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You: Demi's doing okay but she's still critical! You can come and see her. I'm not going to stop you Dianna.

You hesitated for a moment but eventually sent the message, sighing as you glanced up at Demi.

"Your mother hates me."

"No, she doesn't, Babe" you refrained from rolling your eyes as you turned and began to clean up the mess from dinner. "She doesn't hate you" you didn't want to argue but you could feel one brewing between the two of you. You and Demi have been dating for nearly 5 months and this will be your first argument, if it goes as big as you think it will.

"Demi, she barely acknowledges me when she comes over. I ignored it the first time we met because I thought it was just because she didn't know me, but it isn't. She doesn't like me, it's obvious."

"She was like that with all of my exes" your head shook as you rolled your eyes, not fully understanding why she was defending her mother.

"No, she wasn't. Don't even lie to me" her eyes danced down to the floor.

"I swear she..." you cut her off before she could continue.

"She doesn't like me, Demi. I'm the first of your partners to not be liked by your mother and do you realise how that makes me feel" you watched her swallow, her eyes welling up with tears as she bit down on her lip. "I know that we've not even been dating for 5 months yet but I see my future with you. I love you and I don't want you to end up regretting all of this because of your mother hating me" she shook her head and took a step towards you but you continued before she could speak. "I don't want to come between the bond that you and your mom share. I don't want to be the person who ruins that. I love you, Demi, but I'm not going to be the person who destroys the relationship that you and your mom have" you watched as her chin quivered, your own eyes watering.

"Are-Are you breaking up with me?" you held her gaze for a moment until it became too hard and you glanced down at the floor with a shrug. You clenched your eyes closed as the most heartbreaking sob ripped through Demi. The sob tugged at your heart. It caused your own tears to start falling down your cheeks. "Please" you looked at her, the fear in her eyes made your heart drop into your stomach. "Don't do this. Don't-Don't break up with me" you were having an internal battle with your head and heart. Your head wanted you to turn and leave but your heart wouldn't let you because you knew that she was your forever. "I swear that I'll talk to her, just-just please don't break up with me" her pleading was slowly wearing away at you and even though you wanted to push her hands away from you, you couldn't because you loved her touch, you loved her.


"Please" her eyes were wide with fear, tears still rolling down her cheeks. "I love you, Y/N, and even if you walk out that door, I will never give up on forever with you" your hand came up to wipe away her tears.

"I-I don't want to destroy the..."

"You won't" her head shook. "If anyone destroys the relationship it'll be her. Please, don't break up with me. I want forever with you too" she locked her arms around your neck, the grip tight as if she feared you would just pull away and leave. After a moment with her sobbing into your neck, you locked your arms around her waist and held tightly onto her, your face nuzzling into her neck. She sobbed out in relief, your own tears pouring down your cheeks. "I love you."

"I love you too" that wasn't how you ever thought you would say your first 'I love yous.'

You quickly wiped the fallen tear from your cheek as that memory ran through your head. You've always hated arguing with Demi, and even though all relationships have their arguments and fallouts, it doesn't mean it's easy. It hurts when the love of your life doesn't agree with you.

"I wonder if your mom will actually come and see you" you took Demi's hand in yours and lightly caressed the back of it. "I know she doesn't like me, but she is still your mom and I know how much you've tried to keep your relationship going over these last few years" even though Dianna has never liked you, you never stopped Demi from seeing her mom. "I'm going to try and make everything better with your mom, for you, Baby. I don't want you to have to visit her without me or have to think twice before you invite her over. Maybe I should start by asking her why she doesn't like me. I wonder if she's told you and you haven't told me to spare my feelings?" you stroked a strand of hair behind Demi's ear. The silence settled around you but the sound of your phone pinging with a text made you jump.

Dianna: I want to see her. I'm flying into LA tomorrow.

"Your mom's coming to see you, Baby."

Dianna: I want to talk with you before I see her.

Your eyebrows furrowed and your stomach filled with butterflies. Even though you wanted to have a conversation with her about her issues with yours and Demi's relationship, you couldn't help but to feel nervous about what she wanted.

You: Of course. I can meet you at the hospital?

You sent the message but you wasn't surprised that you didn't receive a reply. You just focused your attention back on Demi.

"I love you, and I'm going to try and make everything better with your mom. I doubt we'll be best friends when you wake up but it's a start, right?" you lightly laughed, leaning to press a kiss to Demi's lips, your heart still ached at the lack of response.


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