Rachel wakes up at the island in a tent with Myles. She rocks Myles back and fourth. Rachel: get up bitch. Myles: Rachel. You know what they say the early bird gets the worm. Rachel gives him a look like this nigga. Myles: did you get the analogy. Rachel: yea I got it you fucking dick shit. Myles grabs Rachel to try and cuddle by tickling her. Rachel's giggling. Rachel: no. I'm not having sex with you we just woke up. Myles: ok. He turns over. Rachel: oh you'll wake up for sex but you won't wake up to get breakfast. Rachel says with a this kind of laughing kind of mad look in her face. Rachel leaves the tent. Grabs a bucket fills it up with water and poors it all on Myles while he's sleeping. Myles Wakes up quick. Myles: oh your dead. Rachel runs laughing and he after her laughing too. They run all the way down by the water. Myles grabs Rachel and spins her around. He still holding her. They kiss and her carries Rachel to the breakfast. Kalins by the barbecue cooking. Kalin: look it's sleep head and asshole. Myles hits Kalin on the back of his head. Everyone around the barbecue laughs. Rachel: what are we having? Kalin: fish. Rachel: oh. Rachel looks to Leilani. Leilani: it's good. Rachel: did Kalin it cook it. Kalin: I'm a great cook the fuck are you talking about. Rachel: you broke 11 smoke detectors and 5 of them weren't even yours. Kalin: ok the stove and I have had our differences, but doesn't mean I'm not a good cook. Myles: just face it man you can't cook. Leilani: yea your not that great. Rachel: 3 against one I win. Kalin: alright Fine you guys cook I quit. Kalin walks behind the rock Julianna and Alonso had sex on. Rachel: I got this one. Rachel runs behind Kalin. Kalin's behind the rock. Rachel's behind the rock too. Rachel: what the hell what that. Why did you run off like that. Kalin: yea like it's fun having people make fun of you. Rachel: those girls each one of them are my friends from middle school. I'm middle school I got talked about a lot. Each one of them calls me wired. I wasn't forever wired. I just became wired because I thought it would be a better personality. Then, my real one. They liked wired so I stayed wired. I was going on 7 th grade and my old personality was terrible. I changed it because not even my self liked it. what I'm trying to say is I was humiliated and laughed at a lot in my life. And if you don't like something about your self change it but don't change it because other people want you change it. If you wanna change your terrible cooking skills I would be happy to give you lessons is you want. Kalin: yea thanks. And my terrible cooking skills is not funny. Rachel: it kind of is. Kalin: it's not. They laugh and walk away from the rock and Kalin puts his arm over her shoulders. They get back to the barbecue. Myles is trying to handle the fish. He takes it off the barbecue. And puts it on the log. Rachel takes a piece of the fish and eats it. Rachel: Ummmm this is truly amazing. Kalin smiles. Leilani: I told you she says while flipping through a magazine. Leilani: Rachel Rachel come here. Rachel's goes over to Leilani. Leilani: look and points to the magazine. Rachel: Omg is that wolftyla. Leilani: yea. Rachel: that's my girl crush. Leilani: Mine too I know right she got that ass. Rachel: Factzz. Special K whispers to myles: it feels so wired hearing our girls talk about girls. Myles whispers back: yea but it's kind of turning me on. Special K whispers to Myles: do I hear a three sum coming on?Score! They give each other daps. Rachel and Leilani notice they are staring at them. Rachel and Leilani say at the same time: Hey!!!! Is their a problem. Can I have my face back? Special K and Myles look the other way at the same time. Julianna and Alonso where in the ocean the hole time. They finally get out. Julianna: Babe get out the water your gonna end looking like a raisin. Alonso: I can't. Juilanna: why? Alonso: the last fucking way knock off my bathing. Everyone starts laughing. Juilanna turns half of her body around. Juilanna: anyone got clothes. Myles: I got clothes hold on. Kalin: Myles is mad short right. The girls say: yea. Kalin: and Alonso is mad tall right. The girls say yea. Kalin: so if a short guy would put on a tall guys clothes the clothes would be to long. Juilanna: and if a tall guy puts on a short guys clothes. The clothes would be to short. Kalin: exacually. Leilani: so.../ Rachel: Alonso is gonna have on../ Kalin: yep high waters. They all start dying. Kalin: I think I got this one. He grabs so pants and throws it to Alonso. Surprising Alonso caught them.(Ps: Alonso can't play any sports. He sucks! that why is what surprising.) He puts on the clothes. They pack up the stuff and head back to Dublin (a place in San Fransisco.) They get there and go back to Kalins place. No one wants to go home so the girls come up with the idea to go dancing. The guys let the girls pick, so the guys don't have any idea where their going. The girls run up stairs to get dressed. Rachel has on a Tina bra crop top with Jeans and a belt and cowgirl boots with her hair down with curls. The other girls have either shorts and a mini skirt on except for Leilani she has on jeans too, with tank top or plaid she open a little with their tank top under and sleeps up. And sneakers or heels. The guys all have on jeans with a regular bouton down shirt. Kalin has a bow tie with jeans and Jordan's. Myles has on a tie with jeans and vans. The others either have a bow tie or tie. The girls and guys meet up in the kitchen. They look at each other. The girls keep quite about where they are going. Rachel drives everyone to the place. They walk inside. All the guys look around. Myles: we weren't expecting this. Rachel : what were you expecting. She grabs his hand by his finger tips and walks him to the dance floor. He grabs a spot on the floor. All the girls follow with their boyfriends. The music starts Rachel starts country line dancing. No body else knows how to country line dance except for Locora. Rachel shows them first and puts a lot of booty roll in it. Then she turns around and realizes everyone was staring at her ass. They all look up a second after she finished dancing. Rachel has a shocked look on her face. Leilani: Rachel you may not know this but you got a fat assssss. Rachel: the whole time were Yall staring at my ass. They all nod yes. She starts teaching again. Myles: you know what I fucking give up I can't do this shit. He grabs and beer and watches everyone else dance. They start country line dancing. Then this guy come up to Rachel and asks her dance. She thinks he's cute. He has his hands on her hips. She has her hands around his neck. Rachel feels the guys get lower to her ass and Myles sees him. She pushes away. Rachel: what the fuck are you doing? The guy: come on babe...the guy grabs her face and kisses her. She pushes him away again. Myles walks over to the guy. Myles: hey hands off my girl. The guy punches Myles. Myles is on the ground. Rachel slaps shit out the guy. Rachel bends down to make sure Myles is ok. The guy grabs Rachel's ass. Kalin walks over to the guy and punches the shot out of them. Kalin and the guy get into a fight. Kalin gets kicked out the club and gets arrested. Leilani takes Myles to the hospital. Rachel drives to go get Kalin from the prescient.