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"Baby, what are you looking for?" you continued to rummage through the drawer. Demi was stood just behind you in nothing but a towel. "Babe" a smile formed on your face once you found it. You grabbed the little black velvet box from the drawer and turned to face Demi who's smile just widened.

"I-I've had this sat in my drawer for 4 months" you glanced down at the little velvet box. "I dreamt of so many ways I could propose to you but I could never find the right way to do it" Demi nibbled on her lower lip as she stepped closer to you. You watched Demi in silence for a moment before you opened the little box to reveal the unique ring, that you had made specifically for Demi.

 You watched Demi in silence for a moment before you opened the little box to reveal the unique ring, that you had made specifically for Demi

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"Y/N, it's gorgeous" her hand flew up to cover her mouth as her eyes welled up with tears.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Baby, I love it" you delicately took it from the box and then lightly took a hold of her hand.

"You sure you want to marry me?"

"Yes" the smile on your face widened as you slowly slid the ring onto her finger. "It would make me the happiest girl on this earth" you delicately cupped her chin with your fingers and then leant in to kiss her. Her hand ran along your neck as she deepened the kiss. You both slowly lost yourselves in each other once again.


"I don't know whether any of you have noticed or whether your all just purposely ignoring, but can I just ask something?" everyone turned to Matthew who sat on the opposite couch with a smirk plastered across his face as he stared at you and Demi. He had Lauren and Sirah sat either side of him. You found your cheeks beginning to heat up as his eyes danced down to Demi's hand. "What's the shiny thing on Demi's ring finger?" you nibbled on your lip and glanced down at Demi who lightly giggled.

"It's a ring, Matthew" Lauren gasped.

"Are you engaged?"

"Yes" the room filled with squeals and we were suddenly enveloped in tight hugs. Demi's laugh filled the room and your heart skipped several beats.

"Who else knows? When did this even happen? Oh my gosh, I'm so excited" you all lightly laughed at Matthew's excitement.

"It happened this morning, we were in the shower."

"Very romantic" Matthew teased. I rolled my eyes and lightly smirked as I glanced to Demi who's cheeks had turned a light pink.

"It was actually, Matthew" he turned to you with a wide smile, his eyes speaking volumes. He couldn't have been happier for you both.

"Who knows?"

"Just my mom, we FaceTimed earlier. Dianna's coming over tonight for dinner so we'll tell her then."

"You think she'll react okay?" you shrugged, glancing to Demi.

"She's improved a lot, Babe. I think she'll be happy" you leant into Demi and pressed a delicate kiss to her lips. Your relationship with Dianna has started to make an improvement but you still can't be sure as to whether she'll react positively to your engagement.

"I hope so" you pulled away from Demi and flashed her a smile which she instantly mirrored.


You greeted Dianna with a smile and then allowed her to pull you into a hug. She gave you a gentle squeeze and pressed a delicate kiss to your cheek as she pulled away.

"As much as I love my daughter, I hope you've done the food" a smirk played on Dianna's lips and you lightly laughed as you glanced to Demi who was glaring at the both of you.

"Of course I have" Demi's lower lip stuck out as she hit you lightly on the arm.

"You know my cooking's improved."

"It hasn't improved that much, Baby" you leant in to press a peck to her lips. "You did burn the grilled cheese, remember?"

"I hate you."

"And I love you too" you smirked as you pulled away. "Dianna, would you like anything to drink?" she had a smile on her face as she glanced between you both.

"A water will be fine, Sweetheart" you nodded and turned to head into the kitchen leaving Demi alone with her mom. You grabbed three glasses from the cupboard and filled each with water and ice, only turning when you heard footsteps behind you. Demi flashed you a wide smile as Dianna slid onto the stool by the island. She leant in to peck your cheek and then grabbed two of the glasses. She slid one over to her mom and then leant against the counter, your eyes momentarily landed on her ass that looked amazing in her yoga pants. You gave it a gentle slap as you walked past her so that you could check on dinner, a gentle giggle slipped from her luscious lips. "So, how has it been to be back home?"

"I forgot how comfy our bed is" your mind instantly jumped back to last night. You focused your attention on dinner as your cheeks seemed to heat up at the memory. "It's nice to finally be home. There's still bits of my memory that's very hazy but otherwise I can pretty much remember everything."

"I'm glad" you glanced back at Demi over your shoulder. She was staring down at her hands, a small smile on her face as she played with the engagement ring on her finger. You glanced up at Dianna who lifted her glass of water up to her lips, keeping her eyes on Demi. They dropped to her hands and you watched, your lips just tugging into a wider smile as the realisation slowly hit. She lowered her glass to the table and then reached to grab Demi's hand. You lightly laughed as Demi nibbled on her lip and giggled. "Is this what I think it is?"

"Yep. I'm engaged" you rolled your eyes and stepped up to Demi.

"We're engaged, Babe" she giggled as she leant back into you.

"Right. We're engaged" Dianna stared down at Demi's ring and then glanced up at you both with a wide smile. The fact that she had tears glistening in her eyes made your heart warm.

"Congratulations" she pushed herself up from the stool and then wrapped her arms around you both. "So, when's the wedding?"


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