Rachel wakes up its Saturday morning. The squad is busy somewhere. so Rachel texts Kalin:
Rachel: I'm gonna come over have to study.
Kalin: ok myles is coming over later on.
Rachel: perfect.
Rachel jumps out of the bed and gets in the shower. She's starts singing her song by Ariana grande. Then she gets this text from Julianna. It says.
Juju: Wyd? Bored. can I join.
Rachel: in the shower really wanna join. Bout to go to Baby K's house(Kalin's nickname).
Juju: K. Moms not home bout to call up lonso.
Rachel: ok. Use protection.
Juju: always assuming shit.
Rachel: Yea you might not want to but your moms not home he's definitely gonna want sex.
Juju: true. Finish your shower.
Rachel: thxs I'll in enjoy.
Rachel gets out the shower and puts on ripped jeans, tank top, and Jordan's and her school bag. She walks to Kalin's house. She gets there. She knocks on the door he lets her in. She takes off her shoes and puts down her school bag and sits on the couch. She grabs the remote. Then Kalin grabs the remote from her. Kalin: nope. Rachel tries to snatch it back. He lifts it all the way up in the air. so Rachel can't reach so she's jumping up and so down trying to get it. She's trying to climb on his body to get the remote down. He has no shirt on and was hitting the weights. Rachel: gimme. Kalin: no study. I'm best friends not gonna be a dumbass and be stuck in high school for the rest of her life. Rachel: We all have to hit the books you know. Kalin: yea but I have to keep track of you. Rachel stops trying to get the remote. She grabs her bag and starts studying. She's studying for hours. Kalin puts popcorn in the microwave. Hs sits next to Rachel and puts his arm around her and squeezes her. Kalin: I'm so proud of you. Kalin gives Rachel a kiss on the check. He's still squeezing Rachel. Rachel: get off me you smell like shit. Kalin: I haven't showered yet and I've been working out. Wanna smell more? He puts his arm pit in her face. Rachel pushes his arm away and he keeps trying to put it in her face. They giggling. Rachel's giggling and screaming and saying: ahh!! Stop. They are just giggling. Rachel: speaking of smells what's that burning smell. Kalin: oh shit the popcorn. Kalin and Rachel run to the kitchen. Kalin takes the popcorn out the microwave. Kalin puts one of them in his mouth. He spits that shit right into the garbage can. Rachel is dying: what's wrong? Kalin: it's taste nasty and its hot. Rachel: that's some dumb shit Leilani would do. Leilani walks do the door. Lelani: that's some shit Lelani would do what? Wait. what's that smell? Rachel: Kalin burnt the popcorn. Leilani: who burns popcorn. Rachel: Kalin. Lelani: hears the food you asked for. Rachel: Thanks! Kalin: You made her get food? Rachel: yea. Kalin: why? Rachel: cause every time you try to cook for me you either burn it, the smoke detector goes off or it tastes wired. Unfortunately Kalin we love food but can't cook for shit. Then the smoke detectors goes off. Kalin almost tries to hit it with a broom, but Rachel stops him. Rachel: Kalin no. Kalin: it's ight I'll just hit it with the broom. Rachel: no your mommy said you can't break anymore of these. Just let me do it. She gets on counter. Leilani: so how many of these have you broken? Rachel: E-lev-en. Rachel gets on his shoulders. Leilani: damn Kalin stop cooking. Rachel takes down the smoke detector from the ceiling. Kalin: you love food and keep cooking. Rachel: yea you can't cook for shit ethier. Rachel gets down from Kalin's shoulders onto the counter. Leilani: yea true. Special K walks in. Leilani: Boo!! Special K: Sexy. He grabs her and spins her around and kisses her. Special K: I wanna take to some where lets go? He picks her up and puts her on his back. Rachel: Bye! Leilani. They leave Kalin's house. Kalin: ok what food did she get you. Rachel's siting on the counter eating. Rachel: Chinese. Kalin: ummm. Rachel bites the chicken and gives it to Kalin. Kalin takes a bite. Kalin: ummmm this is good. Where does she go? Rachel: the place by my house. Kalin: oh. Myles walks in. Myles: is my little Twinkie hitting the books. Kalin: No. Rachel: no one here is shaped like a Twinkie except for Kalin. They start laughing. Kalin: cute. Then, lightly pushes her. Myles I know. He gets Rachel down from the counter. He kisses her. Myles: now go hit the books. She turns around and makes her way to the couch. He smacks her ass. Myles: you got a nice ass. Rachel: I know. She studies more. Myles goes and lays on Rachel's books. Rachel: bum. I'm studying. Myles: can't you take a break. Rachel: no. Myles kisses Rachel. Rachel puts her books aside. Myles grabs Rachel's hand and runs her up stairs to Kalin's room. They make out. Myles takes his shirt off and lifts up Rachel. They all up on the wall and Rachel takes her shirt and bra off. There on Kalin's desk. Then, Myles takes the rest of his and her layers off. Rachel starts laughing cuz Myles starts tickling her before he takes her pants off. Then he takes her pants off. He puts it inside her and they have sex. Kalin's just down stairs so he can hear everything. Kalin: Aww damn. That's my room. Kalin calls Alyssa.
