Rachel wakes up. Rachel: Ahhhhhh!!!!! It's Friday. Rachel runs down stairs. Rachel's mom: who's house do you think your running in? Rachel: yours. Kalin calls Rachel.
Rachel- hey.
Kalin- hey. I'm had to tell you some news but don't be mad.
Rachel: Nothing you can tell me right now can make me mad.
Kalin: ok. Julianna and Alonso are coming on a double date with us.
Rachel: ok. Fine. Wait. how did this happen?
Kalin: Alonso realized that he never took juju on a date before, so I told him about our date and since he was nervous I just invited him. That's cool with you.
Rachel: of course.
Kalin: k pic you up at 9. 😚he makes the sound in the phone. bye.
Rachel: 😂your lucky your pretty. Bye.
Kalin laughs and hangs up.
Rachel smiles. Then her eyes open wide. Rachel: Omg. I don't have anything to wear. She picks up her phone an calls juju who's going through the same problem. They link up and go to the mall. They get to the mall they get smoothies and start shopping. Rachel: oh Forever 21. Juju: ewww. Girly store. I'm going to hit the skate shop on the other side. Rachel: no. She says pulling her hand back. Rachel: Don't you think Alonso wants to see what your legs look like. Juju: Probably and he already has when we were in the wilderness. Rachel: oh yea. She laughs. Rachel; your legs when you have clothes on. Juju: uhhhhhh. Rachel pushes her in the fitting room. Rachel: Julianna come out you've been in there like 10 minutes. Julianna comes out wearing this skirt with Jordan's and a button down top. Rachel shakes her head no. Then she tries on more that are all No's. Then she comes out wearing a striped blue dress with her Jordan's. Rachel: yassss bitch that's the one. Juju laughs: such a fucking bird. She goes back inside the fitting room to change back in her clothes and so she can pays for the other ones. Rachel stops juju before she pays for her clothes and she runs in the change room and puts on high waist pants, Tight short sleeve, and high heels with her purse. They got pay for their clothes. They leave the store and they are laughing. Then Rachel looks at her phone and the time is 7:00. Rachel: omg we have to get dressed and do everything and it's 7:00. He picking us up at 9:00. Rachel pulls juju and they run to the car. They get inside the car and drive to Rachel's house. They get there and take a shower. They get dressed. Rachel looks at juju's outfit. Rachel: humm. your missing something. Oh I know. she grabs her gold necklace and puts it on her. Then they do their makeup. Rachel hates makeup so she just puts on eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, and lip stick. Then juju puts the same on her face. She doesn't like makeup either. Then they do their hair. There done and ready. Rachel's mom is downstairs. They go down sairs. Rachel's mom: Since I wasn't here for prom Cuz I had to work. Let me get a pic. They take a pic and then they hear the door bell ring. Rachel answers the door. Kalin is wearing is wearing my favorite shirt of his. It's not a suit but the design on the shirt is supposed to look like a suit with his favorite cargo shorts and his Jordan's that match is shirt. Kalin jaw drops. He starts shuddering. Kalin: y..y..yo../ Rachel walks up closer to him. Rachel pulls his face to kiss him. Kalin: you look beautiful. Rachel smiles: thank you. You don't look terrible. Kalin smiles. Kalin: I'll take that. Kalin holds her hand and puts her in the passenger seat. Meanwhile Juju and Alonso. Alonso: I can see your legs. Juju: shut the fuck up nigga. Alonso: No but for real you look beautiful. Juju: I know. She says smiling and blushing. Juju: I'm playing thank you. They get in the back seat. Then Kalin drives to the amusement park. They get out. Rachel: omg were here. She gets outside and starts getting all excited. Then they are walking as two couples. Kalin has his arm around Rachel and Alonso's arm around Juju. Kalin is more of holding Rachel's hips. They get inside the park and pay for the tickets. As soon as they get there Kalins sees a roller coaster. Kalin: Oh shit we gotta get on it. He pulls Rachel to get on. Rachel: Kalin come on we didn't even get 20 feet in the park yet. Kalin: sorry babe but we gotta. Juju: your such a fucking.....I don't even know.They all start laughing. They are next they get on and Rachel with Kalin and Alonso with juju. The roller coaster starts. Its starts off slow then ticks up and Rachel here's that click before it was gonna drop. She jumped into his arms real quick. Kalin: shit Rachel you jump in my arms now. Rachel is scared in the beginning. Then during the ride she starts laughing and joking around. Then this unexpected drop comes and you can hear everyone on the roller coaster say: Oh shit. Then they get off the ride. Rachel: that was fun lets go again. Juju: yea. Alonso: hell nah yall fucking crazy. Juju pulls his arm. Juju: come on please for me. Alonso: hell the fuck nah. Juju keeps teasing him. The. Rachel does the same thing to Kalin but with the cute face when she batts her eyes. Kalin starts blushing. Then juju and Rachel pass the food court. They get side tracked. They go get food. Rachel: this is the perks of having a friend buddy like that who loves food as much as you do. Juju: Factzz. They grab fries and the guys picked out a table and are waiting on the food. Some guys started flirting with them at the food court. Some guy comes up to them. Ones name is Chris and the other Brandon. Chris started flirting with Rachel and the other started flirting with juju. Chris looks Rachel up and down and licks his lips. Chris: hey lil mama. I see you looking beautiful tonight? Brandon just licks his lips and says: Yea shawty you fenda get looking mighty fine tonight? Rachel: oh hell nah Nigga if you don't take you ratchet ass home and get the fuck the out my face. You see those two guys, she points to Kalin and Alonso. Rachel: you are gonna have a problem with you those are our boyfriends.