The squad runs in Shadave house. Shadave: hoes your all here. Haylie: yasssssss gurl we wouldn't miss it for the world. Rachel: Alright now so what the fuck do want. Shadave: it's time to plan for birthday turn up. The whole squad its on there phones while Shadave is talking. Shadave looks up. Shadave: these bitches aren't even listening to me.(Btw: Kendrick is there.) Kendrick: I'm listening. Shadave: Thxs.,Bitches!!! They still looking at their phones. Shadave: oh hell no! She grabs everyone's phone out their hand and puts it in a bucket that Kendrick is keeping guard of. Shadave: Ok. Lelani and Wendy-you handle the decorations. Rachel and Julianna- you handle snacks and drinks. Zoria, Lansie, and Ariel- guests. Haylie and Lacora- hair, makeup, and outfits. Rachel: ummm you don't have handle my outfit Kalin and I going to the mall to get our outfits. He asked me to come with cuz my outfits be on Fleek and I'm his best friend. Shadave: what about Myles? Rachel: he went to the dentist today but he will be back for the party. Kendrick: nigga had to get his teeth check. Kendrick starts laughing. Rachel: At least my nigga gets his teeth checked make sure there right so he can kiss me and hit this bitch. When was the last time you got ur teeth checked fucking 2011. Kendrick: yup. The squad including Rachel and Shadave: ewwwww. Shadave: and I kiss you motherfucker. Oh hell no. We bout to go upstairs and brush your teeth. Everyone else do your assigned jobs. The squad has a meeting in Shadave's kitchen. Rachel: so I'm bout to be out. Lelani: Facts me too. Rachel: You wanna come to the mall call Special K to meet us at the mall. Its the mall where Myles is at the dentist. We taking the bus. Kalin, Lelani, and Rachel are all at the bus stop waiting. Rachel wore jeans so she's freezing her ass off. Kalin saw she was freezing so started cracking jokes with Lelani. Rachel hit both of them on the arm. Rachel: stop it. She said winning. Rachel: that's why your dumbass and bumass. They started laughing. Kalin: Aww come here. He hugged Rachel and put her in his jacket and zipped her while he was wearing it. Rachel: I'm feel much warmer. But let me out the bus is here. They get to the mall. Rachel spots a Chipotle and runs to get in the line. Lelani: I guess we're getting chipotle. Chipotle is my shit tho. Kalin: Factzz. Oh, while we are here we have to go to foot locker, h&m, and Any place I can get a polo shirt. Lelani: there's a polo store up there. Kalin: okay good. Rachel: yo what are we ordering. They order and get they food. While they're eating Nicki minaj pulls a chair up to their table. Nicki: okay I need directions, but first ima get me some banging chipotle and back and sit with yall. Kalin: I didn't wanna seem girly but I can't hold it in anymore. Omg! Nicki minaj is siting at my table. Rachel: ha ha very funny. Your an asshole. Lelani: Factzz. Nicki comes back and eats. They wait for her to finish. Nicki: ok let's walk and talk. Kalin: so where do you need to go? Nicki: Hollywood California. Kalin: that's the other side. This is San Fransisco California. Nicki: ok thanks. Rachel: we have to hurry and get the snacks and clothes the malls gonna close. Myles comes out the dentist. Myles: oh my mouth hurts. Rachel: I know how to make it better. She kisses him. Myles: awooo!! Rachel: stop wining my big baby. Rachel kisses him again. Myles: just keep doing that I think it's getting better. Rachel: yea ok Myles. Special K runs up behind Lelani. She dose a little jump. He hugging her from the back. He turns his neck to the front of her face. He kisses her. Everyone walks in their stores and gets what they need. Myles picks up the snacks and sodas. They head back to Shadave's houses. They get there Myles sets up the snacks. All the other girls have their turn up outfit on including Alyssa. Rachel, Myles, Kalin, And Lelani run upstairs and put their turn up outfit on. All separate rooms except for Lelani and Rachel. Rachel squeezed Leilani in some boody shorts with a tank top and Jordan's. While Rachel came out wearing a high waisted skirt with a crop top and Jordan's with long socks and bangs and straight hair. Kalin and Myles came out looking on Fleek too. When Leilani came down the first thing Special K said was dam look at that ass. Then Shadave turned up the tunes and started to party. They were dunbing, twerking, dutty wining and many more. Kalin was dubbing Alyssa. Kalin couldn't handle all that. He was still trying to keep it under control. Haylie was killing it on Mike. Mike had to excuse himself for a minute. Special K and Leilani were in the kitchen playing fun run dancing and eating as usual like they do every party. Liam was having fun with Lanise. Zoria was teaching harry some stuff. Julianna showed up to the party with Alonso. Everyone else looked at her like she was crazy. Rachel went up to him and said. Rachel: Lets start over. I'm Rachel. She shakes his hand. Then they all followed. Then Julianna starts winning on Alonso. Don't forget Rachel was throwing it back on Myles. But he kept it under control. Her skirt kept flying up tho. Shadave was doing these tricks. She was upside down and shit. It was her birthday no one was keeping her under control. Then Myles and Rachel were dancing and Myles made it into a Competition. Rachel: oh so you wanna have a dance battle. She snaps her hands Rachel: girls get into formation. They start doing some shit you would see on bring it. The boys do some shit from stomp the yard. They trunt up but then someone walks in. Shadave spots the person and starts hiding behind the bar. Rachel was at the bar mixing drinks when Shadave grabs her by the leg and pulled her to the floor. Rachel: what? Shadave: Someone's here. And I'm nervous I don't what to do? Rachel: Shadave who's here?