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You sat in the chair opposite Demi's room with Matthew sat beside you. Dianna was still in the room with Demi. You wanted to go in and see her but at the same time you didn't because she doesn't remember you and it would hurt too much.

"She will remember you, Y/N."

"I don't feel too confident" you kept your gaze down on the floor even though you could feel Matthew's eyes on you. You began to play with your fingers, trying to hold back the tears that you felt burning at the backs of your eyes. "What if she never remembers me? What if I never get her back, Matthew?" he wrapped his arm around you and you leant against his side.

"You will, because I have faith that she'll remember you."

"I'm glad you do" you pushed yourself up from your chair as the door to Demi's room opened and Dianna stepped out. "How is she?" you couldn't stop yourself from asking. Even if she can't remember you, you still remember and care for her. You still love her. Dianna had a tiny smile on her face.

"Other than the memory loss, she's doing good" you nodded, dropping back down into your chair as your heart broke. You shook your head and nuzzled your face into your hands as the tears welled up in your eyes. "I'm so sorry, Honey" Dianna lowered herself down into the chair beside you and delicately ran her hand along your back. You choked on a sob, allowing Dianna, even though it felt a little weird, to pull you into a hug. "We just need to take this one step at a time."

"And what if she never remembers me?" you pulled your head from your hands, glancing to Dianna with fearful eyes.

"She will, Honey" you shook your head, glancing up at Matthew who gave you a sympathetic smile.

"I'm going to go in and see her" you nodded, glancing back down at your hands as you twiddled with your fingers. Matthew turned and headed into the hospital room. You bit down on your lip, sinking into Dianna's embrace as she wrapped her arms around you. Dianna was definitely the last person you ever thought you would be getting comfort from.

The door to Demi's room opened again only a couple moments later and Matthew stepped out with a light smile.

"She wants to see you" he spoke once the door closed behind him. You rapidly began to shake your head.

"No, I-I can't. H-How does she even know about me?"

"Because of your jacket. She asked about it. I said that you're her friend and she asked if you were here?"

"And you couldn't have said no? You-You couldn't have made out that I went home" you pushed yourself to stand. "I-I don't want to see her, Matthew. I can't" you suddenly began to pace along the floor, your fingers running through your hair.

"She just wants..."

"I-I don't care, Matthew" you groaned, rolling your eyes as the tears began to pour down your cheeks. "It'll hurt too much. It'll hurt to have her look at me and just see straight through me."

"It might help to bring back her memories" you sighed, staring off down the corridor, your back to Matthew and Dianna.

"You both think we'll be able to get her memories back?" you turned back to face them.

"Yes" Dianna nodded along with Matthew. You sighed, your eyes dancing to the door to Demi's room. You rolled your eyes, wiped your cheeks and prepared yourself to step into Demi's hospital room. "You going to do it?"

"I'm grabbing my jacket and then I'm out."

"You want me to come in with you" you nodded. Matthew gave you a smile and then turned to open the door. Your heart broke as your eyes landed instantly on Demi. She had more colour to her face but she was still very pale. Her eyes held a dullness to them and it hurt to stare into them for too long. She had oxygen tubbing up her nose and a drip of fluid attached to her cannula. The heart monitor was still tracking her heart rate. You didn't want to get your hopes up, but her heart rate increased as you stepped into the room.

"Hi" the simple greeting broke your heart. Hi. That's it.

"Hi" you gave her the best smile that you could muster.

"Ma-Matthew said that-that we're friends" her eyes danced to Matthew who was stood just behind you. Her voice was raspy and it sounded dry, obviously due to the tube she had down her throat for weeks.

"Yeah, we are."

"I-I'm sorry but I-I don't remember your name."

"Y/N" she nodded. There was a tiny little bit of hope that your name would help her to remember but the look in her eyes showed you that it didn't. It didn't help at all.

"How long have-have we been friends for?"

"Not too long" she nodded, her eyes showing her sorrow.

"I-I'm sorry that I don't remember you" your lips tugged ever so slightly at the corners.

"That's okay. You-You just focus on getting yourself better" she nodded, flashing you a small smile. Oh, how you've missed her smile.

"Thanks. I hope I remember you soon" you nodded. You grabbed your jacket off the back of the chair and tugged it on. You glanced to Matthew who gave you a light smile.

"I-I'm going to head out. It's nice to see you awake, Demi" she flashed you a smile. You gave Matthew a look before you headed from the room. "I'll see you around, Dianna" she gave you a look of concern but you ignored it as you began from the hospital. You could feel your tears bubbling away inside you. Your eyes had begun to well up with tears before you had even left the hospital but you didn't allow yourself to completely break down until you were safe in the comfort of your car.


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