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You smiled up at Matthew as he stepped into the hospital room. He gave you a smile back and then headed to kiss Demi's forehead. The sight just made your smile widen.

"Morning Dem."

"You sleep okay?"

"Not bad. What about you?" you just shrugged as you kept your eyes on Demi. "You didn't sleep again?"

"I fell asleep for around an hour but I couldn't seem to stay asleep. I just dreamt about Demi" he lowered himself down into the chair beside you and leant to grab your hand. "I-I just want her to wake up and be okay" Matthew gave your hand a squeeze. You wiped your cheek with your shoulder. "Dianna's flying in today. I'm not sure what time though, she didn't say. She wants to talk with me" I glanced to Matthew.

"What do you think she wants to say?"

As you went to reply, your phone vibrated on the table. You leant to grab it, surprised to see that Dianna had messaged you.

Dianna: I've landed. On my way to the hospital! Meet me at the main entrance. We can go somewhere to talk. I'll be about 20 minutes.

"Maybe she wants to apologise" you just shrugged.

"I don't know. I'm not holding my breath though" you glanced to Demi before you replied to Dianna's message.

You: Okay! I'll see you when you get here.

You sighed and leant back against the chair, glancing over at Matthew.

"I need to meet her down at the main entrance in 20" you locked your phone and dropped it onto your lap. "I really hope this goes well. I want us to get along for Demi" Matthew took your hand in his and gave it another squeeze. "You okay to stay here with her while I go down?"

"Of course. Where else do I spend my day?" you lightly laughed at his smirk.

"I want you to message me if there's any change."

"Of course I will. I'm sure the first thing she'll want to see when she wakes up is you" you felt your cheeks heating up, glancing down at your lap. There was a funny feeling in your tummy but you didn't want to speak it out loud out of fear of it coming true.

You left the room 15 minutes later and headed down towards the main entrance. You stood by the doors and anxiously waited for Dianna to step through. You nervously twiddled your fingers and nibbled on your lip, all while your stomach filled of butterflies. It was like the butterflies tried to push their way up your throat as Dianna stepped through the sliding doors. She looked around for a moment before her eyes locked on you. She looked as if she had been crying as she headed for you. The closer that she got, the worse the butterflies seemed to get. They were slowly turning into bats.

"Hi Dianna" she gave you a very tiny smile.

"Where can we go to talk?" you released a breath and pointed down the corridor.

"There's a cafeteria just down this corridor" she didn't reply, she just nodded. You headed down the corridor, Dianna walking beside you. "How was your flight?" you glanced over to her but she didn't once look up from her phone.

"It was fine" you bit down on your lower lip and decided to keep your mouth shut as you headed into the cafeteria.

"I'm going to grab myself a coffee. Do you want anything?" she shook her head as she slid into the booth. You headed towards the counter and ordered yourself a latte. You paid and then headed back to the table. You took a seat opposite Dianna and began to twiddle with your fingers as you waited for her to speak, waited for her to pull her eyes from her phone. "So, what did you want to talk about?" you found the courage to speak a few moments later. Dianna sighed, pulled her eyes from her phone and lowered it onto the table.

"The day Demi told me that she wanted me to meet you, I was hesitant" where is this conversation going to go? Is the relationship going to get better or worse? "I didn't like how you both met and with Demi being such a high profile person it worried me. I was fearful that you would use my daughter" you suppose you can understand that.

"I-I get that, but I love your daughter and I wouldn't ever do anything to harm her."

"But you understand why I'm so hesitant to accept you?"

"Dianna, Demi and I have been together now for 2 years. Why do you still think that I'm going to leave? I've not left yet. I'm still here and I don't plan on ever leaving her. If I was going to leave, I would have left by now" she nodded, her eyes down. "I may not be this big celebrity that you want your daughter to be with but I love her and I'm not using her. I'm with her because I love her. I wouldn't ever use somebody for fame. When we first met, I didn't even realise who she was. She reminded me of someone but I couldn't pinpoint who. I don't care that she's famous. I love her for the person that she is" Dianna glanced up to meet your teary eyes.

"I'm sorry for how I've treated you over the last 2 years" wow, an apology. That is the last thing you were expecting when she messaged. "I had an argument with Demi the day of the accident. She said that if I didn't try and get to know you, then she was cutting me off. At first I was angry towards you because I thought that you were coming between me and my daughter."

"I always offered to step back. I've nearly broken up with her because of the tension between us but she always fought for me to stay" you quickly wiped at your cheek.

"I'm sorry for any problems that I caused between you both and I hope that we can build a relationship" before you spoke, your phone vibrated on the table.

"It's Matthew" you picked up your phone and answered the call without hesitating, knowing that it was something regarding Demi. He wouldn't call you otherwise. "Hey, what's up?" your voice shook, your heart beginning to pound in your chest.

"Demi's awake" your hand flew up to cover your mouth as tears filled your eyes. "There's a problem though, Y/N" he spoke before you could reply and your eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean a problem? She's awake, that's good, isn't it?"

"The doctors have been asking her questions and she thinks that it's 2016" your heart plummeted into your stomach.

"That-That means she doesn't remember me?" the tears poured down your cheeks. Your heart having shattered in your chest. Dianna scooted herself around in the booth and began to comfort you. Even though you had only just started to patch up your relationship, you welcomed her comfort. The love of your life doesn't remember you.


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