-The next morning-
Rachel goes to Shadave's house and talks more about the situation with Kalin. Shadave: theirs not else to talk about you like him. Rachel: yeah but I wanna be with Kalin and theirs a little obstacle in the way of that. Shadave: what Myles? Rachel: yea and Veronica. I don't like that Bitch. Shadave: Cuz she flirtin with your mans. Shadave starts laughing. Rachel: I love myles I do, but My I'm not in love with him anymore. The spark isn't their anymore.Shadave: so what are you gonna do. Rachel opens her mouth about to answer. Then she gets a call from Kalin. Rachel jumps up and answers the call.
Kalin- Hey bestie.
Rachel starts laughing- hey.
Kalin: these fly new jays came out. Wanna come to mall with me?
Rachel: sure. I'm be there soon.
She ends the call. Shadave: as much as I love myles like a brother.Lets get you dressed. She puts on some crop top with regular jeans and her old jays. You can see her belly ring. Rachel comes out the bathroom. Rachel: how do I look? Shadave: trying to hard much. Shadave starts laughing. Rachel throws the pillow at her. Shadave walks her out. She drives to Kalin's house. Kalin comes out looking fly as always. Kalin gets in the car. Rachel: hey sexy. Kalin: hey cinnamon roll. Rachel hits him. Rachel: fucking ass hole your sexy and I'm cinnamon roll. They start playing around. Rachel starts driving to the mall. Rachel: since we get to pick up your jays we get to go shopping for me too. Kalin: Ight. They get to the mall. Kalin gets his jays. It was easy because he preorder them. Then Rachel went into H&M. She got the cuties pair of jeans. Then she tried on another pair. Kalin Was waiting outside the change room. Kalin: are you done yet? Rachel: not these pants won't go up. Kalin: then they don't fit can we go now. Rachel: they are gonna fit. Come in here and help me get them up. He went in side they tried to get the pants up for 5 minutes. Kalin: ok I give up Rachel they don't fit. Rachel: ok. Let's go. She pays for the first pair and they walk around the mall. Rachel: OMG! Look it's Victoria Secret. Come on Kalin lets go. Rachel pulls Kalin inside the store. Kalin: Rachel I hate this store. Rachel: I know. Rachel picks out this lace thong . Rachel: Kalin go pay for this. Kalin: Rachel! He whines. Rachel: Nah I'm not gonna do that to you. I do love you and she gives him a kiss on the cheek. Rachel: but I am buying these. Kalin: I like this bra. Rachel: oh yea pick it up. Rachel picked out these yoga pants then she tries them on. She showed Kalin. She turned around. Kalin starts smiling. Rachel: what. she asks smiling. Kalin: it's just you have nice ass. How come I've never noticed this before. Rachel started blushing and threw the purple panties next to her at him. Then, she decides to get them. They wait I line and guess who's the cash register lady. Rachel: Veronica!! She says with a fake smile. Veronica gives her a fake smile back. Veronica: Hey Kalin! She says flirting. Rachel: can you just ring us up? Veronica: wait bitch. Rachel climbs over the counter and pulls her weave out. Kalin pulls her off Veronica. Rachel. Next time don't work with clip ins in. The white lady next her rings us up instead. After they leave Kalin had his around around Rachel. The lady from Victoria Secret runs up to Kalin. She says,"Here's something for your girlfriend." Then she points to Rachel. She hands him some free panties(never been used). Rachel: no I'm not. Kalin: she's not. Kalin: thank you. The lady walks away. Kalin throws the panties at Rachel. Kalin: take these. Rachel caught them. She puts them in the Victoria secret bag. Kalin: I'm hungry. owwwww food court. He pulls Rachel to the escalator. Rachel: be careful I'm very delicate. Kalin: I want some Jack in a box. Rachel: ok let's get some and go. Kalin: ok I'm driving home. They get the food and drive in the car. Kalin: so what up with the freak attack on Veronica. Rachel: Nothjng just something about her rubs me the wrong way. Kalin: what like this. he starts rubbing Rachel. Rachel: stop that feels wired. They start laughing. Kalin stops at his place. Kalin: I had a fun time. She smiles. Kalin: ok. He gets out the car. Rachel gets out the car. Rachel: Kalin! She yells. She runs and gives him a hug. Rachel: thanks. You survived panty shopping. Myles would have never went with me. Kalin: your welcome. She smiles and switches to the drivers seat. She drives home. She sits in the car and thinks. Rachel says to herself out loud, " I'm gonna do I'm gonna go tell him I like him" She gets to Kalins house and she just walks in because the doors was open. She hears Kalin and Myles arguing. Then she hears Kalin blurt out did you know you took Rachel's virginity. Then, Kalin sees Rachel with a shocked look on her face and about to cry. Rachel runs out. Kalin: Rachel wait. She gets in the car and drives to an unknown place. They drive around hours looking for her. Myles: it's no use she not here let's just give up. Kalin: ok but let's check on more place before you give up. They drive to the peer and Kalin sees Rachel. Rachel is standing on the railing ready to fall off into the water. Which is a long death causing fall. Kalin runs and grabs Rachel from behind and takes her the railing. Kalin takes her and holds her. Rachel starts crying and one tear drop from Kalins eye. He wipes it off before anyone could tell he was crying. Myles: such a beautiful moment. Rachel is just crying in his arms. Kalin is petting her it's ok. Kalin: we taking her home. Myles: I agree. They take her home. They tuck her in. Myles give her a kiss on her cheek. Kalin kisses her on her forehead but when Kalin does it she starts smiling.