its her !! part 2

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The Notebook- Chapter 2

“You are, and always have been, my dream.” - The Notebook

Sophia’s POV

“I can take care of myself Ry.” I tell him for the tenth time, “You don’t have to worry for me, I’m fine.”

“Ok, Soph but if you need anything, please call me. I‘ll pick you up tomorrow at 1.”

“Ok. Love ya, bye.” I hang up and put the phone down. I open the drawers to make sure there is nothing left. I put some things in my suitcase and then head to the living room to get my bag. I pick it up the wrong way and everything spills out. “You would Sophia.” I chastise myself. I kneel, picking up my things when I see the notebook. I pick it up and plop down on the couch, forgetting everything else. I feel the cover and I look on the bottom right-hand side when my thumb grazes something. ZM. I eye the book and decide to open it.

July 10

So I did it, I auditioned for the X Factor and got in. I was very nervous but I did it, and it paid off. Now, all I have to do is perform well for the next stage. This is weird, writing in this book but it also feels therapeutic.

“So, this is some kind of journal?” I ask myself as I flip through some more pages and continue reading. “Wait? The X Factor?” I read a few more entries and but it doesn’t give me a clue on who this book belongs to. I close it and look at the initials again: ZM. “ZM? Who could that be?” I open the book where I left off and read some more; but all I see are quotes of famous people and some unknown. I turn the page and I gasp at the sight that is before me. “Oh my God… this is beautiful.” I look at drawing of two hummingbirds on a flower. “Wow…” is all I can come up with. I turn the page and see more drawings, some of people and some of nature. I come across one; it’s a drawing of a girl and a quote under it, “In order to know true love, you must know deep pain.” I recite. I don’t know why but this tugs on my heart. I look at the girl and I can tell that she meant a lot to him. I study her and the picture on the next page, also of her. “Never live life in fear of death.” is a caption for one of the drawings. “Who are you?” I’m snapped out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I put the notebook away and get up to answer the door, “Thank you.” I tell the deliver person as they hand me my food; I pay him and close the door. I sit back on the couch and my eyes wonder to the book every once in a while, completely intrigued in it. I take a few bites of food but I’m not really hungry so I put it aside and grab the book again. I open it but am interrupted by another knock on the door. I huff in frustration and walk to the door. “Ryan? What are you doing here?” I ask him surprised as he steps in.

“Well, it’s your last day so I thought I’d take you out for some clubbing.” he says with a coy smile.

“No. Thanks but you know I don’t like that. Plus, I’m not even ready and I packed all my things already.”

“Get ready, you have twenty minutes.” he looks at his watch and then shoos me to my room.

“Ry, I’m doing this only for you.” I yell as I go through my suitcase trying to find a good outfit.

“Are you ready Soph?” I hear him yell.

“Almost, just gotta put on my shoes.” I put my dirty clothes in a bag and put it in on the side of my suitcase. I walk to the living room, “Ready.”

“Ok, let’s go.” I take one last look at the notebook before leaving. He walks me to his car and we head out to the city.

“Where are we going?” I ask as I look out the window.

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