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You ran your fingers through Batman's fur as he lay curled up on your lap. You came home for a nap but all you did was stare at the ceiling so you decided to get up. You're now staring at the tv, which isn't even switched on and you have been for over an hour. Batman set up camp on your lap the moment that you sat down on the sofa while Sam was curled up on the floor, snoring his little head off. You jumped at your phone notifying you of a text. You released a breath and leant forward to grab it off the coffee table which ultimately caused Batman to move off your lap. Your phone lit up as you grabbed it and your mouth dropped at the person who had sent you a text.

Dianna: How's Demi?

Why does she suddenly care? Demi has been in a coma for nearly a week, she wasn't interested until now. Now the question is, do you reply or do you just ignore her? If you ignore her, would that make you the bad guy?

"Baby, why is your leg shaking?" you glanced over at Demi who leant over to lower her hand onto your thigh.

"Because I'm nervous" she lightly giggled.

"I'm sure my mom is going to love you" you had a funny feeling in your tummy that made you not believe her. She leant to press a kiss to your cheek and your lips ever so slightly tugged at the corners. "I promise, and anyway, I'm not leaving you even if she doesn't" you bit down on your lower lip as you watched her. Could you really come between Demi and her Mom? Before you could even question her, there was a knock on the door. Batman and Sam suddenly became excited and started barking up a storm. You're pretty sure they were just trying to outdo each other with who could bark the loudest. Demi flashed you a grin, which you have fallen so hard for and which turns your insides into mush, before she pushed herself up from the couch and headed to the front door which she pulled open with a loud greeting. "Mama, hi" you nervously began to twiddle with your fingers, suddenly feeling all kinds of emotions.

"Hi Baby" the voice sounded welcoming but you still felt sick at the sound.

"I want you to meet someone" you pushed yourself up from the sofa as Demi stepped into the room, followed closely by a middle-aged woman. She looked flawless for her age and it was obvious that she took care of herself. You could also see the hint of Demi in her. "Mom, this is Y/N, my girlfriend. Y/N, this is Dianna, my mom" you gave Dianna a warm smile as you held your hand out for her to shake, but the gesture wasn't reciprocated. She shook your hand, obviously, but she didn't once crack a smile. You felt so tiny under her gaze and the look in her eyes just made your nausea worse.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs Lovato" she gave you a nod and then glanced to Demi who obviously hadn't noticed the hostile look you had just received from her mom who obviously already didn't like you.

"What should I do, Batman?" he lifted his head up from his paws and stared up at you. "You miss Mommy, don't you?" his ears pricked up and your heart ached as his tail began to wag. "I miss her too, Baby" you sighed and leant back against the sofa, staring down at the text for a moment before you locked your phone and lowered it down onto the sofa beside you.


"Matthew?" your eyebrows furrowed as you noticed him stood outside Demi's hospital room. He glanced up from his phone and a light smile adorned his face at the sight of you. "Why are you stood outside? What's going on? Is she okay?" Matthew's lips twitched into a wider smile as he nodded.

"She's breathing on her own, so they're removing the tube" your eyes welled up with tears and your mouth dropped.

"She's breathing on her own?" you questioned, your voice shaking with the emotions that took over.

"Yeah" you threw your arms around Matthew's neck, your mouth twitching into a wide smile. "We've still got a long way to go but the tube being removed is a step closer to getting her back" you pulled away from him, quickly wiping your cheeks.

"Dianna messaged me today."

"What did she want?"

"To know how Demi was" you sniffled, rummaging through your purse until you found a tissue.

"Did you reply? Did you tell her?"

"No. The accident happened a week ago and she's only now getting in touch. If she really wanted to know, she would try harder than just a message, right? She would actually come and see her daughter in the hospital. I'm not stopping her. She's free to come and see her. I don't have a problem with her, it's her that has a problem with me and Demi dating."

"Maybe you should reply with that. Leave the ball in her court. Tell her that she can come and see her whenever she wants" you glanced briefly down at the floor as you contemplated what he was saying to you. Before you could even fully think of what to do, the door opened and a young nurse stepped out of the room.

"We've removed the tube and she's still breathing on her own. We need to still keep a close eye on her and her conscious levels but she's doing good. She's improving which is a good sign, it means we're moving in the right direction" your lips twitched as Matthew wrapped his arm around you and held you against his side. "You can go back in" she gave you both a smile before she stepped out of the way of the door. You reciprocated the smile and then headed into the room with Matthew following behind.

"Hi Baby" you cooed, leaning down to press a kiss to Demi's lips. "You look so much better without that tube in your mouth" you took her hand in yours and gave the back of it a stroke as you lowered yourself down into the chair beside the bed, the chair that you planned to spend the night in.


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