(I know Rachel and Kalin are not officially dating but she had to say that to get the guys to walk away.)They walk away. They get the food and walk over to the guys. Juju sits next to Alonso and they do some shit from the lady and the trap with the French fry. Rachel goes and sits on Kalin's lap and feeds him a French fry. Then Rachel and Kalin start laughing. Then they kiss. They finish eating. Then they are walking around the park looking for another ride to go on. Rachel sees this scary ride. You had to shoot the monsters and ghost. They run on and Rachel and Kalin are shooting all the ghost and their team is winning. Then this ghost comes out of no where and scares the shit out of Kalin. He jumped into Rachel's arms. His head was on her boob and she was patting his head. Then he tried to play it off cool. They leave and they have pictures. They caught the picture of Kalin on Rachel's boob. Rachel bought the picture to tease him. They hold hands and walk around the park. Rachel: Omg Sprinklers! (She sees in the water park in the kid area. It's closed.) Rachel is pulling on Kalins arm and tries to get him to go in the water. Rachel: K come on. Kalin: oh no I'm not getting my jays wet. Rachel suit your self. Rachel takes off her heels and climbs in the area with juju. It has rope on it to show it was closed. Juju tried to get Alonso to come but he was one the same side as Kalin. Then they start running around and they were spinning in the sprinklers then Rachel and juju grand buckets of water and bump it straight on their heads. It didn't their Jordan's wet just their shirt. Kalin and Alonso got up and took their socks and shoes Off. Kalin: oh no you didn't I'm gonna get you. He starts running after Rachel. Alonso: Hell no your dead. Rachel runs up to the top of the kiddy castle. Then Kalin sneaks up behind her. Then grabs her and spins her around from behind. He puts her down. Then he puts her down. Rachel: Well Kalin you caught me. I did think you had it in you. Kalin: Shut up. He gets closer to her and puts his hand on her cheek and kisses her. Then the giant bucket on top of the kiddy castle pours out the filled water every 3 minutes. They are still kissing and the bucket pours on top of their head. They were too late to move. Rachel starts laughing and Kalin is smiling. Kalin: You wanna be my girlfriend? Rachel: I don't know. Wanna be my boyfriend? Kalin nods yea and licking his lips with a cute flirty smile. Rachel: well duh? Alonso finally caught juju he put her on top of his shoulder. Juju: I'm mighty fast how did this nigga catch me. Alonso: I'm fast too. Juju started laughing. Alonso didn't know what was funny so he just smiled. Then the security comes. Security: I know you guys are not their after ours. Kalin: No. Then he says with a wanting to laugh but couldn't laugh look on his face. They the same look on their faces. Alonso: sorry sir. Security: get out the child's play castle. They all quickly get off the child's castle. They put their shoes back on. Then leave the kiddy area holding hands. Kalin: Yo look babe Cotton Candy. Kalin brings Rachel to the cotton Candy stand. They get the blue cotton candy Cuz it's Rachel's favorite color and it's the best flavor. Rachel starts eating the cotton candy then Kalin puts his arm around her. Then she feeds I'm cotton candy. Juju and Kalin went to the bathroom and Rachel and Alonso were waiting on them and they are talking. Alonso: even though I didn't want to come on this date in glad I did. Rachel: what I thought he let you come Cuz you were nevorus. Alonso: he made me come Cuz he were nervous. Rachel sees Kalin come out and runs up to him and kisses him. Juju goes up to Alonso. Kalin: what was that for? Rachel: you were nervous it's ok. Kalin blushes. Kalin: sorry I lied. Rachel: it's ok. Alonso: Look games. Juju: I bet I could beat you in these games. Alonso: ok let's bet. They play the game with the basket shots. Alonso missed almost all of them he made a few in 30 seconds. Juju: made almost of them but she won over him. She won a ducky and gave it to Alonso. He was happy and so was she. Now it was Kalin and Rachel's turn. They had a tie but they both got gifts so they gave each other their gifts. Kind of like they switched. Kalin: how did you learn how to shoot like that? Rachel: my cousin is a basketball star his name is Jameel Williamson. Kalin: that's hot! Kalin is holding Rachel's hand. They are on their way to leave. When Rachel says her feet her when they are close to the exit of the park. She takes off her heels and he pics her up and carries her to the car. On their way out Alonso stares at this bitch. Juju: what the fuck are you doing? Juju slaps shit out him back hand. She gets really angry walks away some where in the park.