thirteen: kira

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Marlow sat next to Scott, watching Stiles aggressively throw the door to the McCall house shut. She cringed at the loud noise. "Uncle Jordan?!"

Scott waved his hands in a calming motion. "Careful, Stiles."

Stiles waved him off and plopped himself on the couch with a sigh. "How about you just go ahead and explain this?" Marlow asked Riley and Parrish.

The two of them were still just as shocked as the others, if not more. Neither of them had said a word. Not even as Stiles shoved them out of the station and into Marlow's car. Riley shifted in her seat. Her eyes were wide-open, yet slightly narrowed. It was as if she wanted to say something but couldn't figure out what. "Well, you already know my entire life's history." she finally started. "And as far as I knew, my uncle died in the war."

She looked over at Parrish. He shook his head. "No." he firmly stated. "I was in an explosion but I lived. And then I moved here." he went on, turning back to Marlow, Scott, and Stiles on the couch. "As you all know."

Marlow nodded at him. As far as they knew, he had only moved to Beacon Hills when she was in eighth grade. But then it dawned on her. "Oh my God," she said. The others looked at her, their looks beckoning her to go on. Marlow turned to Parrish. "You were the teenager in my vision," she stated. "The one that was with Riley when she left town."

"So you must have lived here way before last year," Stiles spoke up. They all looked at him. "Which ties into the fact that none of us remember Riley, which is still bonkers to me, by the way." he went on, looking at Riley as if she had something to do with it. Riley ignored his looks. "And you don't remember her either. I think," he added, a crease forming on his forehead as he thought the statement over.

"But I do remember her. She's my niece after all." Parrish reminded them. Marlow took a deep breath, shaking her head. The entire situation was a whole new thing to get used to. "But as far as I always knew, she died in the car crash that killed my sister and brother-in-law."

Riley narrowed her eyes at him. "But I didn't. I was told Grandma couldn't take care of me because she was sick and had her hands full with you. I was under the impression that you would take me in as soon as you were eighteen but I never heard from you. Then I was told you died."

Marlow raised her hands in a calming motion. She needed to bring order to the room before a heated discussion broke out. "Alright, alright," she started. She turned to the boys, then back to Riley and Parrish. "How about Parrish goes home and Riley goes with him so that they can sort this out."

Riley and Parrish looked at each other. He finally nodded. "I think that's a good idea."

Riley sighed. "Okay, fine," she said. She turned to Marlow. "I'll pick my stuff up from your place when the time comes, alright?"

Marlow nodded at her. "Of course."

Riley and Parrish got up and walked towards the door. Marlow followed them, stopping Riley before she could leave the house. "Hey," she said. Riley looked at her. She wasn't exactly happy with the whole thing, Marlow could tell. "I mean, he's alive. And he's here now. You have a living relative." she told her. Riley bit her lip. "And we'll figure out the rest of this when things have calmed down, especially the whole memory wipe thing."

She squeezed her best friend's arm reassuringly. "Just try and talk this out with him. Best case scenario, you have someone to stay with and you never have to go back into foster care."

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