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You got daily updates from Matthew in regards to Demi. It wasn't until she had been awake for a week that she finally remembered something from the last two years, but it wasn't anything to do with you. She still doesn't remember you. You even had to move out of your house because everything reminded you of her, everything, even the freezer.

You smiled, a stirring occurring in your lower stomach as you stepped into the kitchen to find Demi leant over, her head in the freezer and her ass in the air. You kept your steps light as you headed towards her. You didn't want to alert her of your presence.

"Hey Sexy" you gave her ass a gentle slap causing her to squeal.

"Hey Beautiful" you smiled as you leant in to peck her lips.

"What you searching for?"

"I swear we have some ice cream in here" she leant back down into the freezer and you moved to stand behind her, your hands on her hips as you pulled her ass into your front. She lightly giggled, pressing her ass into you as she continued to search for the ice cream.

Even those memories hurt.

"You haven't moved from this couch in days?" you sighed, glancing over to your sister as she dropped down onto the couch beside you.

"I have nothing to move for" you had moved in with your sister, Frankie, and her boyfriend, Spencer. They lived in a 2 bedroom apartment so it's safe to say that it's pretty cramped.

"Why aren't you trying to repair Demi's memories?" even her name made your heart ache. "You should be at the hospital. You should be trying to fix her memories."

"It hurts, Frankie. When I stepped into the room, the look in her eyes was blank. For the last two years, there's been nothing but love in those eyes. There was more in her eyes the day that we met" Frankie's face fell sympathetic. You knew that she was probably speaking the truth. You probably should be with Demi, trying to repair her memories but the thought of it hurt. It actually broke your heart to even think about. You didn't think you could take her looking at you with such blank expressions. "I love her so much, Frankie, and she doesn't even remember me."

"You need to help her remember you, Y/N. You aren't going to help her get her memories back by just sitting here" you stared at Frankie for a moment before you sighed in defeat.

"Why don't you start off by showing her some photos, innocent photos that prove you're friends?" you nibbled on your lower lip as you glanced up at the tv. Sam jumped up onto the couch and curled into your side, his head resting on your thigh as he stared up at you with his brown puppy eyes. You delicately ran your fingers through his fur. "It could help her to remember you, even if it is just as friends."

"What if she never remembers me though? What if she just remembers me as her friend and nothing more? What if I've lost her for good?" your eyes welled up with tears.

"I don't think you have" you silently stared at Frankie for a moment. "You won't know if you don't try though. I'm heading off to work" she leant to kiss your temple and then pushed herself up from the couch. "Spencer should be back within the hour and then I'll see you in the morning" I nodded, sending her a smile before she turned to leave the apartment.

"What should I do, Sam?" your eyes glanced back down at Sam who was staring up at you. "You miss Batman, don't you?" his ears perked up and his tail began to hit against the couch. "So do I, Buddy" you leant to press a kiss to the top of his head, your fingers combing through his fur.


You glanced up at Demi, her hands covering her face as you slowly removed her red lace panties. You smiled at the sight, beginning to kiss up her stomach and chest. You gently sucked on her erect nipple causing a gentle moan to slip from between her lips. You wrapped your hands around her wrists and slowly removed her hands from her face.

"You're beautiful, Baby" her cheeks flushed and the smile on your face widened. "You're so sexy too" your hand ran down her front and her jaw dropped as your fingers dipped between her legs. You slid your finger along her slit causing her to gasp.

"Fuck" your lower region reacted as you covered your fingers in her wetness, dipping your fingers into her slick hole. You quickened your pace with your fingers, guttural moans slipping from her mouth as you rapidly hit against her most sensitive spot. She whimpered, her breathing rapid as she began to quiver, her vaginal walls clenching around you. You pressed your thumb against her clit which sent her over the edge. She clutched at the sheet beneath her as she came undone, crying out from the pleasure. You intently watched her as she came, your entire body igniting, your panties dampening instantly. You slipped your fingers from her as she dropped back against the bed, her breathing heavy and rapid. "Baby, you-you are so good at that" you giggled, leaning in to peck her lips. She turned to you almost immediately, her eyes filling with lust. She nibbled on her lower lip and moved to hover over you. She pinned your hands to the bed and moved to straddle you. "Now, it's my turn" your body arched into her as she began to nibble and suck in the nape of your neck. She began to kiss down your chest, her hands running up your back to remove your bra which she managed to unfasten instantly. She pulled it off your chest and discarded of it on the floor. She leant back into you, beginning to gently fondle your breasts as she kissed down your stomach and rid you of your panties.

"Demi" your fingers ran into her hair as she blew against your pussy, her fingers separating your lower lips so that you were now entirely on display to her. You gasped as her tongue flicked against your clit. Your stomach clenched and your body tingled at the slight touch, loud moans slipped from your lips as she began to eat you out, the sensations out of this world.

Will you ever get that feeling again?


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