Rachel and Shadave are still hiding behind the counter. Rachel: Shadave who's here? Shadave: Jake. Rachel: Your ex boyfriend that your still in love with Jake. Shadave: Yes. but I love him and Kendrick too. Rachel: I know what you need closure. You need to go up to him and at least try to break things off with him. I'll stall Kendrick. You go. Shadave runs to Jake. Shadave: Hey. Jake: hey happy birthday. Shadave: Thxs can we talk. Jake: sure. Shadave: let's go down by the beach. Jake: ok. Shadave: they go down to the beach. Rachel is behind the bar mixing drinks, when she calls Myles. Rachel: Bae can cover for me I have go distract Kendrick. Long story tell you later when i go to your house. Myles: k babe. They kiss. Rachel walks to Kendrick. Rachel: Kendrick how do you like karaoke? Kendrick: it's cool. Rachel: good cuz your getting your ass up there next. Kendrick: fuck, nah b I don't sing I listen to other people sing. Rachel: to bad cuz your ass getting up next your already on the list. Kendrick: man. Jake and Shadave are still down at the beach. Shadave: isn't the water so pretty. Jake: yea, beautiful. When I was young my brothers, my sisters, and I would come down to the beach and just stare at the ocean. Sometimes it was so beautiful we would sleep on the beach watching the sunset and the waves flow. Our mom would have to come and get us in morning from there. They would just let us sleep out there because that's the only time that we all weren't fighting. One time we got into ur biggest fight ever. It was along story but now we don't even talk to each other. None of us communicate with each other what so ever.Shadave: I'm sorry to hear that. Jake: it's whatever. Shadave so what did you want to talk about. Shadave: this me and you. Jake: what is there to talk about were just friends. Shadave: Well we playing around and we still have feelings for each other. We don't know how to hide them. Jake: I can't lie to you or myself. I still am in love with you. Shadave: I'm still in love with you too, but I'm with Kendrick now and we're happy. Jake: so be happy with Kendrick. Shadave(says shouting): I can't be happy when all I can think about is you and our complicated problems. Jake(shouting back): our complicated problems your the one who has to figure your shit out I've had one option I don't have to make up my mind. I wanna be with you but you wanna be that nigga Kendrick so be with him. Shadave: I don't wanna be with Kendrick I wanna be with you I love you Jake. Kendrick was just supposed to be a distraction from thinking about you and your new girlfriend Sharlettez. Jake(shouting): you know one minute you wanna be with him and the next minute you wanna be with me. Your fucked up in the head. Shadave(shouting): I'm fucked up. At least I don't go for your brother or your cousin after we broke up. You wanna after my sister. Your a fucking bitch for calling me fucked up. You can go be with my sister like I give to shits but it's not gonna make a motherfucking difference. Your still gonna be in love with me. Jake moves angrily and quickly towards Shadave. He grabs her face and kisses her. Rachel: Kendrick no don't go outside there's nothing you wanna see out there. Kendrick moves Rachel out the way. He sees Jake and Shadave kissing. He storms back inside. Shadave sees him mad and runs behind him. Shadave: Kendrick wait. Kendrick! Kendrick! She says chasing after him. Kendrick turns around and starts yelling. Kendrick: fuck you. You got me fucked yo with my emotions and my mind. Don't ever fucking talk to me again. You betrayed me and for your ex. I don't ever wanna see you or talk to you again. He says with a tear dripping from his eye. Special K: he mad poons what kind of nigga cries in front of his girl like that. Leilani: Factzz that nigga is poons. Jake: Shadave just fuck it its you'd birthday and you gonna turn the fuck up tonight. Shadave: Yea I am that nigga ain't gonna do shit but cry to his momma. Bye Felicia. They crowd laughs. Shadave gets on the mic. Shadave: shout out to the other birthday in the house. I'm good friend Juju!!😘love you. Juju: I love you too. Alonso: I'm glad I came. I got to start over with your friends and get to feel your ass. It's been a nice day. Juju hits him. Juju: dumbass. Shadave hands the mic to Rachel sing Shadave: sing for me. Then she grabs Kalin's hand. She puts them on stage and hands Kalin a mic. Kalin: what to sing. Shadave: my shit. Haylie: Ride by somo. Kalin puts the mic up to his mouth. Rachel puts his mic down. Rachel: we're not singing that shit. Kalin: Keep up. Rachel: ok. They start to sing keep up they kill it. Then Shadave and Jake go up next. Jake was terrible but Shadave's voice covered it. Then Leilani's booty bounce song comes on. She didn't know how to dance to. So Special K got behind her, put his hands on her hips, and moves them the way there are supposed for the song. They he let go and let her do it on her own. She was in the middle of the dance floor. Then the ass clap came on and that's Rachel favorite part. So Rachel jumped in the middle of the dance floor and clapped her ass to the beat. The whole crowd was cheering her own especially Haylie and Myles. Jake had to close his eyes cuz Shadave didn't want him to see that. Then Rachel gets a call from her mom she picks it up the conversation goes:
Rachel: hello
Mom: yea
Rachel: you called
Mom: yea regions next week.
Rachel: what? Oh shit. Ok ill be hitting the books with the girls it sucks when your the only 18 year old left out of all your friends.
Mom: yea.