her clit. "Hmm, you taste good" her breathing became rapid as you continued to eat her out, lapping up all of her juices.

"I love you" she moaned out causing you to smile against her.

You pulled from your thoughts, your heart aching at the memory. You both used to be so happy. You had your fair share of arguments but what relationship hasn't? You had never been so happy in a relationship before. You could be yourself around Demi, you never could with your exes. You thought you finally found your happiness but something always seems to come along and destroy that. At first you thought it was Dianna's inability to accept the relationship but it wasn't, it's this. Will Demi ever remember what you had? Will it be easy bringing back her memories? Will she ever remember you or will you have to help her fall in love with you all over again?


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