twelve: let's get the squad back together

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Marlow had been awake for quite some time, waiting for Riley to wake up. Both of them had been holed up in her room for half a day. Marlow wanted to give Riley enough time to recover from her injuries and she had needed sleep bad. But now she had gotten it and it was time to get back to planning. Marlow needed to find Theo and beat his ass for the things he had done.

After that, she needed to get her friends back in one room and make them make up. Though, that one might be hard to accomplish. What with Liam almost having killed Scott, Malia distancing herself from her friends, Lydia stuck in Eichen House, Kira still being MIA, and Stiles stubbornly refusing to even talk to Scott. She let out a defeated sigh, sitting up in her bed.

It was time to device any kind of strategy, so she pulled the covers off herself and walked over to her closet. She pulled out a pair of jean shorts and a shirt, while also piling on a pair of jeans and a sweater for Riley. When she turned around to throw the clothes on her bed, Riley was already sitting up and stretching out her arms with a yawn. Marlow jumped back with a start, putting her heart on her chest. "Jesus!"

"Morning." Riley greeted with a smile. She got up off the floor and grabbed her pillow and blanket. She threw the pillow over Marlow's on the bed and neatly folded the blanket, hanging it over the swivel chair's backrest.

Marlow let out a little chuckle. "More like afternoon."

Riley smirked at her. "Those for me?" she asked, pointing at the extra set of clothes for herself. Marlow nodded in response and walked over to her vanity. "Can I take a shower?"

"Of course," Marlow told her, dragging her hairbrush through her hair. Riley gave her a thumbs up and ran for the bathroom. Marlow grabbed a couple of towels and rushed after her. "Wait, you're gonna need these," she said, throwing the towels at her.

Riley caught them with one hand, the other clutching something Marlow had hidden away in her drawer in the bathroom. Marlow's eyes widened. It wasn't anything bad, really, she had just decided against it after all the drama with Theo, the Dread Doctors, and the Chimera's. "What is this?"

Marlow let out an amused chuckle. She walked up to Riley and tried to grab the box out of her hand. Riley pulled her arm out of reach. "It's just freaking hair dye, Riles," Marlow said, jumping up to try and grab the box of hair dye. She looked stopped and looked at Riley, a sigh escaping her lips. "Laugh at me all you want. I was going through some things."

"I'm not laughing!" Riley told Marlow. "I'm just wondering why you didn't go through with it." she went on, holding the box next to Marlow's hair. "You would look amazing with blonde hair," she added. Marlow narrowed her eyes at her. "You know, I regularly dyed my foster sister's hair before all the running away started. So..."

Marlow gave her a bemused look. "So, what? You want to dye my hair?"

Riley shrugged, taking a few strands of Marlow's hair. She twirled them between her fingers with a watchful eye. "Maybe a little cut too," she told her. Marlow tilted her head, giving her best friend a look. But Riley didn't seem to be joking.

She let out a laugh. "Right now?"

Riley shrugged once more. "When is a better time than now?" she asked. Marlow wanted to argue but saw no use in it if Riley would get her way in the end. "So, you go prepare everything we need, while I take a much-needed shower," she ordered.

Laws of Nature [2]; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now