Ending issues, perrie leaving odd situations :(Chapter 54

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The Notebook- Chapter 54

Zayn’s POV

I look at the gun in her hand, “Then kill me, kill me Perrie.”

She looks at Sophia and points the gun at her, “No, I’m going to kill her, the reason that I did all this! She’s the one that took you from me!”

“Perrie don’t! Just stop this madness already, it’s too much, you’ve taken everything from her…why?” I feel Sophia stirring in my arms and I pray that she doesn’t wake, it will only infuriate Perrie more.

“She took you from me!” she yells as she takes a step closer, “I can’t let her have you.”


I see Sophia moving her head slightly and then her eyes open, “Baby.” I look at Perrie and see her face harden when she hears that.

Sophia looks at me and smiles, “Zayn.” she tries to move and that’s when I realize that her hands are bound together behind her. I untie it but she freezes when she sees Perrie.

“Glad you’re awake Sophie, I want to enjoy this.”

Sophia moves closer to me, “Perrie please, enough of this…I-”

“Shut up!” she looks at me and then her again, “I love him. Why did you have to take him away from me? All I’ve wanted was him.” tears fall down her face, “And I can’t have him, so he can’t have you.” she positions the gun again, “I’m done here.”

“Perrie please stop- you’re not going to get away…do you really want to become a murderer?” Sophia asks her.

“I already am!”


Sophia’s POV

“What?” I ask her, completely caught off guard.

Her eyes lose all life, “I was the one that sent you all those threatening anonymous letters, I was the one that…that ordered for your cousin to be killed…I was the one that planned the death of your baby.”

I shake my head in denial, trying to not let her confessions sink in, fighting every fiber in my body to keep them out. “No…” tears free fall rapidly down my face, “No.” I feel Zayn tighten his hold on me.

“Baby calm down please.”

I start fighting his hold on me, “You, you were the one that did all that!? Why?! Ryan, he…oh God!” I feel sick to my stomach, I feel the lump rising in my throat, burning everything in its way. “Fuck you! You killed my baby, you’re a disgusting person! All this for a guy that doesn’t want you and you guys broke up because you cheated on him! What is wrong with you!?”

“Shut up, shut the bloody fuck up! I did this because you got in the way!” she looks up, “You two…move there.”

I hear them move, “Perrie, let us go, this is useless…you’re never going to win.”

She laughs, taunting me, “I already have bitch.” she points the gun at me.

“Perrie please stop this!” Zayn screams to her. She ignores him and pulls the trigger and I close my eyes, expecting the bullet, welcoming it in a way. But nothing. Nothing. I open my eyes and see a million things happen at once. I see Louis take the gun from Perrie and Niall helping him restrain her. Then I look down and see the man that saved me fall to his knees. I get up and help him before he can hit the ground, “Oh God…are-” I stop when memories of Ryan flash through.

“I knew it was going to end like this.” he says as he holds his chest, “But I’m glad I did one…one good thing with my life.”

“No, you’re going to live sir…you have to.” I tell him through tears.

“No little one, you won’t think like that when you find out what I did to you.”

“Please don’t…you need to save your energy-”

“It’s too late. Please let me tell you this.” I nod my head and he continues. “I knew that Perrie wasn’t…she wasn’t pregnant and I helped her. I was the one that delivered those letters to you, I was the one that found and instructed the hit man to…kill your cousin.”

I close my eyes and tears fall down more and more. “Shh, let’s talk about this later please.”

“No…I was the one that- I preformed that- I was the one that killed your baby.”

“Oh God.” I say as my heart constricts in my chest.

“I’m so sorry, I know that that won’t bring anyone back and it won’t change the fact that I did them…but I needed to tell you this. I’m sorry for everything.” his breathing begins to falter and it becomes more labored. “You’re such a beautiful person…you deserve to be happy.” he looks up at me, meets my eyes, “I’m sorry.”

“I forgive you…but please, stay strong, you’ll make it.” I tell him.

He closes his eyes, “No…I won’t- but I thank the heavens above that I could at least save you, I have done so many horrible things in my life…saving you though, it’s-”

“Please…” I hear the ambulance, “look, they’re almost here, you’re going to make it.”

“Sophia…live a happy life, I know you’re going to be blessed with- I’m sorry-”

“No, I forgive you for everything.” I tell him again.

He looks at me, “I can go in peace…thank you, you have a pure heart Sophia.”

I close my eyes and begin sobbing, “Please…” his eyes close and I know he’s gone. Silent tears continue to fall and that’s when I hear Perrie’s screams.

“Jones! Jones please don’t leave me!” I look at her, struggling to break free from Louis’s hold. “Jones!” I see Louis loosen his grip and she runs to him, “Jones, please don’t- this wasn’t supposed to happen!” she grips his shirt and shakes him, “Don’t do this to me.”

I cry more because I feel like I’m seeing me when my cousin died, “Zayn…” immediately I feel his arms encase me. I lean into his embrace as I watch Perrie cry over the loss of someone she obviously cared for.

“Jones, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry.” she puts her head on his chest, “You were the only person I had in this world, you were like a father to me, please don’t leave me.”

Zayn slowly helps me up and I rest my head on his chest as he wraps his strong arms around my waist, “I love you.” he whispers in my ear.

“I love you too.” I hear doors open and I look behind us and see the police and paramedics there. They rush to Perrie and handcuff her, and she goes not putting a fight at all. She passes by me and looks at me intensely before turning and walking away.

“Ma’am, you must come with us.” one of the paramedics staff tells me. I look at the boys and give them a faint smile before following the person to the van, Zayn right by my side. They put me on a stretcher and take me inside. Zayn takes my hand and we ride to the hospital in silence.

there it is :) i hope to write another but my baseball game is about to start so i make no promises. xxxx

sorry for any and all mistakes.

Filed under Harry Styles Liam Payne Louis Tomlinson Louis Tomlinson ficNiall Horan Niall Horan imagine Zayn Malik Zayn Malik fic Zayn Malik imagine harry styles imagine one direction one direction fanfic one direction imagine the notebook The Notebook

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