three: investigations

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Marlow fastened the tie around her father's neck. She wiped the non-existent dust off his shoulders and took a step back. Noah gave her a questioning look. Marlow narrowed her eyes as she looked him up and down. Finally, she smiled at him victoriously. "Yeah, this is perfect," she said.

Noah squirmed uncomfortably. Marlow sighed. She knew her dad was nervous to go on the first date he would be attending since her mother's passing, but she wanted him to do it. She knew he wanted to as well, but the constant state of danger the town and his kids were in prevented him from being able to fully let go and have fun.

He started running a hand through his hair nervously, ruining Marlow's previous work. She groaned out in annoyance. "Oh, I should've got a haircut," Noah complained. 

Marlow swatted his hands away from his hair. "You messed it up!" she told him. She, too, was getting nervous now and Stiles was no help. 

He stepped up next to Marlow, that annoying look of mischief on his face. "Well, you know someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut."

Marlow rolled her eyes so hard, she was afraid they were gonna get stuck in the back of her head. She pushed her brother away. "I think you look great," Scott said behind the squabbling duo.

"Well, thank you, son, I should have had," Noah said with a smile. Stiles gave his father a hurt look and Marlow shook her head. Noah started undoing his tie with a groan. Marlow nearly screamed. "Oh, what the hell am I doing? This is a terrible idea."

Marlow swatted his hands away from his tie. "Stop it!"

"Dad, it's one date, okay?" Stiles chimed in. He grabbed his father by the shoulders. "The town of Beacon Hills won't implode while you're out with one woman." he went on. "Or man," he added sneakily. 

Marlow fastened her dad's tie once more. She couldn't exactly say that she hadn't been curious about who her dad was taking out either. "It's a woman, Stiles," Noah said.

"Okay," Stiles said with a goofy grin on his face. 

"A very beautiful woman," Noah added. 

"What beautiful woman, by the way?" Stiles asked. 

Marlow's brows perked up as she gave her dad a questioning look. Noah looked at his kids with a grin. "None of your businesses."

Marlow smirked. Her dad was a grown man, it was his prerogative to keep secrets. She'd find out who the woman was sooner than later if the date went well. Stiles, on the other hand, didn't look too pleased. "I want to know," he complained. 

Marlow shook her head. She began fixing her dad's jacket once more when suddenly yelling cut through the station. She'd recognize that yelling anywhere at this point.

"Stilinski! Stilinski!" Donovan yelled. Marlow rolled her eyes. She followed her dad, brother, and Scott out of the office and looked on as Donovan struggled in Deputy Parrish and Clark's grips. "I'm going to kill you." Donovan threatened. Marlow sighed. He had made that promise several times that summer.

"Donovan, if you think that shocks me, remember it was well-documented in your Anger Expression Inventory," Noah told the kid. "Deputies, escort the prisoner out," he added. Parrish and Clark attempted to guide Donovan out. He pulled back once more. Marlow dug her nails into her palms. She would step in if forced to.

Laws of Nature [2]; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now