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"Hi" Matthew smiled as he pulled open his front door.

"Hi, how is she?"

"You could just come in here and ask me yourself" your cheeks suddenly blushed as you stepped through the front door.

"She's in the living room" you nibbled on your lip as you slid out of your jacket and hung it up on the peg. "I'm heading out. I'm meeting someone for lunch and then I have work."

"Meeting someone for lunch?" your eyebrows raised and a smirk formed on his face as he rolled his eyes. "I'm going to drop it but you will need to tell me eventually" he laughed as you headed into the living room, smiling at Demi who was curled up on the couch. Batman pushed himself up from the floor and began towards you, his tail wagging in his excitement.

"Wow, my dog really likes you" you lightly laughed as you gave Batman a fuss and then took a seat on the couch.

"I'm sure he really misses Sam too" Batman's ears perked up. You didn't notice the way that Demi's eyebrows pulled together as she stared at you. "I-I brought you another photo album, like you requested" you glanced to her with a smirk, your heart skipping a beat at the smile that formed on her face. "It has more than just photos of us in it" you spoke as you unfastened your purse and pulled out the photo album. You handed it over to her. "It has photos of other friends in it and some with family. There's also photos of places that we've been together, whether that be alone or with other friends" she nodded as she lowered the photo album onto her lap and slowly turned the cover.

"Baby, you look sexy" she giggled as you stepped up behind her, your hands running along her hips. You pulled her back into you and leant to press a lingering kiss to the nape of her neck. She nibbled on her lower lip as you glanced at her through the mirror.

"We don't have the time for-for whatever you're thinking" your lips twitched into a smirk as she stumbled over her words.

"Don't think we won't continue this when we get home."

"I'm counting on it" she spoke as she turned to face you. She cupped your face in her hands and leant to peck your lips. Demi pulled away from you and went to grab her stilettos. You watched her as she walked away, your eyes falling to her ass that looked amazing in her black skinny jeans. "You staring at my ass?" you lifted your eyes to meet Demi's and smirked. She giggled as she combed her fingers through her hair that was lightly curled.

"I love your ass, Baby" she squealed as you placed a slap to her ass as she walked by you.

"Are you ready to go?" you nodded as you turned to follow her from the closet. You grabbed your jacket on the way out and then grabbed your clutch off the master bed. You met up with Demi downstairs, a knock sounding on the front door a moment later. You pulled it open and smiled at Matthew who stood on the porch.

"Emonite here we come" you laughed at Demi as she skipped past you. Oh, how you love your emo loving dork.

"This-This is the night we went to emonite, right?" you pulled from your little daydream and glanced to Demi.


"We went with Matthew and Sirah" you nodded, nibbling on your lip as you remembered the night afterwards. You and Demi really did continue where you left off. As you watched her, your heart dropped a little into your stomach. Will you and Demi ever have what you did? Will she ever remember you? "Okay, what are we doing in this photo?" you rapidly blinked to push back your tears. You leant over to stare down at the photo, your heart beginning to hammer against your chest at the closeness.

"I can so carry you" you shook your head and lightly laughed.

"You probably could, Baby, but I don't want to hurt you" she nibbled on her lip and then pouted. "No, Demi."

"You think I'm a weak ass bitch?" she crossed her arms over her chest, raised her eyebrows and flexed her biceps. Matthew lightly laughed from where he stood in front of you both. You were hiking along Runyon Canyon, something you do at least once a week.

"No, Baby."

"Then let me prove that I can carry you" you could see her lips beginning to twitch up into a smirk. You could feel yourself caving the longer that you stared into her eyes. "I'll give you a piggy back. I'll carry you up to the little sign."

"Baby, that's..."

"Shh" she placed her finger to your lips, leant to peck your lips and then turned her back to you. You hesitated a little but eventually climbed onto Demi's back. Your taller than Demi, and heavier than Demi so you where very apprehensive. Loud laughs emitted out of the both of you as Demi struggled to hold you.

"Baby, I'm going to hurt you."

"I'm fine" she laughed as she began to walk, Matthew loudly laughed beside you as he recorded the entire thing.

"You wanted to prove that you could carry me."

"And did I?" your lips twitched slightly into a smile.

"Yeah, you carried me all the way to the sign that you said you would" she watched you for a moment, you had to look away as her eyes stared directly into yours. "Matthew recorded the entire thing, that's were the photo came from."

"We-We were more than just friends, weren't we?" the question caught you off guard so you had no idea how to answer it. Do you tell her and hope that it brings back her memories or do you just say you've only ever been friends?


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