Rachel is sitting down with her squad telling them news. Rachel: so guys as you know I got excepted to NYU. Kalin: yea I know. He says with this face😒. The squad: yea. Rachel: well I'm leaving tomorrow. Haylie: oh so soon. Rachel: yea. I'm going to study design and I'm really excited but I don't want to leave any of you. The squad: you gotta go its your dream. Rachel: it was my dream until I met all of you. You guys are first. The squad: no the fuck you come first. Lansie: I'm sorry to say this but fuck you. Your fucking leaving me. Your getting your education yay but your leaving me your one of my sisters. Shadave: go do it for us. Leilani: yea. Kalin sighs: yea your bae and I want bae to me happy. Rachel starts blushing. Rachel: my flights in a few hours. Leilani: than we need one more thing to do before you leave. She walks over to the couch and grabs a pillow and hits Rachel with it. She hit her so hard she fell off the chair. Leilani runs up stairs. (Ps: they are at Rachel's house.) Rachel: I'm gonna kill your ass. Come back here. They are laughing. Rachel's grabs the pillow off the bed and knocks Leilani down the stairs. Rachel: sorry. Leilani: my arm is cut open, not something you could put a bandaid on. Rachel: oh shit. She runs down the stairs. Leilani: I'm fine just get me to a hospital. Special K runs to her and picks her up and carries her to the car and hospital. Rachel: OMG! I did that. she says looking down and shaking her head in shame. Kalin: look you didn't do this. Well kind of but she's fine and that's what matters. Rachel: nigga since when was you doctor phill. Kalin: since I watched that one episode. They start laughing. They get to the hospital. Leilani got her stitches done and they are going to see her. They bring big ass balloons Cuz Rachel bought them she wasn't being cheap with the balloons like they were with hers. Leilani starts cheesing: Niggas brought me balloons!!!! She says really happy. Special K: and I brought something else. Me! He sits on the bed and starts kissing her. Leilani: ok ok. Rachel: How are you doing? Are you ok? Do you need water? Are they talking good care of you here? Leilani: Rachel shut the fuck up I'm fucking fine. Rachel: I just feel bad. Leilani: don't I started it. Shadave: ok let's turn up. She pull out the radio. They start twerking. Leilani: stop stop stop that nasty shit right now. Lansie starts laughing while everyone else is smiling. Kalin: as a friend who loves food I brought you some. He pulled out the jack in a box. Shadave: Damn Leilani devoured that shit real fast. Rachel: factzz. Lansie: they keeping you over night. Then myles shows up. Everyone one gives him this look 😒 except Rachel. Rachel: guys stop he already has a lot of problems on his case. Hi myles. Myles: Hi Rachel. He gives her this smile 😊. Kalin looks at them like: 😐. Kalin's thoughts: what is going on with them right now. Are they sleeping around they got a thing? No they don't myles is definitely not hitting that again. After the messed up shit he did. Kalin snaps back in reality. Rachel is snapping in his face. Kalin: Hun? Rachel: Leilani staying here over night she needs rest lets go. She gives him a kiss on the cheek. Myles stops Rachel. Myles: hey Rachel I want to take you somewhere will you come. Rachel: sure. Rachel: Kalin slash sexy. He turns around and blushes. Rachel: I'm gonna go somewhere and do something meet me at the car. Myles pulls Rachel by the arm and takes her to the roof. Myles puts his arms out. Myles: isn't it beautiful. Rachel: yea amazing. Myles come to the ledge. Rachel: you can see anything. Wow! Myles: your hair looks really pretty in the wind. Rachel: thank you so does yours. They laugh. Myles: you know I truly am sorry for what I did. Rachel: it's whatever I don't care anymore. Myles: you got bigger and better and hotter. She looks down with a sad face. Rachel puts her hand on his cheek. Myles looks up into her eyes. Rachel: it was never about the looks it was about the personality and how you treated me and how you made me feel. Rachel looks into his eyes and myles looks into hers. They move closer and closer. They lips are just about to touch.

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