Kalin: hey babe come over.
Alyssa: For wat?
Kalin: just come I got a surprise for you.
Alyssa: ok coming!
Alyssa gets there. Kalin opens the door. He moves so quickly towards Alyssa and starts making out with her. You can see the hornyness in there eyes and the way there talking. Kalin says while making out with Alyssa: Have you ever had shower sex before. Alyssa: no. Kalin: your about to now. He lifts her up and takes her up stairs to the bathroom. They take off their clothes and hops in the shower. They have sex. Kalin shampoos Alyssas hair. Alyssa: you're cute. Kalin: this is more fun that I thought it would be girls make doing hair seem like so much fun. Alyssa: it is depending on who's hair your doing. Kalin: I like doing yours. They are in the shower when Myles walks in. He apologizes and runs back out. Alyssa: you didn't lock the door. Kalin: not really. Alyssa starts laughing. Alyssa: did you see his face. It was hilarious. Kalin: it was. Kalin picks up Alyssa and takes her out the shower. They put towels on and move to Kalin's parents bedroom. Kalin goes to his room to get clothes. He knocks on the door. Kalin: are you decent? Rachel: yea. Kalin walks in. Myles: no your not you have your bra showing. Rachel: calm down. He's seen me naked twice and he comes with me bra shopping. Myles: twice I know about once. Rachel: he had to get me a towel while ill was In the shower. I slept over here. Myles: how come I didn't know about this and you slept over here. Kalin: Myles I'm your best friend don't you trust me. Myles: yea. Rachel: it's not really a big deal you just saw my friend naked. And the only reason he goes bra shopping with me is because your not there to do it. So he's doing your dirty work for you. Myles: yea but maybe I really wanted to go bra shopping. Rachel: it's gonna be really wired during sex when you say oh is that the bra I picked out. Myles: it's gonna be wired when you say oh yea Kalin picked it out for me. Rachel starts laughing :we sound like idiots. Myles: we do. You can go bra shopping with Kalin I don't care I didn't want to anyway. Kalin: last week I got to design a bra. It had bows and ribbons. Rachel: Kalin. It was the ugliest f-ing bra I've ever seen. Hey Alyssa you Wanna go to design a bra? Alyssa: sure. He brings the clothes back to alyssa. Rachel and Myles kiss. They go down stairs and finish the food. Racgel: sex is a fun workout. Myles: yea it is. Its fun and you don't have to go to the gym. Rachel: right. Just a bedroom but, for dirty people any place with enough space to move. Myles: Factzz. They started laughing. Kalin discovers the divorce papers signed by his mom. Kalin: they're gonna break up. Alyssa: possibly. but don't worry about it. some people have had parents that have never been together. Kalin your lucky you got them for this long. Rachel's parents weren't together. And look how awesome she turned out. Kalin: true. Alyssa: besides I know what will make you feel better. She sides on his lap with her face facing his face. She starts making out with him. She's on top of him. Kalin: Alyssa not on my parents bed. They will kill me if they find out. Alyssa: but I don't see you stopping me. Kalin: maybe just one more time. He grabs her and flips her around to the other side. This time Myles and Rachel are down stairs. They hear everything. Rachel: they got the house shaking and shit. Myles: what did he do put the Vehicle in drive and not take his foot off the gas. Rachel: I think so. They start laughing. Then they finish and Alyssa and Kalin. Go down stairs. That's why Rachel gets a text from Zoria. It says:
Zoria: major emergency. Bring a pregnancy test.