nineteen: mason

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Riley sat next to the Sheriff in his car. She narrowed her eyes at the street, trying to make out, Jordan's car. "What is he thinking? Am I just an afterthought to my entire family?" she asked angrily. Begrudgingly, she had to let Marlow, Scott, and Liam go to figure out how to save Mason to keep her uncle from skipping town without her.

"No, you're not," Noah assured her. She gave him a look. He sighed. "Your uncle is scared of what he can do. That's why he's leaving. It has nothing to do with you." The phone rang. Riley looked at the display. Lydia was calling. She sighed. Riley had no idea what Lydia, Chris, and Gerard had done with Jordan, but she didn't like it.

Jordan was the only person outside of Marlow and Mason she truly trusted in Beacon Hills. He was the last of her family to still be alive. She barely knew Lydia and Chris. And she sure as hell didn't trust Gerard. "Lydia!" Noah said.

"I just came from his place. Half of his stuff was gone. You can't let him leave."

"It's okay. I got a call from Dispatch. He's headed for the highway." Noah told her. Riley rubbed her forehead. Mason, one of her oldest friends, being the Beast was already enough of a sobering reality but her uncle abandoning her was a whole other thing.

"Can you stop him?" Lydia asked.

"Stopping him is one thing. Getting him to turn around..."

"Leave that to me," Lydia told him. She hung up the phone.

Riley clenched her fist. "I can feel him. He's not far away," she told Noah. He nodded, speeding up the car.

"Should I be concerned about why you know that?"

"It's..." Riley sighed. "It's a family thing. Before she died, my mom told me that we would always find one another. No matter where in the world we are, we can find one another. I don't know if it's a special family power we have or if she was just saying that so I wouldn't feel alone but it's worked every time."

Expect for all the times she tried to locate her uncle during the last decade. But she'd find out what that was about once they saved Mason. "I put up a roadblock a little further up. He'll stop there one way or another." Noah told her. He stopped the car, turning off the engines and lights. He turned to Riley. "If Lydia can't convince him to stay with all of her supernatural know-how, I want you to try it."

Riley nodded. Her uncle's car sped down the street, coming to a halt as he drove over the spike-strips on the floor. The tires blew out and he turned off his engine. Climbing out of the car, he looked lost as he let out a big sigh. Noah turned on the lights and sirens of the cruiser, alerting Jordan to their presence.

The Sheriff climbed out of the driver's seat and closed the door. "I don't remember giving you any vacation time."

"Those were new tires."

"Well..." Sheriff started. "Well, they're scrap rubber, now," he went on. Jordan sighed. "How about I call a tow for you?"

"I'll call one myself," Jordan replied, turning back to the car.

Noah crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Are you gonna call your niece too? Let her know you're skipping town without her?"

Riley saw that as her cue to exit the car. She took a deep breath and stepped out of the vehicle just as Lydia arrived in her car. "Well, well, well, uncle dearest. Looks who didn't show up for dinner this time around."

Laws of Nature [2]; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now