fifteen: a friend to die for

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Marlow sat by the phone, waiting for further news from Stiles. She and Riley were made to stay behind until further news. The Beast had been spotted on the streets. A terrifying thought, considering all of the town's Deputies were chasing after it without any clue in the world of what the thing was capable of.

Riley nervously chewed on her nail, legs bouncing as she sat on Marlow's bed. "This is bad. We were supposed to be getting Lydia and now we're back chasing the Beast."

"I know. But we're still getting Lydia." Marlow assured Riley. She sighed, spinning around in her swivel chair once more. "What did Deaton tell you about your parents, by the way?"

Riley halted, looking over at Marlow. She opened her mouth to answer when the phone rang. Riley perked up. Marlow rolled over to her desk, grabbing her phone. "It's Stiles!" she exclaimed. She tapped the accept button and held the phone to her ear.

"Don't put me on speaker." Stiles immediately said.

Marlow narrowed her eyes. "Okay." She didn't know what could have gone so wrong that Riley couldn't hear but it concerned her nonetheless. "What's going on?"

"Stiles, get off this channel." Marlow heard her dad say over the radio.

"Dad, just listen to me, okay? It's headed for the hospital, all right. He's headed for Beacon Memorial. You hear me? It's headed for the hospital." Stiles emphasized. "Marlow we need you guys there, right now!"

Marlow got off her chair and walked over to the door, grabbing her jacket. Riley followed suit, even if she didn't even know what was going on. "Unit Five, Clark, I need eyes on Parrish. Does anyone have Parrish's 20?" she heard her dad ask.

"All units, we have a 911 emergency call reporting a man on fire running into Beacon Memorial." Dispatch called out.

Marlow halted. "Stiles, if Parrish is there in all of his Hellhound glory, then I can't bring Riley. She doesn't know yet," she whispered into the phone.

"I can't believe neither of you has told her yet. It's not as if she doesn't know."

"It's still a sensitive subject."

"It doesn't matter. We need you both there. She's going to have to find out."

Marlow sighed, hanging up the phone. Riley stared her down eagerly. "Can you zap us to the hospital?"

Riley nodded, grabbing Marlow by the arm. The two were gone in less than a second. When they arrived at the hospital, Marlow nearly collapsed on the floor. Riley chuckled at her. "Sorry, I should have warned you. Fading is never a fun experience the first few times."

"Oh God, I hope all of my organs are still in my body." Marlow croaked out.

Riley helped her up, another chuckled escaping her lips. The two looked around the empty hospital. It looked like a war zone in there. Things were on fire, there were ashes all over the walls and floor and certain things were broken beyond repair.

The girls jumped as they heard a roar in the distance. Then more things breaking. "Oh, my God!" Marlow whispered. "It's still here." A hand was placed on her shoulder, making her jump even harder. She turned around, coming face to face with her dad. He put his finger over his lip. Marlow nodded eagerly.

Laws of Nature [2]; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now