eleven: father

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Marlow pushed past hospital staff and other civilians to get to Stiles. She left Riley with Scott, hoping she would be better by the time she got back. She had to fight the urge to cry. And she would need someone to stop her from killing Theo once her dad was okay. If he would be okay. No, he would be okay. He had to be.

She found her brother sitting in the waiting area. He looked over at her. There were tears in his eyes and Marlow was about to break down. But she didn't. She was the stoic one. It was the role she played best. So instead of crying, she sat down next to her brother and engulfed him in a hug.

The two pulled apart and she gave him a reassuring smile. "He'll be fine," she told him. Stiles sighed. Marlow grabbed him by the shoulders, catching her attention once more. "Hey! He will be fine."

Stiles finally nodded, even if he didn't look too convinced. He leaned back with a sigh. "I'm so tired of this," he said. Marlow nodded, grabbing his hand. She felt his sentiment. She was sick and tired of it all too. Her dad's being injured was the last straw for her. She would get Theo back for this, one way or another.

The siblings sat in silence for what seemed like hours, waiting on further news. Marlow kept thinking about her friends. About Riley and Mason. And Liam. Oh, Liam. She could never make up for the way she treated him. She hadn't heard from Malia and Lydia in a while and was getting worried about them.

She had tried calling and texting plenty of times but no one was getting back to her. Marlow couldn't leave. Not when she didn't know how her dad was doing. Stiles finally fell asleep at some point. A luxury that hadn't been afforded to Marlow in over two days. She kept thinking back to the things she had done with her family when she was little.

Losing her mom was already hard enough. If her dad died too, Marlow would never be happy again. Marlow looked at her phone once more. It had been a few hours and still no news from anyone. She started to regret leaving Riley and Scott behind. Both were injured and needed medical attention. Only Deaton was still MIA and she couldn't exactly bring them with her to the hospital when they would be healing soon anyway.

Finally, Melissa walked up to the duo. Marlow shook Stiles awake and Melissa knelt next to them. Stiles sat up with a start, leading Melissa to grab him by the shoulders to calm him down. Marlow's look urged her to go on. "He's okay," Melissa told them. Marlow let out a sigh of relief. "Dr. Geyer is stitching him up right now."

Stiles got off his chair. "Okay, I wanna see him."

Melissa held him back. "Okay, okay." she started. Stiles sat back down. "The anesthesia needs to wear off. It's gonna be at least two hours," she explained. Maybe in those two hours, Marlow could finally go look for the others.

"Okay, yeah, but everything's gonna be okay though, I mean, he's okay?" Stiles asked.

"Mmm. He's gonna be just fine." Melissa assured the two.

"Oh, thank God." Stiles brought out shakily. He grabbed Marlow's hand, squeezing it affirmingly. She closed her eyes, sighing out in relief. Her dad was okay. He would be okay.


More than two hours had passed, and Noah still hadn't woken up. Marlow stared at him through the hospital door as Stiles argued with Melissa and Dr. Geyer one hallway over. She just couldn't sit in the room anymore. The sound of the machines was driving her insane. Her dad was alive, but not waking up. Marlow didn't know what to at this point. She was tired.

Laws of Nature [2]; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now