Rachel Hops in the car with Kalin and they drive to Harry's party. They get there and everyone is everywhere. Lanise is sitting. When Liam walks up to her. Liam: hey sexy. Lansie: hey dumbass. Liam: you wanna party. Lanise: I don't know. Do you wanna party. Liam: Yea. He grabs her hand and pulls her on the dance floor.{Kalin and myles keep up comes on.} Liam sings to her. She sings back to him. He loves her voice and thinks she's beautiful. Then some girl comes up to Kalin. The girl: Hi I'm Vicky. Kalin: says Kalin. They shake hands. Vicky: wanna dance. Kalin: sure. Then bouncing by lil c4
Comes on and they start double tapping. Rachel sees Kalin double tap the girl and goes over to the snack table by Harry. He's drinking. She holds out her cup for him to pour some. Rachel gives him the cup and switches to the bottle. Harry goes to find Zoria. Rachel starts eating and drinking her problems. She drinking and acting crazy. She's dancing and being crazy. She's drunk. Shadave walks up to Rachel. Shadave fights with Rachel to try and get the bottle out her hand. Shadave just lets her have it Cuz she can't fight anymore. Rachel makes her way to the dance floor. She's still acting crazy.{the song has changed by now.} Kalin is standing up. Kalin: Rachel what are doing. Rachel: none of your business. Kalin: stop give me the bottle. Rachel: snatches back no. Rachel falls down. Kalin: Rachel are you ok. Rachel wakes up and finds her self on Zoria's bed with Kalin looking over her. Kalin: you're awake. Rachel: yea I gotta get home. Kalin: no sit down. Your gonna stay here till morning. Rachel tries tries to sit up. Rachel: owwa I'm head hurts. Kalin: yea it will for a while. Rachel: oh I don't feel to well. She runs to bathroom. She over the toilet barfing. Kalin goes behind her and holds her hair while she throws up. Shadave checks on her to see if she's ok. She sees Kalin got her so she walks back out. Rachel barfs and sits on the floor next to the toliet. Kalin sits next to her. Rachel: I'm never over drinking again. Kalin: got that right. A girl is supposed to be doing this. Rachel: it's a best friend think. She says tapping his thigh. Kalin: why you do it. Rachel: the usual jealousy. I guess I just can't face the fact that you can be with other people. Kalin smiles. Kalin: me either. Rachel throws up again. Rachel: when I'm here take me home. Kalin: yea. A few seconds later. Kalin: you know reason why I do this is Cuz I like you. Rachel: I like you too. Rachel throws up again. Rachel: I would kiss you but I'm in the middle of something. Kalin: it's ok. We will kiss when the moment is right. Rachel: yea. Take me home. Kalin: yea lets go. He takes her purse and he takes her hand and they walk out the room. Zoria stops them. Zoria: going home. Rachel has her head on Kalin's arm. Kalin: yea she's not feeling well. Zoria: the drinking Hun. Ok. Well bye feel better love yah. They leave and he takes her home.