Alyssa and Rachel get to the airport. Rachel: uhhhh. its that rude ass guy that check me in when I first came in September. He so fuckin handzy and nosey. Alyssa: Ok Rachel calm down.
They get passed check in and get on the plane. Alyssa listens to music the whole while Rachel was knocked out next to her. They get off the plane. They get a taxi home. Alyssa goes to see her family and Rachel goes to see myles to talk to him about what she saw. When Rachel got to his house. She knocked on the door. He wasn't answering, but his lights were on. He never leaves his lights on if his not home. So she gets the key from out the plant and walks in. She calls his name through the house. She gets worried and runs up to his room. She sees in a little cracked open Part in the door and She sees Myles fucking a girl. She can't really see who that girl is. Then they switched places and Rachel got a clear view of her face. Rachel: Veronica! Fucking bitch. she whispers under her breath. She runs out his house. She driving. Then she starts sweating and crying. She blinking multiple times. She closes her eyes for a good minute. Then she opens them. She ends up with a truck coming straight towards her. Boom! It was too late for her to react. She ended in the hospital. Rachel's mom gets a call from an unknown number.
The conversation:
Rachel's mom: hello?
The hospital: Hi Ms./May I speak to Rachel's mother?
Rachel's mom: this is she.
The hospital: Oh we are calling to inform you that your daughter got into a car accident is recovering.
Rachel's mom has this look on her face😱. Rachel's mom drops the phone and drives to the hospital. She gets there. Rachel's mom runs in and hugs her daughter. Rachel's mom: hey baby how you doing? Rachel: better. She says laughing. Rachel's mom asks the doctor:why is she laughing? The doctor: she asked for some laughing gas instead of the pills for her stitches. A few seconds later Kalin runs in and the squad runs in Rachel's room after him with Christina. They came in with some balloons. Rachel's just laughing. Kalin sits on her hospital bed. Kalin: are you ok? How did this happen? Why did happen? Rachel says while laughing: I found myles in the bed with another girl and on top of that he's the baby daddy of Christina baby. Kalin asks the doctor: Why is she laughing? Alyssa: Laughing gas? Doctor: yep. Shadave: I'm so sorry. Rachel: I'm fine she says laughing. Kalin goes up to the doctor. Kalin: hey. um she tried to commit suicide a few days ago. Do you think you know what might have caused that? Doctor: no I'm sorry. Then the doctor leaves the room with her Rachel's mom. Kalins just standing there thinking to himself. When he hears Shadave call. Shadave: Guys I think you need to see this. They walks over Shadave where she holding a pill container she found in Rachel's purse. Alyssa: is that? Shadave: Yep moody pills. Zoria climbs on Rachel and slaps her. Zoria: why? They take her off her. The doctor walks in. Kalin: when did you subscribe these. Doctor: sum time last week. Leilani: there all gone. Doctor: their just supposed to help her feel better. She's supposed to take them every other week and only two. Kalin holds his head. Leilani: this must of been why she almost committed suicide. Kalin: it's my fault too I blurted out her secret. Alyssa: what how Myles took her virginity? Kalin: yea. Zoria: what was that about anyway? Kalin: he thought I was trying to take Rachel from from him. Myles was like oh you probably just wanna have sex with her and I said no. Myles was like yea. I said at least and didn't take her virginity and treat her like shit after wards. I told him how he barely hangs out with her and all he wants from her is sex. Then we left the house and started looking for Rachel. Doctor: Ummm we are keeping her over night. And one person can stay with her. ( The laughing gas as worn off.) Rachel's mom: I have to work but one of yall could stay with her. Everyone has something to do except for Kalin. Rachel looks up and grabs Kalins hand. Kalin tells the doctor: I'll stay with her. Myles runs in. Kalin turns angry. He points to the door. Kalin: get the fuck out! Myles: chill out man. He comes I with flower and balloons. He goes up to Rachel. Myles: you ok babe. Myles tries to kiss Rachel. She pushes him away. Myles: what's wrong? Rachel: oh nothing just you got one of my friends pregnant and slept with the girl I don't like while we were still dating nothing at all is wrong. She says sarcastically. Myles: babe I didn't do any of those things what are talking about. Rachel: Chris(Christina's nickname.Btw: they are cool now. They talked it out on the phone in New York.) hand him the paper. Myles looks at the paper. Myles: what? I'm a dad! Rachel: yep asshole. Myles: You gotta believe me I didn't cheat on you tho. Rachel: forget it. Alyssa: she saw you. Myles: when? Rachel: before I got in this car accident. Myles: Okay I did but I thought you were gone never to come back. Rachel: I was gone a day. Kalin: dick head. Myles: Okay I don't need you? I don't need any of you. I got my bitch Veronica waiting for me at home? Oh and Rachel I didn't just fuck her once. I fucked her when you were in the mall with Kalin. Kalin makes a gesture to go hit him, but Rachel hold him back. Alyssa: well I have to get home it's getting late and I'm cooking dinner. The rest of the squad: yea we gotta go too. But we love you. The rest of the squad leaves the room. Alyssa grabs her coat and gives Rachel a kiss on her forehead before she leaves. Kalin sits on the end of the bed. He grabs Rachel's hand. Kalin: me and you against the world. Rachel: your so Corny. She sits up. Rachel: Kalin climb up here next to me and lay on the pillow. They cuddle together. Kalin: it was pretty ballsy how you stood up to Myles like that. Rachel: you grew some balls too yourself. Kalin: I always had balls. Rachel: your a nasty. They start laughing. Special K runs in with Leilani. Special K: I know I'm late but what's cracking bitch. Leilani: omg. They all start laughing. Leilani: Sorry I just left my phone. Rachel hands her her phone. They kiss then leave. Rachel: I just can't believe my dream relationship is over. Kalin: don't worry their will be better ones and you will actually find the love of your life. Rachel: we did say I love you early and I lost my virginity to that jerk, but..../ Kalin grabs her chin. Kalin: look at me. She looks in his eyes and Kalin says: It's ok shit happens your lucky you got in a car accident and nothing's broken. Rachel: your right. your awesome best friend. Kalin: I know. Whatever.