Rachel wakes up in her warm and cozy bed. Rachel's mom: ahhhhhhhh! Rachel hears her scream. Rachel mom: Rachel get down here. Rachel: Uhhhh. Rachel mom: NOW! Rachel gets out of bed and walks down stairs. While she's walking down stairs she's says: what do you want? Rachel's mom: Look it's your regions grade and report card. Rachel: How many months has it been? Rachel's mom: let's see Christina got pregnant in October and it's June. So 9 months. Oh she gonna have her baby soon. Yay. Rachel: yea. Ok let's see my grades. Rachel looks at the paper it says she passed the regions with a 85. Then her report card says all Bs and one A. Rachel jumps up and down and starts screaming. Then her phone rings. Its Haylie.
Phone Call:
Rachel: I'm guessing you passes too.
Haylie: yep with an 83. Haylie merges Shadave in the call. Who merges the rest of the squad and each of them screamed when they answered the phone. Rachel runs up stairs to take a shower. She finishes her shower and puts on her leather jacket, crop top, and sweat pants with her Jordan's. Rachel put on her messenger bag and kisses her mom on the cheek. Rachel: Bye mom. Rachel's mom: where are you going? Rachel: my friends houses. Rachel runs to Leilani's house. Rachel knocks on Leilani's door. Rachel: Leilani! Leilani! Leilani: Be quiet you'll wake up Special K. Special K comes to the door where Leilani is. He kisses her. Special K: Hey babe. Rachel: did you sleep over? Special K: yea. Rachel: oh 😏. Special K: don't think negative. I just came to keep her company when he parents were away. Rachel: And you didn't have sex. Leilani: No. Rachel: oh ok. Umma let's go open your report card. Leilani: oh yea it must be in the mail on the counter. They run inside and go to Leilani's counter. She opens it. It says she passes with a 81. Leilani: yay I passed. She kissed Special K. Then she opened her grades. She got all Bs and 1c. She was still passing. It was mr. Harnadez. The teacher she doesn't like. Rachel smiled gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran to Kalins house. Kalin answered the door. Kalin: Hey Best friend. Rachel: Hey look what I got. She flashes the report card in his face. He got mad happy for her. She gave him a kiss on the check. Kalin: I'm gonna get my camera so we can remember this moment. He got a camera and came back. Kalin: all I can find is this Kodak. Rachel: ok. They take the picture. Rachel sings: it's like I'm stuck in a Kodak with you and she points to Kalin. [again: if you don't know the song look it up(stuck in a Kodak by; Kalin and Myles)]. She waves bye and ran to myles house. She got to his place. He came to the door. She jumped on him wrapping her legs around his legs. They started making out. She took his shirt off. Rachel pushed him on the couch. She took her shirt off. Then she climbed on top of him. They switched places. He took off her pants and she took off his. He put his penis in side her. They rocked back and fourth. She felt so good. She started tingling. When they were done they cuddled for a little bit on the couch. Rachel put her clothes on. Myles: where are you going? Rachel: I got something. I got to take care of. Myles: you just got here. One more thing. Why the automatic sex? Rachel: Complaining. Myles: no defiantly not. Rachel: I passed all my classes and the regions. Myles walks her to the door and they kiss goodbye. Myles: let me drive you babe. Rachel: ok. They get to Christina's place. They get out the car. Myles puts her on top of the car and kisses her continually. Rachel: Myles! I gotta go(she whines even though she doesn't want him to stop).She gets in Christina's house. The door was open. Rachel: Christina! Christina: yea. I'm up here. Rachel ran upstairs to her room. Where she was in her bed holding her belly because she had a contraction. Rachel takes off her bag and her shoes. She sits on the bed. Rachel: Hey did you get your grades? Christina: yea I think so can you check in the mail and papers on the counter. Rachel walks down stairs in her socks and looks in her mail and papers for her report card and regions grade. She found them. But she also found something else. Under the grades was a baby daddy test. Rachel whispers to herself: Kevin is not the baby daddy. A tear runs down her eye when she reads who is. She runs upstairs to Christina's room. She throws the paper at her. Rachel: I found your grades and something else. Christina: why didn't you tell me? Christina: I was gonna but..../ Rachel: lying was easier. Rachel runs out Christina's house. She runs to her home angry. Her mom stops her. Rachel's mom: baby what's wrong. Rachel: mom I'm ready to go! Rachel's mom: ok. Rachel packs all her stuff and goes to the airport. She gets on the next flight to New York. She gets to NYU and they tell her she can't stay their. She should have answer when they wanted her 9 months ago. She doesn't know where to go. So she stays with Alyssa. She tells Alyssa what's wrong. And Alyssa is happy to let her stay there she calls her mom and tells her what happened in New York. After Alyssa take her shopping. Then they meet this cute boy. The cute boy gives them his number. They get back to the Alyssa apartment in Manhattan. Alyssa: hey you know your gonna have to go back sometime. Rachel: I will tomorrow. But I'm not going alone. Alyssa: who's going with you. Rachel: you. Alyssa: ok. But if you don't call that cute boy I will. They start laughing. Rachel: ok. Alyssa: What's his name again. Rachel: Cameron. Alyssa: Dallas. Rachel: yea he's in that movie expelled. So sexy. Alyssa: I'm going to start packing for tomorrow. Rachel: ok goodnight. She gets in Alyssa bed and turns off the light.